


Im just sitting here laughing at all the sad ppl that has to whine about a person standing on a lot spinning..

Im not harmin anyone, im not telling anyone to go away, im not abusing anything in any way to help myself in anyway, i certainly dont macro craft etc etc...

If a person comes along and says: I wanna buy that lot i will not in any way prevent him from doin so..

Im just standing here in hope that ppl would might reconsider and take the lot next to me...

Nothing else .... cant see why ppl need to cry irl over this...



I cant see why your so desperate to save a space


Originally posted by gunner440
u are using a macro tho hanni :<

Well i asked a friend if i could in some way do so that: I would say something once in a while, he showed me the program and i turned it on for a lil while..

Eventually some ppl came along and told me it was illegal and against CoC etc etc..

So i stopped, and i havent done this since...

Tbh if ppl wanna report me, well .... nothin to do about it...


Originally posted by Karlo
I cant see why your so desperate to save a space

Hanni wants to be my neighbour.

oh, and Hanni was not macroing the times I have been there.


I think its hilarious that ppl have nothing better to do with their (specially created - HAHA) toons than to try and claim a plot anyways - be it macroing or not - just goes to show the intelligence of someone who knows the chance (lack of) getting the plot yet will still stand there like a plonker.

If i was to get a plot / cottage / house, i wouldn't give 2 poops where it is, i'd just be happy i had one.


Originally posted by stighelmer
Hanni wants to be my neighbour.

Awww how sweet...they should rename Waterford Erinsborough...and you could be Charlene! :D


Originally posted by tripitaka
I think its hilarious that ppl have nothing better to do with their (specially created - HAHA) toons than to try and claim a plot anyways - be it macroing or not - just goes to show the intelligence of someone who knows the chance (lack of) getting the plot yet will still stand there like a plonker.

Not as hilarius as the chance to read the debates about a bug it dosen't exist ,rumors spreads by someone not able to use his mouse.

edit:what ppl does whit their Free time shouldnt bother you so much,unless you are jelous someone got more free time than you,I think that it's the case.


Originally posted by Ialkarn

edit:what ppl does whit their Free time shouldnt bother you so much,unless you are jelous someone got more free time than you,I think that it's the case.

Well for a start , i term free time , as being all the time in the world, unless your doing something else.

That being the case...
Why the hell would i want to spend my free time trying to save a plot in the first place, knowing full well people may buy it before me ?

That's my point...

And anyway - whose to say he isn't AFK - just staying logged in and not spinning - he could be at work as well.

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