Linux Problem



Dunno if any of you Linux nerds can help (yes - thats you TDC :) ), but I've got a problem that is driving me up the wall !

I have a PIII 850, 512Mb RAM, 10Gb, Tri64 running Redhat 7.2.

There is no IP filtering on this at all, and I can telnet into it merrily.
However, I cannot run a remote X-Windows session into this box, using X-Win Pro. I have tried it from an XP and Win2K client, and both keep complaining about being unable to open a socket. Running Nmap shows the port sitting there too. No IP filtering client side either. Clients in all necessary /etc/hosts.* files. Should connect fine, but buggered if I can suss it.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Testin da Cable

one thought before I plunge in to the hilt...are you running an xsession into the box or are you running a session out of the box [ie. to another client]?

as a client you can try telnetting in to the linux box, then setting the display variable by doing something like export[enter] and starting something like an xterm &[enter] or xclock &[enter] to test

if the machine itself is a client, you'll have to allow an X connection to the resident xserver by typing xhost +server.machine.somewhere[enter]. after you do that the xserver will accept remote x connections from the machine called "server.machine.somewhere"


I am running Redhat 7.2 on one box, and running X-Winpro on the Windows 2000 machine. I am trying to run an X-Windows session from the Redhat onto the Windows (i.e. KDE Desktop from the Linux box (server) appearing in X-Winpro on the Windows 2000 machine (client)).

Thanks for the suggestions tdc, but still no joy - X-Win pro keeps saying cannot open socket. :(

Testin da Cable

hmmm that's strange mate. I'll have a wee thinkie about it.
btw, can you X to another box to test?


I've got Cygwin on another Win98 box, and I can get into that from the same client - so it looks like a persmissions/IP access control issue on the Redhat Box.

Thnx for your help m8y - much appreciated :)


Do you reckon is it something to do with ./xauthority ?

Testin da Cable

well you could try setting you client there mate but iirc that's more for incoming x streams rather than outgoing. I'm not much of an X-god so you're pretty much on your own [but thank goodness for google hey :D] useful things may be and man X, man startx and man xhost on the linux box. Also you may want to check if the linux box actually allows connections from the win box.
On the other hand it may well be that the win box is looking for a special type of magic cookie, encryption or other doodad that the xserver isn't sending. Good Luck!!

old.Reverend Flatus

My 2p sounds like a permissions thing to me,
Originally posted by testin_da_cable
On the other hand it may well be that the win box is looking for a special type of magic cookie, encryption or other doodad that the xserver isn't sending
or it could be what he said.
Originally posted by bids
Running Nmap shows the port sitting there too
I have serious doubts about Nmap and whether it tells the truth, in my experience it gives a dodgy opinion of whether a port is open or not.


Just to let you two know how I've got on with this:

Couldn't get the X-Windows client working at all, but I installed VNC Server on the Redhat box, and I can get in via the standard VNC Viewer, and also the web enabled client - which is nice :)

Weird that I can get in using VNC, and not a normal X-Windows client - I thought VNC uses the X-Windows display exported to the viewer.

Oh well - don't give a poo now, as I can have my lovely Gnome desktop on a Windows 2000 box :)

Testin da Cable

we wub j00 bids :D

and it is a bit strange that VNC lets you do it. nice puzzle.
if you've got a spare moment you could sniff the network while connecting via X and VNC. really find out what's going wrong then mate.


Fanks m8y - I'll let you know how I get on - starting to think it is something to do with the DISPLAY environment variable now - especially as it will let me in with VNC.

TDC - I was in Amsterdam at the w/end with a bunch of lads from the rugby club. I can honestly say I have never seen anything like it ! I thought the red light district would be a seedy shit-hole full of dog rough-women and druggies. How wrong could I be !
(and no - I didn't sample either before you ask :) ).

Well impressed with the place - one of the lads is already on about going back sometime in the summer. Fancy a beer or ten ?

Testin da Cable

you bet!
let me know and I'll be there mate :D

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