Like banging my head against Thors hammer?



OK right my last post was a bit of fun I have to admit, altho i didnt really understand what a nerf is but know I do - please dont hate me for pulling your puds guys i mean no offence :)

ok but now here's my question - ive been on level 6 now for a few days and cant seem to get to 7, 1 to 6 was ok cos i had a healer helping me out but it seems a lot harder to get to 7, i know ive got to go for yellow monsters but still seem to die quite a lot when fighting so lose xp points and my bar seems to be going backwards, and turning into a badger is crap cos it lsats for about 3 secs and then you cant do it again for about 10 minutes, plus the other thing is i always seem to get other mosnters wading in and giving me bother when ive twatted there mates!!!

i was in mularn the other day killing some ants when this guy came up to me and cast this massive fuck off hammer spell and squished all the ants, WHAT A DOOD! and i thought hey wouldnt it be nice to be able to do that rather than just turn into some mad gerbil, so anyway is this a thane or wizzy spell cos it looks really nice, made my mad rat act look bloody lame tbh

turning into a giant bunny really blows, i mean DUH like anyone would be able to do that :p k it looks funny but WTF badgers, bunnies, rats, beavers, gerbils, whatever whats that go to do with anything i ask you????


The Thor hammer spell is a trait of a Thane.

The reason you seem to die a lot is you might be too weak to go for yellow con mobs. Unless you're lucky, yellow almost always kill you.

Try going for blue. You'll have a faster downtime and you should be level 7 in no time at all.


Low yellows would be fine if you use the right equipment. My scout on Albion can take yellow skeletons in 3 shots before they even reach her because she uses blunt arrows (They are vulnerable to crush dmg).

Moral of the story - use the right dmg time or pick a mob thats vulnerable to your weapon:)

old.Trine Aquavit

A zerker is very capable of killing yellow con mobs at least up to level 20 if you have decent equipment. You know that 100gp you spent of black dyes, Bob? Well what you should have done is gone to Gna Faste (in Myrkwood Forest) where the crafters hang out. Use some of that cash to get them to make you a full set of crafted studded armour and a couple of crafted weapons - a crafted hand axe for your left hand and a high delay/damage one-handed weapon for your right (whatever your main weapon spec is). Get them to make armour/weapons that are red/orange to you so that it lasts for a few levels. There is an enhanter in the guard tower at Gna Faste, too. Give your newly crafted items to the enchanter and they will enchant them with a magical bonus. Repeat this process whenever your armour or weapons con blue. You will be fully equipped to take on pretty much any yellow fairly easily and most oranges (though taking orange can have greater down-time).

You'll also want to make sure your zerker is specced correctly. First put points into Left Axe and make sure it is maxxed to level. Then put points into your main weapon spec (my zerker uses Axe). Finally, throw the occasional point into parry. Try to use Left Axe styles as they are some of the best styles in the game.

As for the mobs (monsters): some mobs are social, meaning that they help each other out in a fight. There are different types of social mobs: baf mobs (bring-a-friend) help each other out when you attack one of them. The number of additional mobs (adds) generally varies according to the number of people in the group that pulled them. Two people in the group will normally only pull one mob, whereas a full group will bring four. Occasionally, a group of mobs are fully linked, so that if you attack one you'll get the lot (generally this only hapopens with quest mobs). Finally, there are call-for-help (cfh) mobs, like the ants you encountered. When you pull these you only get one mob, but when you start doing damage there is a chance that they will 'call for help', and any similar mobs within a certain area will come to help the one that called. The best way to deal with these is to pull the mobs well away from the rest so that if it calls teh others are too far away to hear.

On the subject of Thanes: well, they're a hybrid melee/caster class. They can't fight as well as Warriors/Zerkers and can't cast as well as Runies/Spiritmasters. Overall, they are a relatively weak class at the moment, though many enjoy playing them. The spell you saw is an Area of Effect Direct Damage spell (AE DD) with probably the coolest spell effect in the game. High level Thanes like to use it on grey-con mobs because we won't let them use it anywhere else :)

By the way, it'd be a good idea to post these kinds of questions on the newbie board. It's what it's there for and you're less likely to endure the wrath of the board regulars (though I get the feeling that you quite like it).

Hope this helps


What you also can do is tasks. There are two sorts of tasks:

1- so called Fed-ex tasks
2- Kill tasks

Just run up to a guard and whisper task (/Whisper task) with the guard selected and you'll see if he has a mob for you to kill. If you want a fed-ex task (task where you have to deliver a certain object to another merchant) go to a merchant and type /whisper task.

You can also use /s task but that is broadcasted and may disturb other people.

After you did the task, just ask for another one to the same person and you should be ok for a while.

I haven't been doing them at your level, but at later levels they are good around huginfell and Galplen/Gna faste.



Nice one Bob. Live fast, die young (to yellow cons) and have a good looking corpse (in black dye paid for by me). Thats my motto. Glad to see you have your priorities right :)


Kill tasks will be one of the fastest ways to level 5-20. Bets place I found for them is Myrkwood, mainly Galplen till about level 9-10 then Gna Faste til 20.

As for crafted items, not a bad notion, but its also worth checking out a few web sites liek alakazham and catacombs first to see what mobs are best for your char to kill. Once armed with this knowledge, you should be soloing yellows easily.

Hamsters are a good char IMO, my Thanes got some kewl special effects, but hes too much of a hybrid nowadays to make an effective high level char, so play them just for fun. Mjolliner (the area effect hammers) is feared more by fellow mids than by the enemy, as its a well known mezz breaker by people who dont know when and how to use it properly.


cheers guys thx for advise

went to gna faste and just got abused by all the high lev doods there


does this game turn you into sum kind of arse when u get to high lev or wot?

yer must admit peeps might be a bit suss with me begging macro whilst prancing around in black dye LOL!!

stood next to some guy who was sat crafting sumt and he told me to STFU cos he was concentarting DUH

went to a troll guard who sent me to kill a goblin in the woods and i got fkin lost and ended up being ambushed by a load of walking trees FS

this game sux LOL!!


PPS i might be skint but i look fantastic!!!


This post contains very good advice. Use it !

As for macro begging, thats about the lowest level you can sink in this game. Start macro begging and you will be treated as the asshole you are.

For the ppl that know me, yes sorry this is a rather extreme way of formulating for my doing. But this retard is asking for it.


Anyone else think that old.chesnor is being just a tad too nice to Bob, i reckon they are one and the same.


Originally posted by CliffyG
Anyone else think that old.chesnor is being just a tad too nice to Bob, i reckon they are one and the same.


If we were one and the same how could he have given me 100gp the other night

think about it dood?


Originally posted by ButaneBob

If we were one and the same how could he have given me 100gp the other night

think about it dood?

If you were the same then it's quite feasable that it's all made up!

Originally posted by old.chesnor
I am not, repeat NOT, Butane Bob.....

That'll teach me to watch conspiracy theory eh :p.

old.Trine Aquavit

Whichever way you look at it - begging sucks. Don't do it, Bob. Respect of the other players is very important in a game like this, and a bad reputation is hard to shake off. It's not good to have people avoiding you, refusing to group with you, etc. Begging is one way to get a bad rep, quickly.

To be absolutely honest, if I were you I'd roll a new character, open up a new BW account with a different name and come back with a more humble attitude. The first impression you've made hasn't been a good one. And those high level doods? Well those are the guys who you're probably going to spend most of your time with - new players are rare and the most characters under 40 are higher level players alts these days.

There's plenty of help and advice to be had from these forums, but there's also plenty of vitriol to dump on those that lose themselves respect. Think about it.

And if you are just a troll, then you're just wasting peoples time.


dont listen to em bob, your one of the only people on here who doesnt take this game seriously as if it makes a difference to your future. there is nothing wrong with his attitude, Trine.



Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
A zerker is very capable of killing yellow con mobs at least up to level 20 if you have decent equipment.

Zerker, 24, killing oranges. And nothing more of it. Done a few quests(some silly, the epic and njessi) and ofcourse got some cave prowler stuff but still.


Didnt know u was back in Mid ches, dont ya talk to ya old buds from NS?

old.Trine Aquavit

there is nothing wrong with his attitude, Trine.

I don't have a problem with the guy, which is why I'm trying to help him out. However there do seem to be a large number of people who are unimpressed. All I'm doing is pointing out that reputation is important, and that he may already have done some damage. It would probably be easier to make a fresh start now than put up with a large number of people thinking you're a knob.


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit

I don't have a problem with the guy, which is why I'm trying to help him out. However there do seem to be a large number of people who are unimpressed. All I'm doing is pointing out that reputation is important, and that he may already have done some damage. It would probably be easier to make a fresh start now than put up with a large number of people thinking you're a knob.

Thanks for advice dood, youre a real gent :) Hopefully not too many peeps think im a knob altho if they do then well shucks <shrugs>

Anyway I like to beg and will carry on doing it, come and watch me outside Hagger or Vasud you will be impressed how well I do it - I piss some peeps off, others give me gold - as far as I'm concerned its roleplay ok - its what the game is all about for me - if peeps dont like it they can tell me to FO like in real life, same as on this forum. Butanebob is a hapless dwarf rather than a mighty avenger, as far as I see it its all part of one big rich tapestry

However to suggest i go away cos i dont confirm to your idea of what makes a good player / forum poster strikes me as highly pompous and patronising - if the moderators decide I have offended people / wasted peoples time sufficiently to constitute a threat to the integrity of the boards then fair do's i will take my non conformisms elsewhere

In the meantime to all those who have been kind to the hapless zerker dood

<me bows to you>


old.Trine Aquavit

Sorry, Bob, I genuinely didn't mean to offend. I just saw you as a guy who had unintentionally got off on the wrong foot with a few people (which, if you read some of the responses, it does appear you have), and my suggestion was purely a way to help smooth things out. A large proportion of my suggestions are silly suggestions, mind :)

You seem happy with who you are and what you represent, so best of luck to you and your career in... erm.. berserker-begging?


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
You seem happy with who you are and what you represent, so best of luck to you and your career in... erm.. berserker-begging?

they CAN hold up 2 hands at once tho, so that's a bonus ;)

Uncle Sick(tm)

If I was Chesnor, I'd be right pissed about Butane shopping for 30g dyes instead of decent gear. :D

ph34r teh black l6 zerkar!!1

... well, Bob is a hoax anyway. Bob = Toto.


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
If I was Chesnor, I'd be right pissed about Butane shopping for 30g dyes instead of decent gear. :D

Once I hand the money over, I never presume to tell anyone how to spend it. I'll give advice if they ask, but most don't bother.

Alot of high levels don't realise that they are hypocritical walking around in their black and crimson finery (180g worth of gold..) and passing judgement on beggars like "don't spend it on dye". Kinda like pissed up politicians stepping over homeless people on thier way out of the theatre and telling them not to spend their dole money on harmfully strong lager.


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
... well, Bob is a hoax anyway

ooh provocative... come to hagger sick boy and ill set my giant hamster on you ;)



Notice how bob speaks in "L33t speak", or whatever you call it... then suddenly slips into talking normally... and back into "L33t speak" - suspicious...


Originally posted by the_chimera
Notice how bob speaks in "L33t speak", or whatever you call it... then suddenly slips into talking normally... and back into "L33t speak" - suspicious...

WTF j00 mean l053r???!!!!11

you have a suspicious mind my friend ;) oh and by the way the zerker boy bob doesnt speak in leet speak, it's more hapless dwarf nice-but-dim slightly retarded but ultimately harmless doodspeak i'd say


Generic Poster

Don't change for these peons Bob. The best roleplay is to live the role. When you slip into your 'other', you don't come out for anyone, regardless of what people think of you.

I have good fun starting obnoxious newbies and pestering people on /advice. Try it sometime :D

/still thinks BoB is Cerebus :p

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