Lodlow Bazaar - Any feedback from the crafters?



Ludlow Bazaar - Any feedback from the crafters?

From the folks crafting frantically at Ludlow (you know who you were), I need a few opinions :

What went well?

What went less than well?

What would you like to see for the next time? (I think I'm safe assuming that there is enough interest for there to be a 'next time' ;))


I'd personally have like to have been able to use /broad to hawk my wares a little more... Not entirely sure, but I'm pretty certain the auction area was out of /yell distance from the crafters.

Brannor McThife

Yes, I think that was a slight issue. The use of yells was hard to follow, and the exclusive use of broadcast for the auction left many crafters out of earshot. I think many crafters missed the broadcasts at the beginning because they were outside of the broadcast zone. Can't think of any solution though offhand...



It would be nice if we could get one area known as the auction/selling place so that people looking to buy and sell know of some common arena to get it done in. Ludlow seems pretty good for this kind of thing after last night set the standard and it does seem to have most of the crafting tools in place (forge etc.). Kind of like the DAoC equivalent of EC.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Revz
Ludlow seems pretty good for this kind of thing after last night set the standard and it does seem to have most of the crafting tools in place (forge etc.). Kind of like the DAoC equivalent of EC.
Actually, Ludlow doesn't have most of the crafting tools. Kemor kindly enough placed them there for the event. ;)

Would have been nice to have a Vault keeper though. :)



The Vault keeper is pretty high on the list of things we'd like to see, would be very useful indeed...


Hmm that makes things a bit more difficult. One of the ideal areas for trading would be somewhere like Cornwall station (crafting places, vault, NPC traders selling crafting materials) but it is so far out of the damn way that I don't think that will happen :mad: I guess the only sensible place is Camelot but that is already overrun with /b NEED PHAT LEWT!1!!! LOL~~~


Ludlow has a forge at least, and if we can somehow turn these fairs into something regular that gets a lot of attention, maybe we can persuade the powers that be to help out on a regular basis. <crosses fingers>


Cornwall station would be the best place its like the mids they use gna faste it seems which is the same kind of.

Catnip Lightpaw

Lets do it in Dartmoor nexttime? :)

Very well done to all who organised etc.

Maybe a list of items being auctioned could be available before the acution then people will know what is comming up

Maybe we need one event for crafters and one for an auction so what we can work around the /br problems.


Location, location, location....

Several problems with Cornwall Station meant it was not the first choice for the bazaar this time round, most of which relate to the low level folks we wanted to make sure were fully involved in the event. Offhand some of them included -

It's only got a small 'safe' area around it, so it's a very dangerous place for lower level folks, whilst Ludlow has plenty of room that they can use - and hell did we need the space last night....

It's a long haul for most lower levels, who are mainly in the Camelot Hills area - and unless you know the horse routes (and have about 20 silver to get there and back, another problem for the very low level folks) a tricky place to get to.

It's also rather busy with folks who want no part of the bazaar, but are dedicated to hunting and xping in Cornwall, and something like the bazaar could be a real pain for them - even those of you with high spec PCs might have noticed that the Ludlow area was a bit more laggy than usual last night.. ;)



The other good thing about Ludlow is that it is a mere horseride away from Sauvage if we need to get out to the frontiers quickly (again <grin>)

Oh, and thanks to all who took part in the slave auction. Sorry there wasn't time to get through the whole list (but it gives me time to cajole Sru into spending some more time at tanglers to raise me some more cash! :) ); maybe next time.

Also, any feedback from slaves etc as to how well the 3-hour servitude works out will be welcome!


(Proving again that minstrels are worth much more than their weight in gold!)


Why dont we just bring good old Camelot to live? :)
At least /broadcast is all over.

Would be fun, a real Camelot, full of life.


Also you can't be sure whether the gods will give us those helpful merchants selling all kinds of stuff you might ask for again. Because of that, Ludlow is a sensible choice, at least for the high end crafting (and I dare say that I sold more arcanium and netherium stuff this evening than any other crafter). You have a horsie to Sauvage and can run to Excalibur to buy materials. Cornwall Station offers only stuff up to asterite, and that's a bit weak :)

Other choice is Benowyc, but that'd be a bit silly.


I'll give camelot a shot tonight then and see how it goes.


it seems to be my destiny to put kemor/zargar to work <laughs> (see parp forum event feedback)

would it not be possible to create a new broad zone near ludlow, then encage it with some sort of fence and inside this area the auction would be held then moving the extra forge and lathes inside the ordinary ludlow broadchan and there is crafters communication <smile>

have no clue if it can be done but would be nice <smile>


well, one thing most people forget here:

We cannot Expect Kemor to help us everytime.

if is willing, and have time (Most importantly. he had to leave yesterday, becuase of other stuff) he MAY help us, if our needs are reasonable. if not, he wont, and we accept that.

But that means, that we cannot plan things ahead, like we're trying to here.

Teh fence would be a good sollution Troryn, but i doubt its a "reasonable" demand :)


Troryn, unfortunantly that is not technically possible :(

Brannor McThife

Actually. I think it is technically possible. <cowers from Kemor>


Reason being. We all know that the Dragon in Malmohus (I'm assuming the same for other realms) does a broadcast to the entire zone.

So...theoretically, a character could be given the ability to broadcast to an entire zone if needs be. Of course this character would be the sole person able to do so (solves the spam issue) and everyone would have to /send their bids... May be slightly different, an of course, we don't want to spam the entire zone with broadcasts...perhaps Snowdonia Station would be good for this, since not many people go into North Black Mountains.

Eg, named NPC -

Auctioneer: Current item is "An ant leg". Opening bid is 300g.
Jupitus - /send auctioneer 350g!!!!
Lunar - /send auctioneer 1g!!
Laird - /send auctioneer 10g higher than whatever Jupitus bids.
Auctioneer: Current item is "An ant leg", current bid is 360g by Laird.

etc, etc.

All items to be sold could be given to the Auctioneer's Assistant for cataloging.

Also, for the crafters, have their areas clearly define, i.e. further apart so that they're outside of shout distance of each other, but within the zone, so they can still hear the broadcast. Also, perhaps a trading/gift zone for the lower level people - i.e. item for item, no cash involved.




I don't know whether that overcomplicates the idea. I'm sure we resourceful players can sort something out ourselves :)

For the most part I don't think items need to be auctioned as such. An auction is great for organised events like this to raise money but normally just getting buyer in touch with seller is enough. They can work out the details themselves. All we need is a zone/place/area that people know they can come to in order to buy/sell items they have. At least that was how all the player organised trading zones worked in EQ.

The trouble here is that no one zone is ideal for it. You need somewhere close to a vault with naturally high traffic that is accessible from a lot of places and not fatal for low level characters to venture around in or too hard to get to. Camelot itself *might* be the best place but you have to zone in to get there so it sort of cuts it off from the rest of the land. As I said I'm going to try and get some stuff selling in /b tonight there so we can see how it goes :) For the most part trading or selling requires higher level characters (as they have the cash) but most high level people don't need to go to Camelot so generating trade might be hard :mad:

We just need one place to be acknowledged as the trading zone and the rest should sort itself out once enough people start taking things there to sell or trade.


I don't think spamming the auctioneer to death with sends helps. Nim had a hard time yesterday anyways, if she's also have to give back every bid again, it just would not have worked.

Brannor McThife

I didn't say she/he/it has to give back every bid. Rather give an update as the bidding goes. But as Gideon said, perhaps we need a market place on the forums where you can list your items and then be spammed and arrange the trade before you go ingame.

Of course...this could have been done by GOA...if they still had their own forums...




The forums are good but I get a feeling that the vast majority of players don't use them or aren't aware of their existence. I got 10x as many /sends last night about LB loot when I got one person from our guild to /yell about it in Ludlow whilst everyone was there. Despite my best efforts to publicise it here I get many fewer responses in game :mad:

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