lol @ bard TL 'feedback'




I like this bit

#3 – Empathy As a Rising Stat – Empathy does absolutely nothing for a bard, yet it is our secondary rising stat. While many bards still do eke by despite the deficiency, having a rising stat that does nothing for them is debilitating. Bards that wish to specialize in a more “tankish” template are often ridiculed or they give up in frustration because they will never have the damage output of any other hybrid tank class due to the fact that their tanking skill (STR) will never rise. Support or Bot bards don't notice this deficiency, as STR does little but increase their encumbrance cap. A STR/CON self-buff would make up for the deficiency, while giving little but some extra HPs and encumbrance to non-tank bards.

I answered this in the last report I thought. Empathy as a rising stat was an issue when DAOC came out. Since then we've made countless changes to balance classes with this issue being taken into account. At this point, I have to ask you to table this as it's not going to change and we're not going to give bards something in "compensation" for something that the class has already been balanced over for 2 years.

If you feel bards need a str/con buff, make a case for it on it's own, without trying to bring the emp as a rising stat trump card to the table.

What kind of a lame answer is that? We nerfed X class because bards have a useless raising stat so its only fair?
Apparently changing emp++; to str++; and doing a one off emp -= lvl; and a str += lvl; is far too difficult and time consuming to code.

another classic

Music – Insta-Mez is a bardic defense tool, however, time and time again, it fails to provide the bard with anything. Because of determination, immunity timers, purge, resists, and a host of other factors, insta-mez is often either resisted or completely wasted. Bards need another form of crowd control **on a different immunity timer** – even if it comes with the cost of losing insta-mez. Bards would much rather have a root, a stun, a snare or **anything that is not mez**. Ideally, putting a snare component on the Concussive Shriek line would give bards the added CC they need to survive. However, if bards will continue to be the only Primary CC class in the game with a single immunity timer, either put insta-mez on a separate immunity timer from castable mez, or allow insta-mez to not be spent if it is cast on someone who is still immune to it.

As mentioned in the last report, bards are not getting another form of crowd control. For technical reasons, we can't have insta-mez not go off it it hits a target that is immune.

so STFU and piss off to Mid or Alb if you want to play a cc class with >1 form of it


Both the bard TL and the responses are stupid, just change emp to dex and everyone's happy. Str/con buff.. like it's any good (look at champs).


Bard tl does ok job imo. Shame mythic are such a bunch of retards :(


Whats wrong with the bard TL?

does the same stuff the last ones have done.. and is ambitious too. the last thing he did was submitting a 2-page long document about end-regen only to Mythic.


Current bard TL is a she and she no longer plays her bard :D

Tamboori and Stryf were excellent TL's but I think they were too pushy. This new one if she sticks with it, is more likely to get changes, because she tries to build off the feedback from last TL reply and is a lot more pleasant.


Originally posted by old.Nol
Current bard TL is a she and she no longer plays her bard :D

Tamboori and Stryf were excellent TL's but I think they were too pushy. This new one if she sticks with it, is more likely to get changes, because she tries to build off the feedback from last TL reply and is a lot more pleasant.

I like girls :D

ps.. maybe she could sleep with Mythic boss'


all bards are girls!!1

and Sthryf was the best imo :) very frustrated person :)


Read the entire TL report now and it was ok, but the self dex/qui and str/con buffs are silly. They will not be better then druid buffs and how often do bards rvr without a druid in the group? :p


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
Read the entire TL report now and it was ok, but the self dex/qui and str/con buffs are silly. They will not be better then druid buffs and how often do bards rvr without a druid in the group? :p

Agreed. Very stupid idea indeed. TL seems a bit spaced out with some of the requests... and so does Mythic in some of their replies, especially when it comes to the 'empathy as secondary attribute thing...'.

That thing should really be looked into and is totally silly to have empathy as 2ndary attribute (no matter what Mythic says about it being already 'compensated', it simply is not true).
Im sure all bards would like to see the 2ndary stat be dexterity, strength as a runner-up choice. I would actually be even happy with it being quickness (if Mythic really feels dex would 'throw the game out of balance... which I hardly doubt it would).

That said, at least I am happy in general with the latest improvements to bards: the longer range in end song and the strengthened AM.


Would bards really be much better if the stat was changed to something else? No, not considerably.

Apparently changing emp++; to str++; and doing a one off emp -= lvl; and a str += lvl; is far too difficult and time consuming to code.

Considering how many bards have been created (teh thousands) yes it would take too much time and effort, considering how small the problem is.

Why do bards need another form of CC? Just cause you wanna be able to live forever... mkay... casters need something too ya. so they can like.. live longer, and stuff?

Maybe if you stop acting like retards, Mythic will too :/


Originally posted by old.ST200

Maybe if you stop acting like retards, Mythic will too :/

If any of us act like retards, it is only because we would like people like you to understand us too.


Actually, I thought it was a pretty witty and original comeback ;p

Musta passed you over. At least you have l33t d00ds like Aussie cheering for you, lol!


Aussie? l33t? Haha. Yeah right, and I'm Roman Abramovich :/


ST, actually, yes, bards will benefit from emp to be changed from dex.

As it is now, many alb groups run with a minstrel in the front, whoever wins the mez battle is either
1. Sorc because the bard is clueless and has no clue how to use amnesia
2. Sorc because the bard couldnt cast mez before he/she was instastunned by the minstrel just as the mincer came in ranger to stun(700 range).
3. Bard if the above 2 didnt happen

It happens time and time again that i was *just* about to land mez when i got instastunned, which maybe not all of the times but at least some wouldve been solved by having more dex.


Then you just change it from sorc or bard winning, to bard winning. Grats, you win daoc.

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