Long long joke. (probably old..i dun care! :p )



There was this kid who passed a hobo on the street, the hobo snatched his arm and gave him a piece of paper that had some writing on it. The kid quickly ran away from the hobo with the paper in hand, wondering what on eath was that about.

He opened the piece of paper but couldnt understand what it said. Later at school the kid walked up to the teacher and asked what the paper said. The teacher read the paper and quickly took a pointer from the blackboard and hit the kid several times.

Well...the kid gets home, sniffling lightly on the driveway where his father fixes the family car. The father asks the kid what was wrong and he answers that the teacher had hit him with the pointer for showing the paper. The father was a bit amazed and asked to see the paper, and so the kid gave him the paper.

The father read it and quickly took his monkey wrench, beating the boy several times with it. The boy ran to his mother , crying wildly. The mother almost paniced and asked what had happened to his lovely boy.

The kid again showed his mother the paper and said daddy had beaten him because of it. The mother read the paper and instantly her eyes widened, her hand snatching a bowl from the table and with it she beats the boy many times.

Well... the kid grows up, dramatised by those incidents, the paper haunting him all along his years. Finally the boy, now a man, joins the navy and on the ship, out in the roaring seas, his curiosity wakes up again.

The "boy" walks up to a fellow sailor and holds the paper up to him and asks once again for a long time, what the paper said. The sailor looked at the paper and with a gasp from between his lips he draws his pistol and shoots the "boy" on the knee.

Well this causes an incident ofcourse, the captain of the ship called on the scene. The captain asks what this all was about and why the sailor had shot the "boy". The boy shows the captain the piece of paper, his eyes quickly growing wide and he orders the boy to be thrown into the sea!

But before the captains orders could be done, the second in command steps up to him and says that they couldnt just kill a man like that, they were the navy afterall. Well... the captain angrily agreed to give the "boy" a raft so he could find a remote island or something, but he wanted the boy out of his sight.

As they were lowering the boy to the raft the boy asked the captain if please, -please- could he tell what the paper said.

The captain, even in his angered state, agreed again and wrote another piece of paper and folded it, giving it to the boy saying that the boy couldn't read the paper until the ship had gone behind the horizon, and that was an order. The boy agreed to this and soon he was floating in the sea, waiting for the ship to disappear behind the horizon like the captain ordered him to do.

As the ship finally disappeared the boy sighed in relief unfolded the paper and held it high so he could see better in clear sunlight what it said. After years of torment finally ...FINALLY he could see why he was beaten up so much for a piece of paper...

...and then a seagul snatched the paper and flew away. The end.


it's like the inside of that briefcase in pulp fiction which glowed gold-like...



grrrrrr, i saw the seagul bit b4 i read to teh end :( ah well still good.

No on will EVER know....

we should kidnap old Quentin and make him tell us what glowy shit is


Originally posted by old.Xarr
it's like the inside of that briefcase in pulp fiction which glowed gold-like...


Not 100% sure of this, but one of the more popular theories as to what the breifcase contains is that is is marcellus wallace's soul that he sold in a deal to the devil in return for something, dont know what, his soul got extracted through the back of his neck at the top of the spine. If you watch the film you will notice that wallace has a plaster in that area. Also this would explain the gold glow and the look of awe on vincent vega's face when he opens said briefcase.

But alas since mr. tarantino keeps remarkably schtum on this subject it is impossible to know for sure.

On the subject of tarantino, in his new film, 'Kill Bill', Uma Thurman's character wheres a 2 piece, yellow jumpsuit with a black stripe down the sides. This is in honour of the late and very, very great Mr. Bruce Lee who wore a similar suit in 'Game of Death' the film in which he tragically and some say mysteriously passed away. And as a little side note, Jonathan Ross (the funny man with the speech impediment) wore a jumpsuit very similar to Bruce's (albeit several sizes larger) to the british premier of Kill Bill.


Why couldnt he read it himself instead of keeping it and showing it to others?

Stupid joke imho.


imo he should have typed it up on bw and someone would have told him what it ment.

How stupid is the kid anyway showing the paper to people knowing fine well they would probably kick the crap out of him:eek7:


Only few people know the text that was written on the paper because many of the guys who knows the joke don't want to tell it forward. Here it comes:

Dear reader
I would gladly pay you 20 dollars for a fu**.


Originally posted by old.Xarr
it's like the inside of that briefcase in pulp fiction which glowed gold-like...


It was a really cool new lamp that Marcellus Wallace(sp?) was going to put outside his house.


oh please, qunetin tarantino did not have a story about what was in the briefcase. what is in the briefcase is whatever u want it to be. why waste his own time thinking up a story behind it and never telling the viewer....


Originally posted by Serbitar
Not 100% sure of this, but one of the more popular theories as to what the breifcase contains is that is is marcellus wallace's soul that he sold in a deal to the devil in return for something, dont know what, his soul got extracted through the back of his neck at the top of the spine. If you watch the film you will notice that wallace has a plaster in that area. Also this would explain the gold glow and the look of awe on vincent vega's face when he opens said briefcase.

But alas since mr. tarantino keeps remarkably schtum on this subject it is impossible to know for sure.

The plaster on the back of Ving Rhames' neck is to cover a scar that the makeup crew thought would be unsightly, they confirmed this themselves.

There's rumour that It's a gold Elvis costume he wore in Vegas.

But alas, Tarantino said himself (somewhere, probably the same friend of the guy whose brother said he overheard someone in the pub talking about the time he met Quentin and asked him about the scar/soul thing) that the suitcase is simply a McGuffin, nothing more, nothing less.


Originally posted by scootay
oh please, qunetin tarantino did not have a story about what was in the briefcase.

Prove it ^^


Taken from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110912/trivia

- Could it be Elvis' gold suit, seen worn by Val Kilmer (as Elvis) in True Romance (1993)?

- The most persistent theory (most usually attributed to a friend of a friend who saw it posted on a message board by someone whose brother had read a report of a radio interview with Tarantino himself) is that it is Marcellus Wallace's soul. It is an ancient belief that when the Devil takes a person's soul, it is removed through the back of the head. When we see the back of Marcellus' head he has a Band-Aid covering the precise spot indicated by tradition for soul removal. Perhaps Marcellus sold his soul to the devil which would also explain why the combination to open the briefcase is 666.

- Or could it be simply a 20-watt light bulb?

Of course - Google is your friend...


Originally posted by the_hermit
Taken from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110912/trivia

- Could it be Elvis' gold suit, seen worn by Val Kilmer (as Elvis) in True Romance (1993)?

- The most persistent theory (most usually attributed to a friend of a friend who saw it posted on a message board by someone whose brother had read a report of a radio interview with Tarantino himself) is that it is Marcellus Wallace's soul. It is an ancient belief that when the Devil takes a person's soul, it is removed through the back of the head. When we see the back of Marcellus' head he has a Band-Aid covering the precise spot indicated by tradition for soul removal. Perhaps Marcellus sold his soul to the devil which would also explain why the combination to open the briefcase is 666.

- Or could it be simply a 20-watt light bulb?

Of course - Google is your friend...



i don't think the glow thingy in the briefcase is a mcguffin, that's just too dull ;)

it's cool when movies have all these small details that can be interpreted by us, the watchers. like for example all the countless small things in the matrix movie that the wachowski brothers put in there.

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