lol... albion is going bye bye.. :)



Do u never have anything else to post then flame threads?? :) im quite amazed albion even WORKS as a realm.. ur so damn aggro to everyone u should be ashamed for crying out loud...

seing flames about no rezz lists and flames on specific ppl is just hilarious to read as u by posting their names are just as bad (or even WORSE) then they are...

So why not being a sport and be the gent i hope u are at the other side of the screen and behave better then they do... so fu**ing what if ppl annoys u to the moon and back... if u dont rezz them they will be even MORE pissed at u and annoy u even MORE and u will be more pissed about them and so forth... cant u see that by usint the "u pissed me i wont help u" idea ur slowly but steady killing the realm of albion... but hey.. as a middie i dont really care if albion DOES fall apart... that just gives us less organized zergs from u and alot more rp's for us as u aparently cant get along with eachother... we have extreamly idiotic ppl in mid also but i always rezz if i can even if i DO hate the persons gut.. becaus of the simple fact... if i DO rezz him i show him that im way WAY better then he is.. and so what if they dont say thank u for rezzing me.. just forget about it and move on.. u chosed to be a healer because u like helping ppl.. and by being a healer u WILL be a rezz bitch.. and so what if ppl "steals a drop" its not like it costed u nothing more then the time u spent by the comp or so... just laff at the pathetic idiot and try again.. theres always ignore list but posting the name here is lowering u to his/hers level... i saw a really sweet quote a few days ago that im gonna post here that pretty much says it all...

Never argue with an idiot.
He will just pull you down to his level and beat you with experience.

so please be a gent.. rezz the dead and he/she MIGHT just be greatful... and for those that get screwed over by a drop.. im very sorry it happend to u but if u had the time to sit 5, 6, 7+ hours straight farming for that drop i bet u have time to do it again the next day... and its only a game.. shit happends, just ignore the person and move on...


We know :(

But look at it from this side, I'm willing to bet that a large percentage of the ones playing daoc is from the fps section of gaming. There ppl slag off each other like there's no tomorrow. "j00 s00k!" "Go and die!" etc. etc..
Now all these have come here, and every time something goes wrong they do what they have always done in these situations.. "Go Fsck yourself!"

In DAoC you can't connect to another server, or do something else. You keep meeting these people :) And since these boards are here people can flame and whine etc, and it will be here for people to view it for a very long time to come. Forums are the flammable fabric the flames can grow in..

You post something, it might be misunderstood or you perhaps aren't very good in expressing yourself in english or whatever. Untill the next time you have logged on and taken a look at your thread, the ones who misunderstood or don't agree have had lots of time to fuel eachothers fire.. Forums are baad. Get rid of them, it's much better to do a fistfight on an open irc channel where you get the context much better. And it's better moderated than this. Kickban and case closed.

Wonder what might be in Albion that draws all this aggro? Bad/Low charisma perhaps? ;)


Yea its really wierd.. ive been proning all realm forums on both exc and pryd and alb ALWAYS seems to have most bad apples... :/

i like albion but i can never ever have my main char in there coz of all the knowitall leet wannabies there... :( so im playing mid and have loads of fun insted... :)


excalibur main server albion main realm ALOT OF PPL who play on albion are under the age of 16 a fair few under 14 that is where the attitude comes from im afraid, oh sure not all of em are assholes but they all played cs for a few years and think there the master of the pc gaming world but thats life int it

albion wont go bye bye cos sooner or l8r these tits will get fed up and leave and we'll just be left with the core gamers
(i hope)


I can see the light! Yes, I can see it!


I've been nice to ppl for the past 6 months, grouping em and soloing for hours to get them the last bubs on their level. Showing lower levels around high dungeons. Grouping to help em with quests. Giving em money ... the list goes on. And what have I learned the past weeks ... when i ask or expect some common sense and basic manners ppl are not willing to do this one simple thing. So no more mr nice guy. I know who my friends are, and they can always count on me as for the others, well you get what you give from now on. And at the end I'm sure i will be the one laughing.


Originally posted by old.chipper

albion wont go bye bye cos sooner or l8r these tits will get fed up and leave and we'll just be left with the core gamers
(i hope)

Or it can happen the other way round.... core gamers leave leaving the tits


if that happens then i delete my alb chars and move on :)


If PAC MAN was not 50 or GM of the brethren i would be in MID right now, cause in the 10 months ive been playing ALBION, since the 1st day of open beta, i have never been so disappointed with the realm. The game still apeals to me but albion players are changing. But its not only the newcomers that are the problem.

I see lots of ppl going around yelling at one another saying " I know what im doing! I have a lvl 50 ".

So in one side we have the up and coming newbies trying to get to 50 as fast as they can, and on the other side the alts trying to get to 50 faster than their mains did. The 1st ones dont want to share xp so they get 50 fast and the others want the work cut out. Both sides should just think about what they want and try to get it in a less agressive fashion.

On a side note to arthwyr/gawain. At a point in time everybody depend on guild/friends to lvl their chars. IMO you shouldnt have done a RvR only guild and then expect to get to 50 with your alt without their help. In paper a RvR guild sounds nice if thats all you do and if you are 50. But alts in an RvR guild dont work. I dont see how my alt will get to 50 without help from guild and friends and i dont see how you will do it too.


On a side note to arthwyr/gawain. At a point in time everybody depend on guild/friends to lvl their chars. IMO you shouldnt have done a RvR only guild and then expect to get to 50 with your alt without their help. In paper a RvR guild sounds nice if thats all you do and if you are 50. But alts in an RvR guild dont work. I dont see how my alt will get to 50 without help from guild and friends and i dont see how you will do it too.

Don't worry i'll get to 50, My rant was about the attitude of albs not about me not getting groups specificly, if you read the "to all alb wankers" post you must have seen alot of ppl recognising the incidents i posted. If you just check alb boards in general you can't help but notice that other ppl are complaining about the extremely poor attitudes as well. But hey if you want to make me the black sheep for finaly putting it in the open thats your thing. I said what i thought needed to be said, what ppl do with it is their own thing. Maybe some of you think "hey i'll just close my eyes and it will go away" well I don't.


i know what you mean exactly, specially since both our alts are infs, and i know we will make it to 50. We just didnt have parties doing tangs in 2-6 ppl. it was unheard of, and everyone had a shot at a spot back then, but has the game evolves new ways to do them are found and i guess we must evolve too. But the way things are now it does no good to Albion or to their community, and i hope it changes. It might need an "Alt Guild or community" every everyone in it is commited to help each other always. And we let the other guys worrie about getting their 1st 50. At least maybe we should find a way for us to recognize we are all alts and to work together getting to 50 or something.

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