lo grav assault server



lol I just had to tell you about this one..

low gravity, assault only, no awms, it pings about 200 from the uk, but its fun for 1/2 an hour or so.

I was having knife fights in mid-air crouching tiger style, that is hilarious!

Rubber Bullets

Thanks for the link tom.

I just got kicked for cheating :) Their admins are a bit over zealous, I think. I was the only one pinging 200, all the rest were around 50 or lower.

Poor bastards obviously haven't come up against anyone any good before. I was playing OK but I dunno how u managed to not to be kicked.

Sadly didn't see my score before I was chucked off but it was about 26-6, not that good really.



ooh! sounds like fun! not been kicked for cheating in ages :D

Might try tomorrow!

Rubber Bullets

Originally posted by Tom[SHOTTEH]

lol what do you expect!


:) Yeah well, you knew what I meant.

If I had been cheating that is exactly what I would have expected.

As I was just clearly better than them I didn't. Then again it is their server I guess they reserve the right to only play with people worse than they are.

Funny thing was they never said anything to me directly. I just got the end of DEAD conversations at the start of rounds.

'yeah he so is' etc.

Then console....

It was a complement really. Assault is just about my best map, certainly the one I've been accused of cheating most on.



I always hunt out jolt clan servers when i want to get banned \o/
Trigger happy admins are most fun

Rubber Bullets

Originally posted by ZaPpeh
I always hunt out jolt clan servers when i want to get banned \o/
Trigger happy admins are most fun

:D The only servers I can get deliberately banned from are the UK2 newbie servers.

Thats the stupid thing here. As you well know Zap, I'm not even that good at CS, especially not with a 200+ ping. What happens if someone really good goes there?


Mr Bungle

In my case I usually rack up 15-0 or so with M3/UMP/USP and then get booted. :/

Had a session on BlueYonder during the first week of cheapskate exile from Barrysworld where I scored 17-2 vs LPBs. It was most gratifying to hear complaints along the lines of "You must be cheating because your ping is shit". That was shortly after stuff like "It's easy to snipe when you're a HPB" - with U S P E H !, S H O T T E H ! and S C O U T E H ! of course ... K thx.

Still, I've given up CS now. It has become pointless for modemers now, something horrible happened during the server-side auto-updates of late... I'm not the only HPB to have suddenly come unstuck at that very same moment in time either. A couple of notable HPBs noticed their accuracy stats halve overnight. Imagine what that does when you're 200+ms behind the rest of the punters. :(

I have DSL on order, we'll see if I get it installed before I get a second job as a skiing instructor in hell.



Originally posted by schadenfreude
Thanks for the link tom.

I just got kicked for cheating :) Their admins are a bit over zealous, I think. I was the only one pinging 200, all the rest were around 50 or lower.

Poor bastards obviously haven't come up against anyone any good before. I was playing OK but I dunno how u managed to not to be kicked.

Sadly didn't see my score before I was chucked off but it was about 26-6, not that good really.


Maybe I should go in lol, btw m8, i'm gonna pm ya with my new srv addy that i play on :)


I've never been banned from any CS servers. I sux0r.

Mr Bungle

Actually the yank server I used to play on often low gravity & chicken sessions. Knifing at 300+ ping is *hard*. Low gravity + scouts on Aztec was teh ownz. U M P E H !was the uber ownz though, S H O T T E H ! was tricky. The thing about Aztec is that there are loads of high-up hiding places you can use. The best gag we pulled as incompetant CTs was camping on the top most ledges all around the entrances to the bridge side bomb site. 4 of us camping up there with S H O T T E H !

Was a sight to behold... AK bastard after AK bastard going down - brought a tear to my eyes. The final drop down & snap-shot the AWM bastard in the face was the bestest though. I think that really was the cherry on the parfait. Truely the Mother Roach was smiling upon us that night.



I wish someone would fuckin ban me tbh.

I feel like a nubile young virgin.

BAN ME !!!!11! FFS


Give me your wonid, and I can ban you from my clan server from work. Of course, the timing would be tricky.

PM with the ID and the time.;)


Originally posted by Itcheh
Give me your wonid, and I can ban you from my clan server from work. Of course, the timing would be tricky.

PM with the ID and the time.;)


Goodbye Virginity.....slut status here we come!!!


Bungle, did you used to be in UNION and hang around the UKCSL forums? The name rings a bell...


Servers like that got boring 2 years ago :/

As did people running from spawn knifing each other constantly, or just swinging their knife, or just knifing the wall etc.

The newest annoying childish thing to CS is those bloody sound playing scripts to abuse voice comms :(


Originally posted by Skyler
Servers like that got boring 2 years ago :/

As did people running from spawn knifing each other constantly, or just swinging their knife, or just knifing the wall etc.

The newest annoying childish thing to CS is those bloody sound playing scripts to abuse voice comms :(

Grandad skyler has spoken again..."Oh in my day...etc etc."

"Oh, this 'new' generation....i remember when.."

Like i say to my grandad "Stop moaning you old bastage" ;)


p.s. I am actually really nice to him before i get the talk.

what you seem to forget is that people are still "taking up" cs as it were...and like the novelty.

1tchy trigger

Bah - he's definately a 'glass is half empty' kinda guy


This Server is fucking shite.

Its Laggy to fuck.

The Admin kept on kicking me because i killed him, and on other occassions he kicked me for no reason.

There was definatly Wallhackers on there (At least 2 i seen).

There was Camping CTs.

Just cunts on that Server

Mr Bungle

Originally posted by James-
Bungle, did you used to be in UNION and hang around the UKCSL forums? The name rings a bell...


Might be the same guy who keeps bitching that I ripped off his name but goes quiet when I show him that I've been using it online for at least 5 years. :p



Ah UNION....

*remembers trashing them some time ago in the UKCSL*

Great guys, shame about their pings, in those days at least... Union were the last all HPB clan from what I remember :)

When I was new to the game I found playing it normally was fun enough, I still think thats the best fun. I like plain CS :)

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