
Taken from the Legend of Mir website (www.legendofmir.net)

Joint Statement

Monday 12 May 2003 - Game Network / Digital Bros and Wemade / Actoz are pleased to release a joint statement regarding the future of the "Legend of Mir: The Three Heroes" in Europe or referred as "Legend of Mir2" in Korea.
"We wish to inform the Community that a new contract has been signed by the relevant parties, which will allow the European service to continue whilst this new 12 month contract is upheld by all concerned.
We have reached a conclusion that any legal measure to arbitrate the previous dispute would virtually destroy the game itself and most of all, the Game Community. It does not matter who wins from the court battle but clearly in the end it will be the Community that is going to be hurt most by the whole process. Therefore both sides agreed to sign a new licensing contract. Wemade/Actoz and Digital Bros./Game Network express their deepest apologies to the users who are either currently playing the Euro service or had previously played but left the game due to the conflict between the two sides.
We are well aware of the anger, frustration and animosity that the you have felt against us and how hard it has been for you.

We also would like to take the opportunity to thank the Game Community for their continued patience during this process. We realize it has not been easy for You, however, the negotiations have been conducted in good faith and complete confidentiality by all parties concerned. This has led to a degree of frustration over the lack of "public" communication. However rest assured the interests of the Community were of paramount importance to both sides and neither party wished to jeopardize the negotiations."

With the signing of the new contract Actoz/Wemade and Game Network are going to provide server and client updates in order to give you the best gaming experience ever. The three and six months payment options have been reintroduced to the Payment Page of the European Legend of Mir website so that customers may once again buy larger amounts of game time in one go which is more convenient for all concerned.

So it looks like Legend of mir won't be going down the plughole. They have also introduced anti cheat software that has proven to be effective. Just incase anyone was interested. :)


heh i got lvl 29 on that name was Vivimage2 :)
it still going now? :/


Aye i think so. I usually browse the forum's once every few months (nostalgia). Seems now i need to have an active account to view them though :rolleyes: So i can't see what the playerbase has been saying. The game started off good (Pre DAoC) Then began to go downhill cheaters, lagg, no patchs etc. Then DAoC came along and alot of players left. Then i've been told it kept on going down hill, but now it is picking up. (Ashame the game is shite once you've played DAoC eh? ;) )


i also used to play LoM i public beta'd it and it was my first mmo , it was a great game for a laugh. espcially when you were a wizzie and when u got bored could just lighting bolt people. i was evil on the game lol.


Seen my mate play it, dunno how you can play a game like that online, top down view, 2D sprite.. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by sharma
Seen my mate play it, dunno how you can play a game like that online, top down view, 2D sprite.. :rolleyes:

Simple answer it had an amasing community. The biggest strength of the game was its chat interface. I played it alot but don't think i could go back after playing DAOC unless it got some amasingly big patches.


No doubt, the Mir community is definatly one of the strongest in any MMORPG i've ever seen.

Nice to know their pulling their head of out of the proverbial gutter but i don't think i could ever play it again.


They must be , i cant believe people still play that garbage. wELL GOOD LUCK TO THEM I SPOSE


it is a strangely appealing game, i went back to it for a month awhile back, got bored and left again.

But it has something daoc doesn't, can't quite put my finger on it, but there definately is something, could be the good atmosphere, good community, or the fact that not everyone is uber, stats are much lower so there is a lower variance between players. I also like the way its easy to become legendary in that game, just pk everyone you see, and people will make witch parties to hunt you down.

Daoc has alot more 1337 d00ds, whereas LoM just has alot more spanairds :|


Originally posted by darbey
They must be , i cant believe people still play that garbage. wELL GOOD LUCK TO THEM I SPOSE

I think my little brother summed it up best in the words that have become engraved in my mind

Arch's Brother: So its a chat room?
Archeon: Well kind of, but you can do other stuff
Arch's Brother: Like?
Archeon: Kill stuff? (i'm getting deserate here)
Arch's Brother: So its a chat room with moving pictures?
Archeon: ...Get the hell out of my room!


I'd like to point out that Archeon was God of the boards for Mir.... shame he never lived up to his potential here ;)

Hehe..... remember the Taoist thread that haunted you?


Originally posted by Jupitus
I'd like to point out that Archeon was God of the boards for Mir.... shame he never lived up to his potential here ;)

Hehe..... remember the Taoist thread that haunted you?

hehe, yeah old memorys. Not meaning to sound too smug but i've tryed to maintain a low(ish) profile in DAoC. Mainly because i got so damn frustrated with people i didn't know talking about what a great guy i was... i think a couple of people even named me a hero!?

Still i prefer DAoC to Mir, theres much less of an 'i'm out for myself' attitude... atleast less of it than there was in Mir.

And yeah, i still hate Krystal with a passion for that thread ;)

The Kingpin

Is known for his Legendary Message system adventures...


Originally posted by The Kingpin
Is known for his Legendary Message system adventures...

need some more, they were a great laugh :D


i used to play on phoenix server, dragon server was always laggy although we never got any GM's doing tornies in Bichon Training Area type place you guys always did.

and i figured out what gave this game an edge, when you got bored, you'd just start attacking random people.

oh and does anyone remember the easter event they did last year with those easter hens? i got 2 judgement maces and a dragon sword from those, hense insta-rich.


MIR was a great game in it's day. DAoC was a great game in it's day. Now both are shelved for good. Prefer 2D games to 3D tho. :D

Archeon, Jupitus were good friends in MIR. :) I still chat to Easy, Mental, Viktor and Forbitz too if anyone remembers them (they all played DAoC and MIR)



Yeah I played MIR since start of beta, it
was fun for a while. I 'officially' stopped
playing it on Sep 20, 2001, when it went
pay-to-play (my main character was
Easy, LVL28 warrior).

After that, I made a couple of n00b chars,
IAmNotPaying (which was locked because
I leveled it above LVL7 by mistake ;) )
and UpdateThisGame (duh). I used them
like you would use ICQ or MSN Messenger.
Good for talking to old friends - I actually
managed to bring quite a few of them on
DAoC beta hehe. I definitely stopped
logging onto Dragon Server on Dec 2001.

Needless to say, I eagerly jumped onto
the DAoC ship as soon as beta started ;)
It sure is a much better game compared
to MIR, although in the end I got bored
of it nevertheless.

Now I am waiting for the next cool
MMORPG (whatever that turns out to be ;) )


Originally posted by beta_Rurik

Archeon, Jupitus were good friends in MIR. :) I still chat to Easy, Mental, Viktor and Forbitz too if anyone remembers them (they all played DAoC and MIR)


See what i mean, people i've never even heard of say their good friends with me. Its bloody iritating ;)


Originally posted by Archeon
See what i mean, people i've never even heard of say their good friends with me. Its bloody iritating ;)


DAmn... I was hoping to hijack this thread and make it the... "can I be friends with that Archeon fella" post ><

One time (at band camp), I got Archeon's autograph. Well he wrote "**** off and die! Stop stalking me you weirdo ****!"

...but I think we all know what he really meant



<laughs at Bowie, as usual>


Ever hear anything from Godfather these days, B?


Laughs back at Jupe :D Sorry I meant, "I hold my sides and chuckle with ferocity at the one known as Jupitus". ;)

Yep... we just did a p1sstake out of MIR on their forums :D


oooo just noticed from your sig that you retired your DAoC chara hehehehe finally succumbed to teh darkside! muahaha... I told you it was boring. Or are you doing exams?


Just doing loads of other stuff... testing other games and stuff like that.

Exams? Hell no! I'm way too old for that!! :D:D:D


Ah yes I am teh oldz0rz too. (check out my leet RPing text!!!)

Your good friend Kristal is busying away with exams right now. I talked to her a few times recently. :D She's fun to chat to eh :)

Lemme know if you find cool games that are out... I need a new home. :)


Ooo, well say hi to Kristel for me when you see her next :)

I've ordered a copy of Planetside and I'll play that on and off a bit, but if I find other cool games when testing I'll drop you a heads up :)

Take it easy,



Originally posted by Easy
Yeah I played MIR since start of beta, it
was fun for a while. I 'officially' stopped
playing it on Sep 20, 2001, when it went
pay-to-play (my main character was
Easy, LVL28 warrior).

OMFG long time no see matey. Remember a warrior named Mingle way back from beta. :)


Hmm maybe, we're talking about
Dragon Server right? If so, yeah
I remember a Mingle char, hello ;)


I just thought id say hi to anypeps that may remember me from mir :)
i was Ranolph the 31 warrior from the dragon server i played that game from beta... and i must say still miss them 7th floor ST hunts =)
WEB quick slap slap blurgh as i die...
and damn BBM to hell, anyone remember when the GM spawned 100 and crashed the server... lmao that was funny


PrimEvil eh? One of my good buddies in MIR helped make that guild (Wiljo). Were you in PrimEvil in MIR or is it your DAoC guild name only?

Altho PrimEvil, like loads of MIR guilds, was resurrected many times with new leaders/players.

M® Zîllâ

PE ownz ;)
yep me and ran where both in pe back in da day but some twat somehow got to be leader (1 of the many twats who where leaders and sold it to some italians)
any way blah blah blah we started playing daoc and recreated it here (Meaning alb/excal).

i ownz u :p

Da end :)

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