Like u care =//

  • Thread starter old.ZonithWymkeeper
  • Start date


been looking at buffbot prob, and the release date of shadowbane... will prolly soon be playing shadowbane i think....too many ppl using daox...givnig info to albs/mids and fucking up the way the game is played, or using buffbots =//

i am pretty drunk atm, but this is getting depressing, getting über is the way to go it seems, no matter the cost =// know of hibs using buffbots too... ah well those were the days when ppl played fair...

will prolly never get it....

why ppl use cheats i mean....

gonna get to lvl 50 and to top 10 on the champ/excali serveri guess then its onwars to shadowbane unless its too expensive....

hope u enjoy cheating, those who do...and make no mistake, buffbots is cheating as u gain an advantage over other players


People with buffbots aren't cheats, merely people who take the game too seriously, and must be pitied.


and you think Shadowbane won't have this problem?

all mmorpgs are plagued by people who take it too seriously, and do everything for an edge...I must say that, besides buffbots, DAoC has been spared most, luckily, because of Mythics (and I hope GOA's) vigilance against cheaters...


Yeah, compared to certain games (no names like Legend of mir being mentioned here because that would be unfair on them)

there are only three cheat programs i know of, god bless you Mythic/Goa and whoever else.

All you need to do now is find a way to make buffbots impractical without totally gimping the people that genuinly play those classes.


range limit on buffs....
at least the buffbot is vonurable then, more so then with a player behind the keybored....playing 2 chars well at the same time is night impossible..


buffbots give ppl an advantage over other players they should'nt have ie they are cheats



those with buffbots PAY for 2 account , PAY for 2 comps ( in the non-doax cases ) and spend time lvl'ing TWO characters

if they are willing and have the funds to do this ...let them

look at it like this ....david beckham has better training facilitys and coaches at Man Utd ( scum btw ) than someone like joe bloggs who plays for darlington fc ( just an example ) ...his performance is ENHANCED and he is made better ..does this mean he cheats ?

ranging buffs is ghey to clerics annyoing wud it be to have a member of grp going out of range all the time ..i.e infil / scout checking on enemy and losing buffs ..u yurself wud be VERY annoyed



If you get killed by a buffed enemy, that should normally be the result of 2 players working together. That's fair. But in the case of a buffbot it's just one player doubling his chances against you because he has enough money and time to set up a second PC and level a second character. That's not fair if you ask me.

It's like a race where the other person has a car twice as fast as you.


well as ive always said i work frigging hard for the money i earn every month so an extra £6 a month on my credit card bill is no skin of my nose to run 2 accounts and have 2 PCs set up.

And ur right i dont care about ppl crying because they got killed by a buffed player etc why should i? i play for me not u


If you dont like buffbots.. then dont make one, getting pretty old comming here and complain about em :sleeping:


Originally posted by Envenom2
well as ive always said i work frigging hard for the money i earn every month so an extra £6 a month on my credit card bill is no skin of my nose to run 2 accounts and have 2 PCs set up.

And ur right i dont care about ppl crying because they got killed by a buffed player etc why should i? i play for me not u

nerd alert!


Mythic have stated that the game naturally assumes that you are buffed to some degree at level 50.

Now, due to Mythics piss poor game planning, classes that buff just aren't played, meaning that you very rarely find a level 50 with buffs from another active player. So people with buffbots are just correcting an inbalance created by the game designers.



Remember the time when Diablo(tm) came out? For a while cheats and such were only the toys of the huddled masses of korea and such, "huk huk giv itam plz" ring a bell anyone? Then it came a standard, everyone was using maphacks, item duplicates, uber hp and whatever the people could come up with their little minds. Then came a new thing in the world of "massive" online playing, purists.

Now a purist is a simple concept: No cheats, no hacks, no ill-play or backstabbing.

A total purist, like i was(no boasting, just stating) was the same except that they also didn't take items from anyone, only picked up items from monsters they killed(or in groups naturally) and all in all played with what they had gained and achieved themselves.

Remember a time when you walked into the world of Diablo and someone said they were a purist? Oh the amazement they had on their virtual faces. Was a purist myself, a 100% at that, and it gave me a slight boost in my net ego counter from my comrades in battle against the big D with the pitchfork, horns and a spiky tail. Great feeling when you hear the words "A purist? Damn! That's hardcore man!" or some other usual talk from the people around the world.

Cheating is wrong in my mind, why bother when a game is developed the way it is. Play it like it's meant or play something else but at the same time, it also gives more respect and, yes, maybe even honor to those purists among us.

Anyway, cheating or no cheating, we all play in our own way and why go using a flamethrower on those who cheat? Ok, it's "wrong" and i myself don't like cheating, never could use a cheat or a hack till the day i die but it's not like cheaters ruin your game, cheat through your inventory or give you a boost in power or strength without your permission. Like a friend said,
"Life's short, game on."


Originally posted by old.Hendrick

It's like a race where the other person has a car twice as fast as you.

so michael schumachers car isnt faster than alan mcnish's ?



Originally posted by busty

look at it like this ....david beckham has better training facilitys and coaches at Man Utd ( scum btw ) than someone like joe bloggs who plays for darlington fc ( just an example ) ...his performance is ENHANCED and he is made better ..does this mean he cheats ?

Bad analogy.

David Beckham is not more skillfull BECAUSE he plays at Man U, he plays at Man U because he is more skillfull. Get it ?

Bad analogy because DAOC isn't a game of skill. There is no skill required to play a buffbotted player, all you need in DAOC to be uber is tons of time, 2 PCs, 2 accounts (possibly a third running a cheaty sniffer type thing :p ) and no social life. End of story.

Mythics biggest error was making DAOC RvR based but rewarding players with uber skills based upon an inividual RP count. What incentive is there for buffing classes to buff their realm mates when they can just roll asassins, buff them to the eyeballs, leave the buffer parked at the tk and watch the RP roll in.


buff bots for PvE make this game bearable

without one, I would have quit a long time ago... shame mine is usually parked in Gna Faste, rather than mpk emain, but most shamans I group with have better buffs anyway

Teh Fonz!!1

imho, the whole thing breaks a MMORPGs main rule.

People with more money in real life have an advantage other people who don't.

It happens in every MMORPG though. Best bet is to just enjoy the game for what you can get out of it.



Bufbots bad. They use them anyway.

You can't use bufbots. They use them anyway.

Boo! Hiss! You evul player! They still do what they want.

Ah well, game on. :D


if i didn't have access to my friend's lvl50 matter cabalist, and if i hadn't scraped together a just-about-minimum-requirements PC out of old spare parts, I wouldn't have a buffbot.
I.e. if i had to invest huge amounts of time and buy a new PC, then I wouldn't have a buffbot. I had the opportunity to permanently have 1800hp and hit like a steamroller for a few days of my time and £5 per month.
So, yeah; 'like i care' is about right.


Tohtori, going purist in diablo was ok , but the real hardcore, played what we called Ironman-Diablo , You went down as lvl 1 and then you where not alloved to return to the town, if you died.. you where out of the game , you had to use what ever equip you could find, that was the ONLY way to play Diablo , atleast if you wanted a challenge ;)


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
If you dont like buffbots.. then dont make one, getting pretty old comming here and complain about em :sleeping:

If you don't like murders, don't go on murdering, but don't complain or try to do anything about them?

If you don't like drunk drivers, don't drive drunk, but don't complain or try to do anything about them?

Nice society we would get, you reasoning is bad IMO.


Originally posted by erl

If you don't like murders, don't go on murdering, but don't complain or try to do anything about them?

If you don't like drunk drivers, don't drive drunk, but don't complain or try to do anything about them?

Nice society we would get, you reasoning is bad IMO.

Your reasoning is just as flawed.

Buffbots can in no way, shape or form be likened to murderers or drunk drivers.


Why buffbots are cheating, because you cant kill the buffbots!!
(well technicly you probably could if you built a treb outside pk but....)
Dont think anyone would have a problem with em if they werent inside the bloody pk and untouchable. thats cheating in my opinion.


Originally posted by Dook_Pug

Your reasoning is just as flawed.

Buffbots can in no way, shape or form be likened to murderers or drunk drivers.

You totally miss my point. My point is of course that you should be allowed to whine/complain/whatever about things and just not swallow it thinking "oh well I won't do it then the problem goes away".

I think its a problem with drunk drivers. The problem won't go away just because I don't drive drunk. There are certainly people who don't think this is a problem (probably those who drive drunk themselves.

I think its a problem with buffbots. The problem won't go away just because I don't have one. There are certainly people who don't think this is a problem (mostly those who have buffbots themselves).

Something like that was my point.


have nothing against buffbots

but they are nerds those players lol


Originally posted by Dook_Pug

Now, due to Mythics piss poor game planning, classes that buff just aren't played, meaning that you very rarely find a level 50 with buffs from another active player. So people with buffbots are just correcting an inbalance created by the game designers.


hate to tell you this, but my shaman is specced for damage,
and shammys - t3h dreaded buffbot :rolleyes:

cave 41 gives best DD
aug 31 gives 1st grp endurance regen (note the GROUP tag;))
mend 14 gives the 2nd friggs

I throw couple of dual buffs to ppl, but i'm quite happy to go solo, and buffs are for me

my objection to them going on range/timer is that if guild is split to 2 grps, and i'm only shammy online for guild (quite often the case) a healer can backstop the basic buffs, but str/dex and the Acuity buffs can help tanks a fair bit, should they suffer? just cos i'm in another group?


Originally posted by akula

hate to tell you this, but my shaman is specced for damage,
and shammys - t3h dreaded buffbot :rolleyes:

cave 41 gives best DD
aug 31 gives 1st grp endurance regen (note the GROUP tag;))
mend 14 gives the 2nd friggs

I throw couple of dual buffs to ppl, but i'm quite happy to go solo, and buffs are for me

my objection to them going on range/timer is that if guild is split to 2 grps, and i'm only shammy online for guild (quite often the case) a healer can backstop the basic buffs, but str/dex and the Acuity buffs can help tanks a fair bit, should they suffer? just cos i'm in another group?


So because you have a Shammy there is no game imbalance?

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