Loads of crap/scam on the bazaar



Ok I was just playing on chimaera with my soon to become smuggler because gorath is down. Im trying to exp pistols a bit and I needed a new gun. I started browsing the bazaar for a nice decent scoutblaster and some things really really surprised me.
The amount of crap that is sold on the bazaar. Now I dont mean the low'ish stuff but i mean the scamming stuff.

CDEF weapons for 3k.. weapons without durability for 3k.. weapons that are different then the titles say. weapons that have powerups on them..( which isnt really a problem, but when someone adverts with : pistol 100 min damage and 200 max damage!. and actually 16% of min damage and 32% max damage is off a power up... for me thats a scam.)

Anyway.. this sort of things happen everywhere. But I addressed because of the amount of crap especially on this server.. and i might think it has to do with the amount of new players around.

Well the people that are playing this game for while already know what to look at and probably dont even buy of bazaar anymore.. but the new players ( and that are a lot on the euro servers still) have to double check what they buy on the bazaar.

so just a quick checklist before you buy of the bazaar for the starting players to prevent scam of your so hard earned first credits.
- CDEF isnt worth anything.. dont pay more then 200 credits for it.
-Dont buy anything because of a title.. titles can be modified to anything. If you double click on the weapon check the stats in the right hand screen. Especially check the damage output and the durability.. people try to sell guns with no durability..
-check for powerups, in the right hand screen( scroll down) see if there is one and what the modifiers are.. you can calculate for yourself then what the base damage is.
-check if the item you buy is really the item it says in the title! how many times havent i seen the following title pop up..T21 rifle buy now!.. and then when you click on it its an ordinary cdef rifle.

in other words.. just check before you spend your hard earned credits on a weapon :)


I'm surprised that people buy items without checking the stats... Even without scams, the difference between one CDEF and the next is big enough to make it worthwhile.


Heh - the bazaars must be at least 10% scams atmo - ive seen plenty of people selling rescource containers with 1 unit in em for 3k and were talking bad copper at that :)

Check heavily before you buy and if you want a decent weapon dont use the bazaar.



rofl! i once found a bunch of rifles on the bazaar being sold for about 1k each and each one had the worst stats ive ever seen :
1/1 condition
min damage 0
max damage 0

old.Trine Aquavit

Three things to be done:

1) Check stuff before you buy

2) If the scammer is in a PA then find out who the PA leader is and make them aware of it. Most responsible PA's will want to sort things out themselves (or at least be aware of the behaviour of their members). If you get any sort of unhelpful attitute from the PA then go to (3), otherwise leave it at that.

3) If they're not in a PA the report them. Scamming is against the ToS so they'll get a warning, but then they probably deserve it.

Scamming is no fun for anyone other than the juvenille pricks that perpetrate it. I have no time for it and have no problem trying to do something about it.


*** Incoming newb question ***

What exactly does CDEF stand for?
What does PA stand for?
What does ToS mean?

Oh, and how do I know if a weapon is too powerfull for me to use? I'm still relatively new to SWG and its a little overwhelming still for me:) In DAOC they would just be colour coded but I dont want to fork out loads for something thats gonna melt if I use it!

Oh, last question now : as a low marksman I have the overcharge shot. What effect does that have if Im using a carbine? The description says something about using more power but it doesnt seem to have any?


The Developers haven’t said if it stands for anything.
Speculated answers from beta-testers include: “Character Default Equipment File” and “(C)ivilian (DEF)ense”

Player Accosiation.
In other words a guild or a clan.

Terms of Service.
The boring stuff you have to click through when you start the game.

You can see your weapon certifications by clicking the little lightning like icon and scrolling through the lower left side list from the window that pops up.

Overcharge damages the weapon a bit as far as I know.
When you examine the weapon you can see its attributes. At the top of the list there is the weapons condition ie. 913/979.


Originally posted by old.Cordain
Overcharge damages the weapon a bit as far as I know.
When you examine the weapon you can see its attributes. At the top of the list there is the weapons condition ie. 913/979.

Bang on the money there. Overcharge increases the strength of your weapon for that round, but at the cost of the weapons durability. This isn't a problem when you're still using CDEF weapons, but when you start getting into the decent ranged weapons, you might wanna hook yourself up with a quality weaponsmith so he can repair it for you often, or alternatively, start using location specific shots.


Is it possible to repair a weapon 100%? Or does repairing always reduce the max durability?


I think it always damages it somewhat but it can be only a couple of % (you repair it with only minor blemishes).

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