look for recruits, to make a RvR guild



As many have noticed, midgard and hibernia have begun to slow become more powerfull in number and in lvl's, with out effective oppostion, the glory of albion will be lost before we have got our acted toghter.

it is my hope to creat a new guild of those willing to defend albion no matter what, i am looking for new member to Join my new guild 'Deathwalk Clan', i do not wish to steal member off present guild or create tensions between people with-in albion, that is not my plan, my plan is to strength albion, lately there has been a break down in relation both on a player and guild interation, with bitter riveral spreading.

I wish the core members you wish to join me to be lvl 40+ so we can activily defend albion, but i will welcome lower lvls once the core member have been sorted out, and we have worked out what the main guild targets are.

if anyone is intrested in join then please either post here or contact either me in game(Hienrich or Trampy, most prolly trampy as i am trying to lvl him)

also more of a act of respect, arthwyr if u are reading this i do not wish to make enemys with you and your new guild, even though i am a member atm, and i have only just joined, i feel have more to give, and by creating a new guild, we both and the other main guild can help bring destuction and ruin to our enemys.


Yea i reckon thats quite a good idea Hienrich. I dont really know of any purely rvr guilds about, and it'd be interesting/nice to see one up and running :)


think my name would fit in Exiled guild ? lol:rolleyes:
sounds like a good idea a sole rvr guild wouldnt say no to joining but im happy where i am, sure a few people out there will though, if you ever need extra people for rvr give me a /send :clap: can get a few people together 38+wise (lvl not number)


There aren't any pure RvR guilds about because they don't work for some very obvious reasons Karam. If you can't figure em out yourself I'll be more then happy to point em out to you.

LvL 50 Paladin
Gm <Exiled>


There are some pure RvR guilds out there

Shadow Wolves are for one seeing as most of them are lvl 50
and I am sure Praetorians and RB are to some degree as most are lvl 50, just wanted to point that out, its not a new concept

But good luck and nice one


Praetorians isnt a pure rvr guild, i'd say its a pure lvling guild if anything. RB isnt pure rvr either, they do a bit of everything from what i can see.

and Arthwyr, why wouldnt it work? the most fun thing in the game is rvr, the entire point of the game is rvr, so surely an rvr guild would be quite succesful? :p


In general I'm not really happy with new guilds. They just keep on comming and will only make it harder to organize big raids...

I hope the alliance which is still there will stay alive so we can kick ass and still organize things...


i agree with you khalen . all these new so called uber guild of elitists is just gonna make it harder for raids . and it looks like these guilds that are forming are pushing themselves away from most others cos they think they to good for others .
also all these big guilds that seem to be falling apart and have players leaving left right and centre . is gonna make it easy for enemy to take us down .not much comunicating in alb atm . and imo its down to he majority of the lvl 50's who power lvl'd themselves there asap and now bored and play alts or qut completely :( ... stuff needs sorting you guys who claim rights to leading albs in battle need sort it out :)


Morning people, i thank you for you reed back, all the point raised here are valid and differently matter for disscusion, i also like to point out this was a Idea, after much investgating last night from the US forums ect...i also decoverd that in the early months of camelot a similarly crisis emerged..

Many of the stronger guild broked down and made serval smaller guild, which intrned ended up benifiting mid/hib as we lacked leadership/cordination to fight back.

but for the US servers one of the biggest guild happend to be buildt around the concept of a RvR guild, with small weekly hunt to restock on weopon/armour ect

i thank you for your time, and i hope i have not made enemys with anyone in albion, good luck all and i will see u on the battal field today with hien( as i dont think my lvl 12 infil will do much good lol )

P.S just to clafiy some things
1: this guild will not be formed for a very long time, the point of this post was to explore people idea and for the togive info on idea's and views of a RvR guild
2: if and when the guild is built, i will allow more member on of lower lvls, i am not a elitist or wish to sound like one, only once the core RvR members are sorted is when the guild will start recuriting more member to help fight
3: i do not wish to make enemys with anyone, i am happy in my new guild, and i plan to make a go of it, the post was mainly a outline/idea of a future guild once we both have the mumbers and the lvls to make it work, so arthwyr i aint going no where for a very long time :)


Obvious reasons

Well Karam since you asked :)

1) In order to be a strictly RvR guild all members should be level 46+ and even those want to get to level 50 someday almost limiting a RvR guild to the level 50's. Unguilded level 50's are in short supply atm.

2) RvR costs money: Taking keeps will often require rams. Defending keeps means upgrading and repairing keep doors, again quite expensive if you do it all the time. You might also need siege equipment and ammo again $$$.

3)Equipment your equipment is ALWAYS subject to improvement and even once you have a nice set of items to bash hibs/mids the material will degrade. So you need hunts for money/items/leveling

Khalen: Recently a new guild was formed <Exiled> Having one member being lvl 38 and all the others being at least lvl 42 and the majority being 46+ I consider it to be a high level guild. Our intention is to emerge oursleves in RvR without losing our grasp on PvE as we intend to organise trips wich combine item hunts with leveling. Probably we will set up a group for this 2 to 3 times a week. So at the end the guild will be mainly RvR with several hunts a week to keep our cash and items at a safe level. I dont see how this splitting up of guilds is a bad thing if the new one is an improvement as far as involvement in the defense of ALbion goes.

GM <Exiled>


Re: Obvious reasons

Originally posted by Arthwyr
Well Karam since you asked :)

1) In order to be a strictly RvR guild all members should be level 46+ and even those want to get to level 50 someday almost limiting a RvR guild to the level 50's. Unguilded level 50's are in short supply atm.

GM <Exiled>

If your in an RvR GUILD it doesnt mean you cant ever lvl. I'm sure the guild wouldnt expect you to be rvring 24/7 with it, and im sure it would be fine for you to lvl at any time you want. And why lvl 46+? lvl 40's are fine, anyone 40+ is perfect for rvr.

Sure it might be expensive for seige equipment etc, but didnt you see what Hienrich said before about that US rvr guild? they go on item hunts every week, and stock up for the next week of combat, that sounds fine to me :p


The point I was pointing at is that those guilds who were big in the beginning suddenly split up in like 3 smaller guilds. 3 smaller guilds with their own ideas and their own things they wanna do. 3 people more to invite to the chatroom and 3 guilds more to command in battle. Unity is power has once been said... So more people to give orders is more chaos. But we will see when we have raids again...

And a guild who does an occassional hunt for drops and XP is in my eyes not really a RvR only guild.. Guilds who have members who lvl aren't gimped guilds for RvR or something (because that is the way I think some of you are pointing at)


ok im lvl 44 i like RvR but not all the time i like the idea of a pure RvR guild but surely such a guild would have to be quite large and well disciplined i think we should sort out the guilds we have atm those ppl with a damn ego need to lose it this game isnt about personal glory if u want that go play anarchy im not pissin on your parade hienrich its a damn fine idea hope u can pull it off BUT lets get the realm sorted first 2 major guilds have practically been destroyed thus weaking our realm significantly as someone said communication is practically none existent and defence is hard hopefully itll get sorted but it needs sorting now otherwise hibs and mids will own us and it will be very hard to come back from that we are already gettin pasted in emain by hibs/mids keeps and relics will follow i assure you, we took advantage of the mids when there guard was down they will no doubt return the favour lets pull our act together for the glory of albion

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