Look! three dee!



can't link to the url because I got it by email so here it comes

Consumer-electronics giant Sharp next year plans to sell notebooks and flat-screen LCD monitors that can show three-dimensional images.
The monitors will let people see high-resolution 3D images or run 3D programs without using special glasses or additional software. For example, bodies and bullets appear to fly all over the place in a version of the popular game "Quake" that has been adjusted to work on Sharp's 3D monitors.

The technology also will be aimed at businesses, said Greg Nakagawa, senior vice president of Sharp Systems of America. General Motors has discussed experimenting with the technology in its modeling and design department. Medical imaging companies and e-commerce sites also are potential customers.

"I'm sure there will be a notebook product and an LCD monitor as well" toward the end of 2003, he said.

Bringing 3D viewing to the computing world has been a longtime goal. Although several companies have come out with Web browser software and other technology to make images appear to pop off the screen, the Web largely remains a two-dimensional world. To most people, 3D still means paper glasses with red and blue lenses or the hologram image of Princess Leia in "Star Wars."

"It is still in its infancy in many ways," said Rhoda Alexander, an analyst with iSuppli/Stanford Resources. "There is a definite interest in the gaming market. There are some medical applications that like 3D, but precision there is important."

The picture, though, will likely begin to change in 2003. A 3D consortium--which includes Toshiba, Sony, Olympus, Kodak and Microsoft among its founding members--was recently established to hammer out standards for hardware manufacturing and software development. Such a move is typically a prelude to greater commercial adoption. The first meeting of the group, known as the 3D Consortium, took place earlier this month.

Manufacturers are also working to smooth out potential resistance from developers or consumers. Turning traditional 2D "Quake" into a 3D program took only a day, Nakagawa said. Sharp also will let consumers turn off the 3D functionality.

etc etc.... it goes on about business and shit for a while

[Irregular mailing from the Mind's High]

Sounds pretty cool, real 3D quake sounds nice :)


Heheee... this opens up a lot of possibilities.


I'm always bleeting on about this, check this out, just add drivers and DAOC will be in 3D!!!

3d glasses


I do NOT want a screen that does that, unless the internet is first purged of all those stupid flash animations. :p


LOL, imagine all those flash animations that make you keel over and die from a heart attack... those but the head (usually) pops out of the screen!


Originally posted by SFXman
LOL, imagine all those flash animations that make you keel over and die from a heart attack... those but the head (usually) pops out of the screen!




Seriously, a person who has never experienced one of those flashes before would have post-traumatic stress for the rest of their life if it happened on one of these new "3d" monitors.

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