Linux n00b



Just installed Linux Mandrake on a 2nd PC to try it out, and its frikken brill!

This q may have been already asked, but here goes anyway....

Has anyone got DAoC to run on a Linux box? Using Wine, Win4Lin or whatever...

Suggestions pls anyone....


Officially, you can't, or at least you're not supposed to as it breaks the EULA.

This shitty little document means Mythic, GOA, their inlaws, outlaws and tame gerbils can suspend your account if you do anything that shows signs of intelligence or original thought.

Mythic and their sycophants will tell you this is stop cheating, ho-ho, like it's really worked guys, nice one.

You *can* run it under Linux using VMWare, but this will really slow your machine down as it boots an entirely fresh operating system under your "host" o/s. It will run like a pig on crutches though.

Not that I've ever tried it myself, nor would I encourage anyone else to do so. Heaven forfend we should start to grow brains and realise what a bill of goods we've been sold by Mythic and GOA.



thanx m8, well put :)

Oh well, means Bill Gates keeps raking in the cash then, bummer :m00:


I'm a Linux advocate, I love it. Having said that though it does have its place, and that ain't playing the latest / best games.

There's been some discussion along the lines of XP vs 2000 for gaming platforms. IMHO the best o/s for games is Win-ME.

A lot of people will tell you it's bugged to hell and back. Well my KTA mobo and Athlon CPU have been steady as a couple of rocks for over a year now.
ME is much less bloated than either 2000 or XP so more system resources can be devoted to running games, most of which like to grab as much CPU time as possible.

When it comes to playing games, watching DVDs or messing about in multimedia ME rules. Of course all my serious stuff, firewall, server, mail etc runs on a Linux box. Microsoft is great for eye candy and killing time but the real work gets done on an o/s for grownups.



Dial, Me is the worst OS done by Microsoft, ever. You can't work on a Me like you can on 98se or 95 OSR2... Me can't take installing/reinstalling of proggies easy... try to install lots of programs and work with them, its registry fucks up = dead Me.
I worked with Me under stress conditions for it, it didnt last.

98se all the way.


I have to say I like XP, prolly for its eye candy and some (but few) new improved features. However, Bill Gates has built in his own spyware now, making sure my copy is propper, sod that!

Linux (Mandrake) is the nads, only been playing with it for a week or so, but wow, FTP, VNC, MySQL, web control, server bit n bobs....the list goes on. Aside the gaming prob, its everything Winblows should be / have.

For gaming, I agree ME or 98se are great. I have never had problems with either TBH, and always keep a ghost copy at the stand by in case, despite my XP having a best uptime of 4 weeks without reboot. (I normally shut it down every couple of days anyway).

I would suggest ppl try Linux, you can learn so much from it compared to the Gates wallet filler products, and comes at every ones favorite price......FREE! for the different products out there.


Originally posted by old.Osy
Dial, Me is the worst OS done by Microsoft, ever. You can't work on a Me like you can on 98se or 95 OSR2... Me can't take installing/reinstalling of proggies easy... try to install lots of programs and work with them, its registry fucks up = dead Me.
I worked with Me under stress conditions for it, it didnt last.

98se all the way.

The only time I've had problems with ME is when I've had McAfee AV installed, and then, as you said, it was as steady as Mongol working in a Coca-Cola plant.

Fact: the more bloated an o/s is the less resources are available for the applications.

98, whichever flavour, isn't actively supported by M$ anymore, ME does at least have a couple more years on the map.

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