Loller Scout Template


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
Well, what can I say? I'm at Work, Bored shiteless after working 12 hours during the night & cos Aiteal mentioned heal bonuses in a template & thought to myself "why the **** not?" It would be funny to start off with.

TBH, it could be a fine template

Str: 90/90
Con: 93/93
Dex: 97/97
Qui: 65/82
HP: 304/304
AF: 50/50
5% Melee Spd
4% Style Dmg
4% Melee Dmg
10% Heal Bonus
5% Spell Duration
5% Buff Bonus
5% Power pool
5 Power cap

Stealth: 11/11
Shield: 11/11
Thrust: 11/11

Body: 23/26 Energy: 18/26 Slash: 22/26 (+3)
Matter: 19/26 Cold: 22/26 Crush: 19/26 (+2)
Spirit: 15/26 (+5) Heat: 16/26 Thrust: 26/26

Neck: Dracolich Fang
Belt: Black Water Belt
Jewel: Eerie Darkness
Bracer1: DS Con
Bracer2: DS Con
Ring1: DS Con
Ring2: Construct Forged Ring
Cloak: SoM
Chest: ML10
Helm: Winged Helm
Mainhand: Champ Thruster

Sigil Arms: +40 HP
Slot1: 52 Hits
Slot2: 9% Body
Slot3: 4 Shield
Slot4: 4 Stealth

Sigil Gloves: +10 AF
Slot1: 22 Dex
Slot2: 28 Qui
Slot3: 36 Qui
Slot4: 9% Body

Sigil Legs: +5 Str Cap
Slot1: 9% Matter
Slot2: 9% Crush
Slot3: 7% Heat
Slot4: 7% Thrust

Sigil Boots: +5 Dex Cap
Slot1: 22 Qui
Slot2: 9% Thrust
Slot3: 3 Shield
Slot4: 4 Stealth

Sigil Shield: +5 Heal bonus
Slot1: 4 Shield
Slot2: 4 Thrust
Slot3: 28 Str
Slot4: 10 Dex


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
i'd take a swap item with healbonus/spellduration/buffbonus (any combo usefull) instead of a new temp but then again u spend some time on it to pass time :p

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