lol @ lag


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
Dear mythic/goa

How about spend some of the subs we all pay & go & buy a decent server that can handle cluster thus making daoc once again semi-playable

Long story short, buy a new fckin server or hire engineers that know what the fk they are doing you stingy money grabbing nubtards :)



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Nice constructive thread from the OP there, i'm sure now someone sees that they'll obviously care more and make things better instantly with a wave of their magic wand. You've saved us all... ty :twak:

Seriously, where the hell have all the real forums users gone?

These days, all I see on here these days are whiny little girls (wanted to use a different phrase here but it'd probably get me a forum ban) crying about about anything they think they can get away with...

If you want to raise something to the attention of the folks at GoA go use Rightnow, if you want a discussion put something constructive we can actually focus on and reply to. Otherwise, please stop wasting our f****** time with these petulant, angry, whiny little angst threads.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Dakkath said:
Seriously, where the hell have all the real forums users gone?

Question is; Where the hell have the real players gone? I bet they were fed up with this shit and moved on with thier lives(?)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
remi said:
Question is; Where the hell have the real players gone? I bet they were fed up with this shit and moved on with thier lives(?)
the word your looking for is player!

we all know that theres only one real player thats Rambo!1!
ooh how he roxxed :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
tbh use ping plotter save the logs send to goa and hope things get better apart from that stfu and fk off. kkthxbye


Loyal Freddie
Apr 12, 2004
The biggest lag-problem is that mythic came up with the bright idea to let a company handle their game here in europe in a country that has among the worste net in the freakin world, even the pokergame i play lags............. because it's in france the servers r placed!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and i guess some has to do with crappy servers that can't handle this many peeps online in the same zone.
Only good thing is that u know when u get inc. ;)
But that might be a bug-abuse so nobody use it!!!!!!! :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 9, 2004
Martok said:
tbh use ping plotter save the logs send to goa and hope things get better apart from that stfu and fk off. kkthxbye

Wtf? :twak:
I think they are pretty aware of the lag-issue mate. And they are prolly doing everything they can to solve this. Lets just hope they fix it soon!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
For those that spit there dummy out because of my very constructive post about it being usless / waste of time (which i agree tbh) Was you dropped on your fkin heads at birth? the post, decide ya dont like it, go & have a cry to ya mum you dont like the post, then ignore it :)

Dont reply you nubtards, your wasting your own time, no-one elses! ..but i have to admit, its a good read :) also when you become abusive because of my post is comic..hiding behind your lil monitors/TFT's having your lil flame because you dont like my post... priceless \o/

As for FH + real players, sorry to disapoint you..never been such thing!... 99.9% of posts on FH are uselss/QQ & not forgetting the "look ow cool I am" posts /wave Martok :) ..& yup..the QQ part includes 99.9% of my posts..but i love GoA/Mythic...honest...why wouldnt I :) ?

Infact i wouldnt be suprised if the very 1st FH post on DAoC was titled:

"You lame a$$ gray ganking pr!cks" ....DAoC/FH was born :)

Now then, As martok would say: "apart from that stfu and fk off. kkthxbye" :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
Dakkath said:
If you want to raise something to the attention of the folks at GoA go use Rightnow,

If you want to raise something to the attention of Boppas use PM

But why when we have discussion boards where we can all QQ @ e/other... no fun then tbh ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
Guinnessrules said:
Only good thing is that u know when u get inc. ;)
But that might be a bug-abuse so nobody use it!!!!!!! :twak:

lol :)

tbh everything in daoc could be referred to as bug abuse.. cuz theres bugs in every apsect of it! ^^

but its funny how its only when someone gets "pwnd" they decide to yell "BUG ABUSE!" lol
Dec 31, 2003
Razemouze said:
Wtf? :twak:
I think they are pretty aware of the lag-issue mate. And they are prolly doing everything they can to solve this. Lets just hope they fix it soon!

Got to be kidding right? Everything they can? We had this lag on and off for more then 1 year.

The company is a joke.

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