Long Read: DAoC future outlook some infos inside:



VGN source thread: http://vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=58249949&replies=57

Report A:

I'm going to go ahead and post the first part of this missive on our visit to Mythic. There's some controversial stuff in here, but take it with a grain of salt. While I tried to be as faithful to what was said as possible, keep in mind that this is filtered through my own experiences, predjudices, and perspective on things. I know there will be flame wars over this, and I'm sure people who were there will disagree. But here it is, for what it's worth.


I've been meaning to write this since Friday night, but am only now getting the time. Here's my take on our visit to Mythic.

Friday afternoon, we had some confusion and difficulty getting everyone to Mythic, but in the end, we were successful. Both Sanya and Julie met us in the lobby and ushered us up to a second floor conference room, which Sanya told us actually cost Mythic money to rent for the afternoon. I was a bit shocked that they were willing to do that, but quite flattered by it. Apparently, and this was verified by our tour, they didn't have a conference room in their areas that was sufficiently large to hold all 30 of us, as it ended up being.

The plan was that Sanya would take us on tours in groups of four. In the meantime, the rest would have an opportunity to sit and talk to various developers about the game and to ask them any questions we had.

The Devs we had a chance to speak to were Julie, Matt Firor, Lance, who heads up the Art department, Mackey, and Spike, who heads up tradeskills mostly.

Julie started as a CSR and now is community relations, as most of you know. That means that she is the primary person who deals with various board forums, as well as the scheduling and coordination of events like ours. She did say that she specifically was responsible for the VN boards, and interfacing with them.

Matt Firor is, of course, the producer of the game. He is pretty much top dog on Camelot, as most of the Mythic people seem to refer to it. He gave us an overview of some of the things that are coming in ToA, and alluded that they are beginning work on the next retail expansion, after ToA. I missed much of this because it was time for our tour pretty early, so any input on this would be welcome.

Apparently during the time I was on my tour, Matt discussed plans, in the next expansion, to do a complete redesign of the character models. Facility will be made available for different body types (Portly Friars! and more customization of characters in the next retail expansion.

One thing I remember him specifically mentioning that there is a 95% chance that ToA will have Battle Groups in it. NO GAURANTEES. These are "groups of groups" that will *AT LEAST* be able to share a chat channel. Their primary purpose is for coordination of tactical combat between groups. They will have their own chat channel apart from CG. It was as yet not decided whether they might share experience or RP's.

ToA will, as most know already, be skinnable.

Before I forget, apparently Mythic has recently hired a new interface developer who has gone through a lot of the long-time wishlist items (he was credited with the bindable slot keys) and programming them into the interface. They have high hopes that he'll be able to add a great deal to the interface.
We brought to Matt Firor's attention the difficulty of selecting Necro pets for heals. Neither binded keys nor selecting names helps.

Cascia of Sanctesere called while we were talking with Matt Firor. She said they need to do more with Theurgists, and Deg repeated it to everyone. We all, including Matt, laughed very very hard at her request.

It is not under discussion to add more character slots. Matt says there is not much call for it. Whenever they increase character slots, people immediately fill them, which means they're gauranteed to double their space utilization. Characters are stored in a flat file (design decision for performance reasons).

The entire budget for the game was $4.2 million dollars, and Oracle wanted $995,000 of that for licensing fees.

Each server is comprised of a Linux cluster of 6 systems. The sixth was added for ToA. There is no particular correlation between one box and a particular purpose; the entire game is spread across all servers. They were originally Dual-P3's, but many of them have been upgraded to Dual-P4's. It doesn't take much to run these servers, apparently. I remember Matt mentioning that the hard cap on servers is 3500 simultaneously.

At least one server was, for about six months, running on a desktop box, a P4 1.6Ghz systems, Matt seemed to recall. They called the servers (around four of them), the "gimp servers". The mysterious messages you heard last year about them changing hardware on some of the servers was them removing them from desktops and putting them on servers finally.

The decision not to add classes to ToA was driven by ease of implementation and less balance ramifications. It seemed that balance was high on their priority list of things to get right.

Merlin is the most populated server in terms of players and average use. Merlin was the first upgraded from Dell P3's to Dell P4's. Guinevere is second. Each server uses RAID arrays. Matt was an Oracle DBA for years before he came to Mythic. The account database is MySQL, but the character database is a flat file.

I asked why they decided never to go back and change what was a primary/secondary/tertiary stat for certain classes (Friars, Paladins). Matt responded that they had tried to do that with bards but that 100% of the feedback they received was negative about the decision, so they've decided not to try that again.

Matt wants to do some new things with RvR, like canyons, rivers, underwater combat, and bridges. They're hoping to do that in Frontiers.

Lance, the art director, didn't get much of a chance to talk. Everyone was grilling Matt for most of his time. He did say that they plan to develop some other armor shapes so that the HUGE helms on paladins, for instance, would seem more appropriately sized because people's shoulders would be bigger while wearing plate. Pretty much all armor now is form-fitting, which restricts them somewhat.

It was then turned over to Mike Lescault (Mackey) and Spike Alexander (Spike). Spike was apparently network operations initially, but the network is so stable that it runs itself now, so he moved on to being a developer. Degalos went to high school with Spike, actually. Mackey apparently does some International relations work for Mythic as well as being the Balance Producer and running the TL program. Spike did some interface work for ToA, designed the Master Level Abilities, and has run tradeskills for the last couple years.


Mackey is pretty opinionated, that becomes very clear quickly. Keep in mind that he is not omnipotent, and his changes do need to be approved, presumably by either Copper or Matt Firor. In many cases below he was giving HIS OPINION on things, not the official "Mythic line", mostly because, of course, there is no official decision as yet.

Thence commenced a long discussion about tradeskill quests. Spike apparently had the idea of tradeskill quests shortly after release, but it took was a while before Copper assigned the quest team to develop it. There will be tradeskill quest for every 00 level. That is, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000. Most of the quests are in the 85-90% done as far as implementing the next quests. They've been very busy with ToA so far. So what we've seen so far is just the beginning of the quest progression. It's very possible that one of the tradeskill quest items will be a single-shot gauranteed masterpiece, nonrepeatable.

Mackey said that the 1.67 patch will be the "Oh my god, we broke this in ToA, here's the fix".

Mackey said he *REALLY* wanted a curveball balance question. Since we hit on buffbots and savages, I'm not sure what else he wanted, but he kept harping on that. Dude does not shrink from any question, I'll tell you that. I asked what his methodology was for balance. His primary source of information about balance is from player feedback and TL feedback. He's primarily concerned with what happens when the characters are played, especially in RvR. "I can take anyone in this room, and all of them will have diametrically opposed views. No matter what, no one agrees about anything ever." People within Mythic disagree on balance, much less in the community. There are 39 classes, and nearly 200 different templates. It's very very hard to keep all that straight. He tries to get a quick idea of what the player sees through the eyes of the character for each of those 200 templates. Mackey has the very difficult job of trying to see the whole picture. "It's very hard, it takes a lot of guesswork."

I followed up by asking what kind of statistical analysis they do to help with balance. Spike said that Georgia whipped up a very powerful program that will query the character database for all kinds of information. What's interesting has been that players, including TL's, have been far off on what they thought the overall game was. They seem especially interested in templates and how people spec so they can understand the particular needs, frustrations, and difficulties of classes and templates. They especially watch how specializatiosn change as a result of changes in the game. For instance, when they nerfed VP, they watched how many wizards had VP before the nerf and how many had it afterwards.

Mackey - "You can gather all the stats in the world, but in the end what matters is what happens in game, what happens to people playing? And there's never going to be any substitute for that?"

Mackey has over 1000 design changes he wants to make. They're lucky if they can squeeze in 5-6 per patch. Mackey compared it to Congress; whenever anyone wants to make a change, Mackey will come on with a "rider change" for "while you're at it making this [ToA] relevant change, can we change this at the same time?" He was very pleased with 1.65. He'll be happy in the future if he can get 1/4 of what he got into 1.65 into future patches.

Mythicites will play the game, including from the Mythic facility, like on their lunch breaks or after hours. Mythic employees will stop by Mackey's office and give their input on various things. Everyone has an opinion on balance, but Mackey is trying hard to take it from a big-picture perspective.

One of the Hibs asked about Savages. According to Mackey, Savages got off easy. Mackey wanted to nerf them much harder. "They need more nerfing."

(More will be forthcoming. I didn't even have a chance to write up about our tour.)

Also, I do have more pics, but those can wait until I finish my brain dump from Mythic.


Matt also stated they they currently are debating wiping clean the entire RA slate and redoing them for Frontiers. He admitted that it was poorly done, and they regret implementing it in the way that they did.


Report B:


Faeyr asked about the desire for 8v8 fights. Apparently the character of RvR on various servers changes from server to server. Some are highly zergy, others are far less so. "The goal of DAoC is to be an army on army game. That doesn't mean it's always 100 on 100. But we do want it to be multi-groups vs multi-groups. And there's going to be a lot of changes coming up with what we' doing with MLA's and Frontiers expansion that will address exactly that." They're trying to make it so that it's not just biggest zerg wins or most uber 8v8 group wins.

The chance to make any quality level of any crafted item has not changed since MP chance was changed from 1 in 100 to 1 in 50. So any change you have observed is not in the code. Apparently many different coders have reviewed this.

From there we moved on to Jewelcraft. The upshot was that they wanted to see the effect of spellcrafting on the game, then do jewelcraft. It turns out that with the current spellcrafting system, depending on your class and how many spec lines you need, you can pretty much max every stat, resist, and skilll relevant to your class with 99% crafted gear. With jewelcrafting, it would have been possible to do so with 97% crafter gear, then EVERYONE would have it, and they didn't want that.

At some point in the future, maybe the ToA bonuses could be put on it, they might do Jewelcraft, but right now, it's not likely to happen. They're holding it in reserve until the time when it's right to address things.

I asked about Mackey's top few things to address in terms of balance. He responded that it changes very quickly, even from week to week, based greatly on feedback from players. It can change based on morale and tactics that the players use. The tiniest changes can make HUGE differences in what they see in terms of how the game goes, so they want to see how things shake out with 1.65 before making more huge changes.

But right now, in Mackey's opinion, Determination needs to be nerfed, and he can't nerf it enough. He's not sure how yet. A lot of the things they're doing with MLA's is to put up some speed bumps to keep fights from going quite so fast, amid concerns about the fact that many players can go from 2000 range to in a caster's face incredibly quickly.

Every single class has at least 8-10 changes that really need to be made.

Mackey said he tried not to take more TL's from Guin, Palomides, and Percival because they already had so many. So I'm assuming that's why I didn't get the paladin TL position.

One of the questions that Mackey asked some of the prospective team leads was, "If you come in and say these are your top issues, and in ten months you haven't gotten any of them, are you going to be frustrated?" If the answer was yes, that person is not the right person for the job. They require patience.

Thrown specced warriors are *NEVER* played. Matt Firor has a thrown-spec warrior that he's levelling up and depending on people not expecting it to help him surprise people.

Mythic is aware of the MP crafted thrown weapon stacked all becoming MP's. But it's not a high priority issue in the grand scheme of things. When groups of 8 thrown spec warriors start pwning people, they'll start worrying about that issue.

Master Abilities lines will be assigned to classes individually. So each class will have two available paths of MLA's. Each group of classes is likely to have similar, but not neccesarily EXACTLY the same selection. So for instance, among assasins, Shadowblades, Nightshades, and Infiltrators will not neccesarily be given precisely the same selection. There is a line called "Spymaster" to whcih they will have access, though. The actual list of MLA's is still not finalized at this point.

Mackey has a L50 in all three realms.

The "Style Review" and "RA review" are things that Mackey wants to do, but aren't neccesarily on the overall Mythic radar. They're really ongoing processes. Mackey wants to try to do the RA review in 1.68, but there's no promises, it might wait end up with Frontiers. Spike said it was painfully obvious which RA's are broken, because no one has them (Skald, Friar). They're exactly aware of which ones are broken.

One of the things they're thinking about is taking the class-specific RA and making five levels of it. Examples included Group Purge and Bunker of Faith.

Wolvan asked if they balance realm vs realm or individual vs individual or 8 vs 8, because he and his wife play shadowblades. Mackey responded that stealthers are a NIGHTMARE to balance. Any small change in one area can be the difference between one class winning 50% of their fights and 99.9% of their fights. He said most stealthers tend to be very skilled players.

Mackey was not here when the LA correction came through. He said he believes that the Left Axe correction was a lot of the reason he was hired. Rob, Matt, and Mark were shocked that the bugged LA had been in for so long. No one at Mythic was high enough up the food chain who was watching this stuff to bring it to the producer's attention to get it fixed. They needed someone there who was suffiicently senior that could not be ignored when they bring the issue up. Wolvan said they tend to be very heavy handed with changes, and Mackey agreed, saying that they're trying to improve by being very surgical with their changes. They don't want to make broad sweeping changes, but small ones that address the root of the problem. He gave the example of the changes to Savages, how they could have taken away Advanced Evade, which would have been a popular move (among nonSavages), but that he felt that the changes that were made were more targetted to the specific problem at hand. Maybe it won't be enough, but they want to see first. Obviously the Left Axe change was targetted to Berzerkers. They know that the LA changes made a much bigger change to SB's than to Zerkers. Mackey doesnt' want to make broad (increase damage by x%) type solutions, but targetted solutions that address the heart of the matter. There are three people primarily involved in balance, Mackey and two of the server programmers. Basically any changes have to be initiated and handled by one of those three. You can't have more than that involved in the process. They keep it to those three because they become experts in how balance is done, and have the opportunity to review all the data, as opposed to being distracted by others. Obviously they talk to, get input from, and approval from others around, but they're the main balance people. Short answer about Stealthers: It's on the list.

Mackey made a joke about how the list-caster format of spells really helps his buffbots.

They are working on a virtual quiver, BTW. Not really an additional slot on the character record, but they can get the functionality, they think. This is something they think the new interface guy will work on. Likewise they want to improve instrument switching.
I then asked about buffbots.

The response was Mackey wants to reward people who are specced Aug/Enhance/Nurture, and reward groups for having a real player in the group instead of back at the PK. That's about all Mackey said on that subject.

Sanya again reiterated that much of this is just Mackey's opinion.

Wolvan asked about more classes, to which Sanya replied "You have 37 or 35 or 39 or whatever, and they're so wonderfully balanced now that you want MORE???". It reminded me that Matt Firor had said earlier that they would be doing more classes at some point, probably, but didn't say when or how or anything. Mackey's comment was that new classes are a nightmare to balance but that it would be unreasonable to believe that they'll never make any more classes.

I asked about the survivability of ranged DD casters, and if it was on Mackey's radar to look at that. He replied that they do very badly in 8v8 situations, where they're too squishy, but that according to the data they're getting, they do get a lot of kills in big RvR fights.

Mackey did say they've learned a great deal about the game since release. For instance, if they had to do it all again, not all hib casters would have baseline stun.

On necros, Mackey said that they're not planning to nerf them anytime soon becuase "There are so many damn bugs with that class" that they don't know what it functions like when not bugged. He wants to focus in the next couple patches on fixing bugs in classes.

The impression I got from our time with the Mythic devs was that they're very hard working people with a TON of stuff on their plate. The game is astouningly complicated, and they have huge lists of things to do that they're trying to work through. They're good, intelligent, hardworking people with no discernable bias toward or away from any realm or class that I could detect. But they're also just as prone to groupthink, beuracratic problems, internal communication issues, arguments, dissent, and problems as any other company. But they also seem to be VERY interested in their work and doing it well. So take that for what it's worth.

Our next installment will be on my tour of the Mythic offices, some chats with Sanya after most of the others left, and the story of how Mark Jacobs waylaid us in the elevator on the way out and talked our ear off for 45minutes. Not that we complained.

Report C

Lastly, a few other factoids I remember:

I toured with Degalos, Martinus, and Mrs. Martinus. Most of Mythic is on the 8th floor of the building, including developers, management, and the in-game CSR's. It was a nice office, but not opulent by any means. The largest conference rooms I saw were for about 12 people or so, so we really would not have fit. The artists apparently far prefer their cubes dark to be able to see their monitors well. Mythic is clearly a Dell shop (/cheer), and provides good 21" monitors to their artists. I was able to take some pictures of various Mythicites and their offices while on the tour. They will be posted shortly. It was clear that the atmosphere was casual. Some offices, like...I think Matt Firor's...would have been in place in even the stuffiest corporate offices. Others, like Torsky's, were a madhouse of vile, disgusting toys. Sanya said the dress code was "Please get dressed, and take a shower. If you don't have one, there's a shower on the second floor you can use." Apparently she dressed up for us, as did Georgia. We saw that ACTUAL "CSR pit", where the in-game CSR's work, so we saw actual real people who answer your appeals. Didn't get a great look, and I didn't get a picture because I was too slow. Mackey's cube is big. The people with offices with windows are those who were there before launch. I believe Mythic moved here sometime after they got successful. So those who have joined since then have cubes. Seniority for offices is based on tenure, not hierarchy. Lum The Mad, Scott Jennings, has apparentely recently been moved from Herald work to server programming, and Georiga is going that way as well, but still works on the Herald as well. Scott has a new BIG internal office. The programmers were friendly and waved, but didn't engage us in conversation, which was fine. On the seventh floor was Mythic's testing people, mostly. They were extremely busy with ToA testing, so we just waved at them and moved by quickly.

One story I have to tell about our tour...

Both Mythic floors have big "MYTHIC" signs that look like they came right off the web site.

After the devs left, we did our loot lotto. Sanya had giveaways of two ToA beta discs which were leftovers from people who won bettas but they couldn't get their disc to them. "Return to Sender", they came back. They may or may not work. Also in the loot box were T-shirts, hats, keychains, and the DAoC soundtrack! Ooooh! She BEGGED us to take the sunglasses holders they'd ordered for E3 one year, and I think we cleaned her out.

She then gave away a bunch of the extra posters like the ones she had on the wall in her office, the cool ones from Korea.

As people began to file out, it became clear that Sanya *LOVES* talking to people. I knew this from last time, but she really does love interacting with the players and hearing what they have to say. We talked about a lot of different things, most of which I've forgotten. She did touch briefly on the matter of who gets permabanned. She said that they have permabanned (defined by, if they see their IP, their credit card info, or their CD-key, EVER, the account will be banned) only 3 people, ever for cheating. It became far more trouble than it was worth to police them. I get the impression that they feel that banning particular characters is a significant disincentive to cheating, because it basically means losing a 50. But that's my interpretation.

We talked some more about Mackey, but nothing definitive. I'll tell you what I told Sanya; that what she said included a conspicuous lack of a denial. It's not her place to talk about who other people were before they worked for Mythic, though, so really, her commenting either way is inappropriate. She then went on to talk a good deal about her own past as Tweety, and how many people had a VERY negative reaction to her being hired by Mythic, but that it has worked out well.

Sanya was partly hanging around to sign a couple of items, but needed a sharpie from upstairs. So we went up so she could get one, and she signed...I think it was Beldock's shirt, as well as Deg's poster. We stood around and chatted a bit more, then we left the suite to the elevators. Joining us in the elevator to go downstairs were none other than a CSR whose name I did not get, and Mark Jacobs. Sanya had to go back and post the grab bag. It was 7pm by now, so I didn't expect to get a chance to talk to Mark, but a joke was made that he had plenty of time to work on nerfing zerkers. I was kidding about it, of course, but he replied "Sorry, I'm working on this", pointing to the stack of 250 printed pages he had in his hand. By this time we were downstairs, and he removed the two magazines he had on top of the stack, (Scientific America and one I didn't recognize), revealing the document's cover page.

"Imperator Design document v0.1, 10/16/2003".

He was taking it home to work on this weekend. I was shocked when he lifted the first page to reveal the table of contents, and then he handed it to me to peruse, while everyone else crowded around. So we were treated to a look at the two pages of the table of contents of the Imperator design document before Mark gently took it back. I was pretty shocked. We were asked not to talk about what we saw.

We then asked Mark a couple brief questions about things in general, and got him started talking. Lemme tell you, Mark Jacobs can TALK. We didn't mind at all, but what we expected to be a 5-minute quick conversation about a few things before we headed out to meet up with the others turned into a 45 minute conversation. Mark loves to share things about Mythic, and we were happy to soak it up. He talked about Imperator a bit, the Kamelot TV show (which, if it is ever made, despite his being credited with, he had nearly nothing to do with the actual content of. The idea actually PREDATED the creation of DAoC, so it's not really "DAoC TV"), as well as some discussion of the Sox/Yankees series. He's a big usly.

Well, I've written enough about Friday. That's how I remember it, so feel free to discuss!

Interesting information...


Good stuff, Mackey sounds like a loose cannon and he says the stuff Mythic don't want to hear. Not a bad thing at all.


Wolvan asked if they balance realm vs realm or individual vs individual or 8 vs 8, because he and his wife play shadowblades. Mackey responded that stealthers are a NIGHTMARE to balance. Any small change in one area can be the difference between one class winning 50% of their fights and 99.9% of their fights. He said most stealthers tend to be very skilled players.

small changes ? huh ?

guess 'cause small changes could unbalance something they use a sledgehammer instead. :rolleyes:


Just read the bits in bold, will read it all later.

From what I can tell, there are some very interesting things afoot.

Might be worth renewing my sub :D


Originally posted by old.tRoG
Just read the bits in bold, will read it all later.

From what I can tell, there are some very interesting things afoot.

Might be worth renewing my sub :D

Most of the intersting stuff is a year or so away for us EU players sadly :( I would hold off on paying again until ToA or unless you really like the sound of player housing :yawn:


omg a gurl playz daoc? omfg lies!

c6 imo !11!2


ps, interesting read, 39 classes oO bloomin heck, no wonder there's little balance with all them to put up with


"Mackey was not here when the LA correction came through. He said he believes that the Left Axe correction was a lot of the reason he was hired. Rob, Matt, and Mark were shocked that the bugged LA had been in for so long."

It's official.


Originally posted by Spinky
omg a gurl playz daoc? omfg lies!
c6 imo !11!2

Ehmn ................... I am a girl too. I playd daoc for like.... 8 monts. But playing CS now .. daoc became too much for me. guess i played too much :/

But i am not the only girl. I know a lot of other girls ingame. Dont dudge... Girls play all kind of computer games just aswell as boys do. U just dont know it cuz we hide :D

Maybe ur best friend ingame is a girl, that just dont wanna tell cuz of discrimination. But i am not scared to tell ... :p


mmm rlly good will and purpose... but... too much to read


Originally posted by nadiri

Maybe ur best friend ingame is a girl, that just dont wanna tell cuz of discrimination. But i am not scared to tell ... :p

Would be crazy not to ;) if you can convince someone you're a chick in RL (whether you are or not, though actually being female irl makes it easier of course ;)) then you tend to get treated far nicer by all the blokes in the game at least :)

Of course you get lots of stalkers then as well so it has its downsides.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
Would be crazy not to ;) if you can convince someone you're a chick in RL (whether you are or not, though actually being female irl makes it easier of course ;)) then you tend to get treated far nicer by all the blokes in the game at least :)

Of course you get lots of stalkers then as well so it has its downsides.

tbh i think and firmly convinced that... only who have Female details in the account info (so been female irl)should be allowed to make F char!!!


Originally posted by Silenzio
tbh i think and firmly convinced that... only who have Female details in the account info (so been female irl)should be allowed to make F char!!!

*coughs* my girlfriend makes male characters becuase I make female ones :p something Freudian in that.


Originally posted by Silenzio
tbh i think and firmly convinced that... only who have Female details in the account info (so been female irl)should be allowed to make F char!!!

why? so you can perv over their avatars without getting freaked out when you find they're a 40 year old balding ex-biker? :)

How about we say only people with mullets can play highlanders, and you can only choose the hair colour that you personally have.


Pffft, my highlander is the exact copy of myself.

Even has the same name!!1

'Tis possible.

But then, you'd have to only allow people with dwarfism to play luris.

old.Trine Aquavit

Originally posted by Silenzio
tbh i think and firmly convinced that... only who have Female details in the account info (so been female irl)should be allowed to make F char!!!
And only Trolls should be able to make Trolls, right?


Originally posted by Spinky

ps, interesting read, 39 classes oO bloomin heck, no wonder there's little balance with all them to put up with

That's why they make at least half the classes uncompetitive in endgame RvR so that they can cut down on their workload ;P

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