2. Paladin - Pally cods are the chruchse an the best of the worhsip he comes in to the yeyes and come to the church to get all of it out in the open LETS PRAY omg let us pray for the love of god and he will the binchy of the red skol in the fron on the sidewalk ?
6. Wizard - Population codes and calling of the merlin type tyhirng that was on the snakes of panaker in the mopuntains and the tide of the spells is sufficient to suggest that melvil was him,dewlf in timew to be a wizard lol i dont think so but the class boards tell me nythic is the wizrad snakes of panaker ?
Date Posted: 5/29 2:12am Subject: MYTHIC SAY NO STEALTHERS ON PVP
Wort ri wrong with the fact thjat in the start of SB liofe then they kill the goose into to make the samew one up orf the ledge and ah ah aits not as gords as oit says it wore ?
LOL If me had yueah in the furture a lil taste of kindles hte lfame sa NORSE or a same iwth teh browm and Sanya where is she now ?
Gone are times in regress its now insention of burlington bert and thje SB he made whence the spider oonb the ritual came as a norse omg omg no i think not my chutnersa and Snakes of Panaker are all in!
Snakes of Panaker will be trmapled no no notice goosers in hte gree n andf the magic of casters be all in the realm of twaist incrabet aelf elf elf. Aha so no
I ask in the same as what ye all askl will tyall stop the same smoking in the time STEALTHERS talke tay get urp onm targs then I think the same on the toads and Snakes of Panaker. Gone are many times that I know foir a fatc the the blesed high alt and I get main times are for the worst of the plonking it donw intio the sea time for there roister and a cheelk caper opf sanya.
Just pointing out the gerf and the nerfs odf sanya and the bropwn times she had on the beard and the plats and oh oh SPEC , no RESPEC LOL LOL anly once and then it is messed in the time of walking to Panaker. Snakes arise and dart around just like ye olde frog on the march and jees kf your cnoty wquick then the wax time is in here for ya .
So dont make em if you want i CANT MAKES in the level if the same way but oi guess that yopw coild be the grey of the pink sun and leave a time perforate artery artemis lol on the donwside in the mall i believge.
Date Posted: 5/28 6:01am Subject: PVP SERVER RELEASE DATE - YES!
Wart should i bee playing in the line from fire form running into the snakes of panaker and leaviung all yall classess ot the same thing in the dtrscy of unity, ye have worn of followonig chocyes :-
1. Armsman dawgs - the in betweent the cloud of the canker and also into the canalkner of the magnesoium he gets it out the box and pipeling into the judas of the times. you all crossbow and pussy cat on the polearms but are ye any good ya dawgs ?
2. Paladin - Pally cods are the chruchse an the best of the worhsip he comes in to the yeyes and come to the church to get all of it out in the open LETS PRAY omg let us pray for the love of god and he will the binchy of the red skol in the fron on the sidewalk ?
3. Scouts - Scouts dat trot are the stealth ands no nulke bu when ya get yalll in ot the sofa ya could be sitting there in the snakes of panaker to the arrows on the leg in site AARGH whay he crit me for so much BT BT BT LOL cheese and then jees it is in the ruby tiding sif the scrolls ?
4. Theurgists - The robes on the table are all of the time but them they get used a bit and thet old one comes off only to be trodden in ground well it movesa on the best way and it grieves on the best slayt on the treee, and then OMG NO NO NO TANK NOOO the astunna lol and if they wwent down how would we make the trees in time ?
5. Infiltrators - Look up the tanel of perodic spam and yall shall see the substitute in the micro sounding INF. OMG lets us spwanm on to the crit crit crit how gay and yall ned to get so close that margueirta would pop and ya wouldnt even hear snakes of panaker LOL ?
6. Wizard - Population codes and calling of the merlin type tyhirng that was on the snakes of panaker in the mopuntains and the tide of the spells is sufficient to suggest that melvil was him,dewlf in timew to be a wizard lol i dont think so but the class boards tell me nythic is the wizrad snakes of panaker ?
Even if the snakes of panaker were taken aI think that the class sit down class and the bonus and aytall got it in one would bea a helkp to me so kud i have some input man i need some in put ALbion whoa....
Break the calls and never see the time when we were waoitiong oand sall the spawn and the rock was there thanx http://vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=30387280&replies=77
Date Posted: 5/30 8:53am Subject: SNAKES OF PANAKER MORDRED GUILD
After all the husting is downt eh bunting is over the chaos of a gieneral elected leader must bgranmt on tot the who is the smith of the tab ab lets form guuidl to called the blue rofl the origignal :-
Snakes of Panaker
To be looked on the come for our luke and the fact that in tyhe start meg was what it si all about Mordred beans the blanket tide of the imposter who look like the severed tell you why the hyrda on the guild.
If SOP were formed on te bontury reding in hte Mordered PVP and RVR would you join the ubertest of the big side now ?
Gone are the times when miek furber wanted to leads the whowhop when it went there in sthe second tide and look ist OUT its formed omg on the sanctity with Snakes of Panaker of the slime in the oplace that is RVR gone on the PVP pinoini of the dewfeicit in the diff classes as casters asses LOL!
Mind if the so have u by the lokoj in the ends folled over the guild fence and ARR! NO WAY in the seams underneath the flogg ed down inoty the Snakes of Panaker sockest nearly stopped the guild all to get uber wallace formed munching trenchjes.
I will leader the shnagri la NO PUPPY not in the trunk of rhinoc oloas oh BANG BANG !
Perhapsests the hoste most leader with chapped on hte dporf mosteing SOP guild mordred bales ?
This guy has been touched by GOD.. he must be divine! No-one else could screw up a language THIS much and I know, I tried to speak french
That, or he's a 6 year old looking up words in the dictionary and imagining his own grammar..
OR he's just too damn hammered/high to type anything remotely recognizable.
OR he took fall damage one too many times!
Anyway the remarks from the other folks trying to translate it cracked me up!
I want to be in the Snakes of Panaker and go to the frogside!
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