Listen to yourselves...


Brannor McThife

A big NO! But, if they fixed the lag spike and LD issue, then yes. - new_leumas
Oh yes. That's GOA's fault... :rolleyes: Read the F****** IT news.

Still no ... events (yeah some but I don't recall any yet on Albion) - Khalen
Heard this one a hundred times. (a) You weren't around the area the events took place. (b) People don't always report them. Weak arguement... NEXT!

I would like to see some events, but i guess they have enough work to be done in the patching issue. - Trahg
Um. No. They have a totally seperate Events team... facts people...facts...

YES...apart from class balancing issues...general lack of high lvl caster drops. - Drac
Um, WTF does this have to do with GOA?

Only game I have lag problems with... - Biffsmash
See my first point...

Right. Now. Go ahead. I'm in need of a good roasting.

If you're going to complain and whine and bitch, get your facts right first.




sorry Brannor McThife......

but your absolutly RIGHT

(for once <-- sorry could not help that :D -->)

i have noticed that most of the people that winge have either not read the news latlly or are unable to understand the dffinition between GOA, WANNADOOOO(nothing), and MYTHIC

MYTHIC = suplies the game do the patches do all the class babalcing and such so things like i am being shot through the wall is there fault

GOA= the people who distribute the game here in europe and customise the patches for the european market do GM/ events stuff (slow patching there fault but hey they are getting faster at it) servers.

WANNADOO(nothing)== the people who allow you to connect to the game ie the people that offer the bandwidth, routing, hosting to GOA ( lagg routing problems all of these things wannadoos fault)

hope that helps


Originally posted by Brannor McThife

Oh yes. That's GOA's fault... :rolleyes: Read the F****** IT news.

The main problem has been with GOA's ISP's router, so yeah, they should (and by what they say have) get tough with their ISP, to get this solved

Heard this one a hundred times. (a) You weren't around the area the events took place. (b) People don't always report them. Weak arguement... NEXT!

still doesnt change that very active players like myself, have only seen 1 half-assed event since End of Beta Event (btw. hi Jorem), that was the bear fighting, where i arrived to see 2 short fights (out of 5 i belive). I have heard rumors about 1 more event going on, but when i arrived there was no trace of it.

and i have played quite a bit, about 152 levels so far, 999 trade skill, and higher realm points than anyone on prydwen.

If you're going to complain and whine and bitch, get your facts right first.

i think i got them all right..

btw.. i havent given up yet, just autorenewed my subscription another 3 months


Re: Re: Listen to yourselves...

Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen
btw.. i havent given up yet, just autorenewed my subscription another 3 months

I don't know whether to laugh or cry... another month or so of Blood killing me easy, but then 2 months of me at the same level slicing him into little strips... mmmmmmmmm;)

Brannor McThife

<sighs about another NO/LITTLE EVENTS post>

Your very statement about yourself makes it quite clear why you don't see events. You're out there in the frontiers fighting. Events mainly take place inrealm. They are NOT announced. Often, people just don't recognise them for what they are. If you see someone named "***** The Master of the Dead"...geez, do you have to even ASK that it's an event? :rolleyes:

Events are planned to take place in certain areas according to specific themes, etc. The event guys will try their best to get people involved. I recall a joke about an event in another realm, where the NPC was told to STFU and leave the people alone...

From what I gather, you and a lot of others, would prefer GOA to have an agenda where they post all the details beforehand. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. The best you will get is ingame clues a few days before the actual event begins.

Remember the Arachite/WW/Svartalf little war? Anyone recall that the Arachite attacked the WW camp a few times in the days preceding the actual event?

Also, events vary by level. Meaning, sometimes, we don't want you Uber L50's around, so we're sneaky. It has happened a few times that low level events have been overrun by L45+'s, ruining it for the lowbies it was intended for. Don't worry, you'll get your epic events where you can all go off and kill all the NPC's you can find...paying dearly for it though...but hey...that's Midgard...kill first, wonder about what he was saying later.


Oh, and it's GOA's ISP...NOT GOA. Their ISP (WanadoobutFail) handles the routing...NOT GOA. :m00:



Originally posted by Brannor McThife
I recall a joke about an event in another realm, where the NPC was told to STFU and leave the people alone...

Hehe - probably thought it was you Brannor :p

Seriously, if that's true then what a bloody idiot :rolleyes:

Brannor McThife

Shush you! ;)

Actually. One of my greatest laugh/head-shake things is the number of times I see people (in Midgard) run up and try to attack "me" or one of the other NPC's before actually even trying to speak to them/me. :rolleyes:

Guess the Midgard Epic Events will be easy to write... :p



I'm with you on most of that brannor, but if were running my company through my internet connection, and the vast majority of my customers complained of bad connection issues, once i'd checked it wasn't my own in-house hardware, i would scream bloody murder at my ISP. That's GOA's responsibility, because if you ask me dontWannadoo will not give enough of a damn about scattered complaints from users of another ISP. (I know *I'm* not on wannadoo...)

It's not GOA's FAULT, but it's their responsibilty.

edit: Orm. Shut up.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by orm
brannor the eternal guardian of goa
Is that a flame? Come on. You can do better. But, you did try, so I'll whip this one out just for you.

I AM NOT GOA. [You don't get the rest since you don't deserve the full statement yet.:m00: ]




Originally posted by Brannor McThife
<sighs about another NO/LITTLE EVENTS post>

Your very statement about yourself makes it quite clear why you don't see events. You're out there in the frontiers fighting. Events mainly take place inrealm. They are NOT announced.

Well thost 152 levels were gained in the realm, and im still playing in the realm with my alts + going on mob hunts etc.

Events are planned to take place in certain areas according to specific themes, etc. The event guys will try their best to get people involved. I recall a joke about an event in another realm, where the NPC was told to STFU and leave the people alone...

From what I gather, you and a lot of others, would prefer GOA to have an agenda where they post all the details beforehand. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. The best you will get is ingame clues a few days before the actual event begins.

no, i've never said anything to this extend, and dont really know if i would want that.. maybe some major events like EoB (but i've heard they are comming, so great)

Also, events vary by level. Meaning, sometimes, we don't want you Uber L50's around, so we're sneaky. It has happened a few times that low level events have been overrun by L45+'s, ruining it for the lowbies it was intended for. Don't worry, you'll get your epic events where you can all go off and kill all the NPC's you can find...paying dearly for it though...but hey...that's Midgard...kill first, wonder about what he was saying later.

The last event i heard about, i rode my level 20 shammy down from Huginfel to Gna to help out, but the people had already left for Cursed Tomb (i learned later).

And while on the topic, i certainly hope you are planning some events for us Uber L50's, we lack content more than anyone (sure we have RvR, but that needs diversion, and sure we could create our own events, we could also buy a case of beer and play stratego with a friend(hmm.. sounds pretty attractive also, hmm could even do it out in the sunshine.. hmm))

Oh, and it's GOA's ISP...NOT GOA. Their ISP (WanadoobutFail) handles the routing...NOT GOA. :m00:

uhm... that is what i wrote

my point is that GOA are paying this company for their service, and since GOA are not getting the full service they are paying for, they should apply pressure to have it fixed asap. (which im sure GOA does)

/em wears Protective Ring of Flames
/em equips Bow of Flames
/em waits for Brannor's Near Sight to wear off


Originally posted by old.LandShark
I'm with you on most of that brannor, but if were running my company through my internet connection, and the vast majority of my customers complained of bad connection issues, once i'd checked it wasn't my own in-house hardware, i would scream bloody murder at my ISP. That's GOA's responsibility, because if you ask me dontWannadoo will not give enough of a damn about scattered complaints from users of another ISP. (I know *I'm* not on wannadoo...)

It's not GOA's FAULT, but it's their responsibilty.

edit: Orm. Shut up.

I'm pretty sure that GoA and Wanadoo are working on the issues (hence Kemor's request for as much info as possible from a variety of routes) but they are having to tackle this at a time when ISPs across Europe are all scrambling to find new routes following the shutdown of the KPNQwest network. I have seen some improvement, but I still think there is more work required.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen
/em equips Bow of Flames


Hey, I can't wait for those huge epics to happen so I can - kick your asses - I mean - interact with you all on a more personal level. ;)

Oh, you know how you always tell everyone to not run with their weapons drawn near the GG...chances are, you'll be able to attack any NPC in the Epic it'll only take one mistake for all hell/underworld/Malmohus/etc. to break loose.

<imagines a group of L45+'s running through Malm, seeing a named Drakulv, and killing it while it's trying to talk to them, then finding out it's the cousin of the Dragon's favourite Executioner...>




/em kicks his feet up on the table
/em takes a sip of his Pitcher of Ale (troll size)

/em scrolls up and realizes that some of the previous posted might seem a tad negative

Dont get me wrong here, i think DAoC is a great game!

I actually like having patches evaluated and scrutinized by the US players before they tickle down on us.

about events all im trying to say is that i want more, MORE MOOOOOORE and seeing more ingame GM stuff like catering the wedding yesterday certainly is a positive step in the right direction

/em wonders when the Kobold Hunter & Tamed Sveawolf have had enough "proff" for the wolves
/em looks at his cable modem and cries... damn lightning last night, only have http proxy left :(


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Um. No. They have a totally seperate Events team... facts people...facts...
Didn't know GOA had a separate team to do events, have there been any events in exc/hib? (sure haven't notice any)
Only event I've noticed so far is the end beta event...
Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Your very statement about yourself makes it quite clear why you don't see events. You're out there in the frontiers fighting. Events mainly take place inrealm.
I'm almost never out in frontiers, maybe I shall be out in there instead? ;P

Nemesis Warlock

Hehe Mythic / goa should implement a kind of DUNGEON MASTER FEATURE ánd put in an employee for every zone ;)

Would make the AI much more fun...

U stand in front of a wood ... doing nothing ... suddenly 20 greens siabs rush out at u ;)

or maybe.. there can be a change made with LITTLE effort...

Exping... Exping is hard.. the first 25 lvls u really RP ... u go in dungeons and are scared in muire / mithra ect. Then it gets boring. They should just implement LOTS of little thingies like terathran caslte in UO . A place where 10 ppl can go and perhaps ... a keep with 8 greens siab archers in it and lots of green /blue siab fighters... And ppl could try to take this castle.... not as an event... just put the castle somewhere ... doe greens / blue into it and put spawn on 100% ;). U would have soooooo much fun and the exping would cahgne to what it was before :

hack... slay... RP .. have fun... oooh lvl gained BTW ... more fun

instead of ..

hack hack hack bored hack hack bored hack ooh lvl finally (shrugs thinking of next lvl)


What u say to that ?

Lots of just (and i think thats the clue) INTELLIGENT PLACED MOBS IN -SURROUNDINGS- castles. caves. ect. not just woods and 3 same-looking-dungeons-all standing and waiting for their kill

More siab envoys ;)

siab invasions in siopa everyday 50 greens ;)

3 or 4 castles for different lvls with uberspawn to make a NPC keep raid and lvling fun again... ect..

wouldnt that be great ?

(yes im dreaming ...)

But at last it would be the EASIEST to program solution for more fun. Easier than balancing, making new mobs (looking the same) and new items (UNbalancing even more).

remember :

we got so much to go ;) im looking forward


If you would have your facts straight you would have known that I have more characters then just my uber lvl 50 armsman.... sigh...

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Khalen
If you would have your facts straight you would have known that I have more characters then just my uber lvl 50 armsman.... sigh...

If you actually read my posts, you'd see that the "uber" comment was directed at Blood and Midgard. I don't deal with Albion events. I understand very well that people have alts. And I never said you didn't have I can't see where I stated something incorrectly. :confused:

Anyway. Most events have been run at or around prime time because a lot of the event people work or have school or study, etc, and it's well, Prime Time - why run events when there may be no people around to take part?. I understand that most Albs are doing Relic raids at this time and most of the Middies are asleep. :m00:

Oh, and on that Bear-fighting one Blood. I believe that the event began a good 30-60 minutes before the huge mass of people arrived. Maybe you should pick on your realmmates for not spreading the word fast enough...and not blame GOA.



There was a weird event in Gna Faste on Monday afternoon, bout 2pm (NOT Prime Time).

I happened to be off sick and was online with Solid, chaperoning some lower level guildy alts when Tater (17 Warrior) spots a ww called Werewolf Collector, we go over, he is purp to Tater, grey to me. We all talk to him, he says he is looking for yellow stones from the svartalfs and wants some.

Off we trot looking for some svarts for Tater and Raebies to kill, find a few, kill a few, thats when my drugs kicke din and i all but passed out.

Well nice to see a new NPC face, and good place to put it in Gna Faste, no idea what happened next, tho it wasnt geared for my 50 Thane, so i didnt miss much.


Aye hold me hand bad class balancing and caster drops not goa's fault.


we seem to be getting a bit of the original subject.

What people whined about, GOA good or not!

Hehe finally another round with my arch nemesis weebull, ehh Brannor.

Hulbur: What evil are you planning today Brannor?

Brannor: *snort!*

Hulbur: Is that sooo? Thats really evil!

Brannor: *snort!*

Hulbur: Ill twart your plan! With handy cannon!

Hulbur: How handy!



Where is your attention span people? GOA have been picking itself up lately, but in my book they still have a long way to go before they go above the red line.

Patching! Yes we now have 1.48, finaly i might add. How many times was it postponed, how many times did we get any news at all?
Before that, 1.45, what happend there. I recall even Brannor McLapdog being slightly negative at one point. News came slowly in those times, if they ever came at all.

How about the lame excuses about translation. I can't count the number of threads there where at one time about how poor an excuse translation problems where!

How about our forums? Have you people already forgotten about that? Many of you, even myself, where ready to pack up and leave at that time! What stopped us?

Certainly not GOA, but Mythic and the game they made.

You said it yourself Brannor!
The game has nothing to do with GOA, its all Mythic! So when the question came:
If you put a poll, asking each and every player on the game if they are happy with GOA's service.
I say NO, its getting better, but the hole GOA dug for themselves during these last 4.5 months is just to deep for them to climb out of yet.

Ohh and where is our "Camelot Herald- Euro version?"

I love the game, and ill stick around hoping at one time to catch an event or two, but thats not gonna make or break me.

It would seem Marie Antoinette didn't live in vain.
If they don't have bread, let them have cake!

Or in GOA terms
If we can't give them patches, let them have, ehhh event?

The gauntlet have been thrown Brannor, I dare thee to pick it up!


I like the idea of a castle/fort to attack and still get exp, that thing would make exping alot more fun. I remember when I was around level 20ish I found the blodfelag fort near raum, called my healer friend over and layed siege to it :D we got to the last hut then we pulled about 5 yellows and a red, needless to say we died, but I had more fun that night than I'd had up until then.... and the sad thing is, I never see anybody exping there, I went with a equal leveled healer when all but the hardest blodfelag conned yellow, I can't imagine the fun that could be had in a full group of level 15's. It's a shame we are never gonna get more of these exp spots until Mythic implement them. :(

edit: eep, I just realised I've gone completely off topic, ohhh well :)


Heard this one a hundred times. (a) You weren't around the area the events took place. (b) People don't always report them. Weak arguement... NEXT!

a) We have so many Alb players running around everywhere. So it would be real hard to have peope not around an area where an event takes place. If there is any Alb character out there who ever saw/participated in an event let us now. As far as I know there were none since all the new updates

b) As far as I've seen all the events that occured have always been reported. And why if you are not working for GOA do you know for sure that they made events... Why doesn't GOA come with this info herself...


Originally posted by Solid
There was a weird event in Gna Faste on Monday afternoon, bout 2pm (NOT Prime Time).

I happened to be off sick and was online with Solid, chaperoning some lower level guildy alts when Tater (17 Warrior) spots a ww called Werewolf Collector, we go over, he is purp to Tater, grey to me. We all talk to him, he says he is looking for yellow stones from the svartalfs and wants some.

Off we trot looking for some svarts for Tater and Raebies to kill, find a few, kill a few, thats when my drugs kicke din and i all but passed out.

Well nice to see a new NPC face, and good place to put it in Gna Faste, no idea what happened next, tho it wasnt geared for my 50 Thane, so i didnt miss much.

The events d00ds gave you drugs to make you pass out (ingame of course :))? cooooooool :)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Hulbur
I recall even Brannor McLapdog being slightly negative at one point.
Only slightly? Bah! ;) I don't like the GOA gimps that hide away. K/Z are ok...though I still don't trust Z. :p

How about our forums? Have you people already forgotten about that? Many of you, even myself, where ready to pack up and leave at that time! What stopped us?
Yes. I remember them. :( I do remember Jorem returning to speak to us all though. ;)

You said it yourself Brannor!
The game has nothing to do with GOA, its all Mythic!
I did? Where? I may have said the game mechanics...not the European game. :p

Ohh and where is our "Camelot Herald- Euro version?"
Had to find something to whine about eh? ;)


Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Khalen

a) We have so many Alb players running around everywhere. So it would be real hard to have peope not around an area where an event takes place. If there is any Alb character out there who ever saw/participated in an event let us now. As far as I know there were none since all the new updates

Answered in part by Jupitus. This isn't the only forum. They don't always get posted here.

And why if you are not working for GOA do you know for sure that they made events... Why doesn't GOA come with this info herself...

Well, I think 95% of everybody knows that I'm an NPC Volunteer. I chose to break the silence when the old forums died in a bid to keep everyone together on one major forum. EVERYBODY else that is part of the Volunteer team is /anon. So, I know what events go on in Midgard, and to a certain degree, those in Albion and Hibernia.

I've already said why GOA doesn't come forward with this information. Events are ingame, they don't get announced by GOA in the real world. Perhaps, later, with the Epic Events, they'll have official reports afterwards. But for now, it's totally up to those that took part (players) as to if and where they report them.



K thanks for the info :)
Hmm another forum I gotta check more :)

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