Lionhearts Auction


- Algar -

After my spur-of-the-moment auction that was to be held after the Bazaar tonight was hijacked by Kedalin and a few others before it really got going i postponed it to a later date.

I'll decide on a date to hold it on tomorrow (im tired :() and will post it here, will most likely be next week though. Thanks to Ziera for giving me the go-ahead even thought it never actually did! :)


From every item sold, there will be a 'handling' charge (to be decided, will not be excessive though) that will be distributed amongst all the all the major Albion alliances and a smaller figure that will go to Lionhearts funds.
For everyone that gave me an item to sell, the LH % will not be involved unless the seller is kind enough to allow it :D

I've yet to speak to Araudry as to selling his items but everyone else that gave me items will have their posessions sold on the night and I'll look after it until i can get a hold of them to pass over the money.

Will post a list of items once I have one myself.

All those who spent excessively tonight should start saving, as there's at least a few good items on sale!

/em goes to have a good growl


i'd advice you to wait a few days. people are fairly broke :D

Generic Poster

Listpik means he had a good day, slipping through the crowd cutting purses ;)

- Algar -

I don't doubt it... i was quite intrigued when his pennies turned to gold at the slave auction ;)

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