Life as a small Guild



Greetings all fellow inhabitants of our beloved realm of Midgard.

I, Maugenra Druchii, Guildmaster of the Landvaettir, have a little story to tell about the Guild of the Landvaettir, and their life on Prydwen since the beginning of time.

Landvaettir was founded within the first month after the first glimpse of sunlight was released on Prydwen and all the founding members are still within our tightly knit family. All of the founding members has known each other from a former life and as a will of destiny luckily all reincarnated in the realm of Midgard on the world of Prydwen.

We are a small guild consisting of 6 family heads and a few of their children. We have tried a few times to join one of the Alliances, but most of the time we have been told that our fellowship is to small to contribute anything of value to the alliance. I value the big guilds in Midgard and feel that they are doing as they see right to better the whole of our glorious realm, and therefore hold no grudge against any of the alliances, I have a great respect for all of them and one day the Landvaettir will be sufficient to contribute to one of them.

Landvaettir has a lot of friends, which will not be mentioned here, but most of you will know who you are. You all hold a place in the hearts of Landvaettir and has helped us to maintain our belief in the tight bond of a small family, instead of Landvaettir dispersing into stronger guilds, we are small in numbers, but strong in the will and our hearts.

To let you all know a few of the advantages and disadvantages for a small guild here is a summary:

- A tightly knit family, this is all for one, and one for all.
- There is always time for the individual member.
- Every member is a valued, trusted person.
- Easy to administrate and do small guild hunts within a short time.
- Guild chat has a nice and friendly atmosphere and with no spam.

- Hard to join an alliance, partly because of our size and partly because of max. No. of guilds.
- Hard to make the best events, Keep raids, DF raids, WoW hunts.
- Hard to fund crafters and to keep crafting when you have to gather the funds yourself.
- Hard to get good 42+ groups, when Malmohus is not a place of your liking.
- Hard to get new members as all we have to offer is our good mood and a friendly atmosphere.

Our guild is happy as it is, we just miss an alliance chat and the occasional alliance event, we have joined quite a few events, but that’s only because we have friends in other guilds who have invited us as “special” guests, which we have enjoyed immensely.

This post is definitely not a whine, I love my guild and the people within. We would love to grow a bit, but we are picky and our max. size would be around 20 members. I still think it would help our gaming enjoyment to join an alliance, but in due time Landvaettir will blossom.

Thanks for time and see you on Prydwen.


php nuke ^^

indeed a nice design..

and know where your coming from, being in a very small guidl myself, with 10 active members.


Nice webby :)

I can see what you problem is, and I am very sure that you are not alone in being a small guild. Perhaps you should try and ally with other small guilds, that way it should be easy for you to gather good groups for different raids.

Problem really is the way DAoC is build, which is all about big epic encounters and not really any good rewards for the small, tight knit group of people.

There is hope tho, once SI hits there will be many places you can go, even with small amounts of people, and get yourself good equipment, make money and the like.

Wish you the best of luck.


Basically the creed of Heirs of Nithavellir. We're too small in levels to join any events but our own, though.

Roo Stercogburn

Our alliance has had problems with the silly guild limit (still no answer from Mythic btw) otherwise we'd have signed on the dotted line pretty much straight away. Landvaettir are a respected guild that have been around a very long time, and I know many peeps in game that say a lot of nice things about you guys. Any time an alliance slot comes up though, its precious and we have lots of peeps requesting it. At alliance councils, its one of the subjects that keeps coming up over and over again: who to let in this time, and who gets disappointed and tbh I'm sick to death of having to turn away nice people. I've always been dead against the You-must-be-in-a-big-guild-to-join-in-big-stuff attitude.

Something you should know though: for a while, we have tried to include out-of-alliance guilds in events and planning for raids and stuff. If it is a guild we know and trust, we have had no problem in the past (subject to alliance GM vote) in letting officers from these guilds have access to alliance forum areas. It helps us get around the guild limit and means that smaller guilds can still get to join in realm level events. Its not perfect, but at least we are trying.

I'll resist getting on my soapbox about the limit thing again. There would be swear words, and there may be pre-school kobbies present :)

Slight EDIT: overwrote some text accidently


am i corretc in thinking that Vikingar is still listed as an alliance member even though we disbandend and left for better pastures (most of the good ones are in Fedyakin now funnily ernough)

perhaps if you check on that there could be a space opening up.
Vikingar have ofitially disbanded after all...


We are also a small guild very much in the same vein as Landvaettir - we are a group of online friends that came over from Alb Excal and we, like Landvaettir, find the small close-knit guild a great one to be in.

We have gradually over the months expanded a little and have invited a few more to join us - these have tended to be new players to the game and not alts of other guilded mains altho we do have a few of these that we value very highly.

I find that the big advantage of a small guild is the one mentioned above - that of having plenty of time to see to individual members. It tends to produce very loyal and sincere members and, although we are a small guild and will probably stay that way I can never see us folding from lack of numbers as our members seem very happy and more than willing to stay in this guild.

Madonion Slicer

Plus you give me all your fat loot :)

Come from a small guild on Excal/Alb, and also here on Mid/Prd.

With a small guild your not just another face in the crowd and you get to know your guildies very well.

For instents never take directions from Gibberish(slogram)

The only danger is that as people start to leave you could find you guild to small with no one online when you are and such making it hard to form xp and rvr guild groups, something the Red Dragons are suffering from very much now.

Klan War i am pleased to say do not suffer this, but i normally group with myself anyway so i do ok.

Long Live the Red Dragons
Long Live the Klan War


Hehe Madonion

I'll be alright now m8 - just discovered pressing shift - c GIVES U A COMPASS!!!!11


Aaaaaaaahh never to get lost again :)


migth be necessary for all the smaller guilds who think alike to form up together... its a small sacrifiy when thinking of the new friends and allies youd be making.


My guild, or should I say clan, have decided to stay this small. We don't like big guilds where you barely mean anything.
Sure, the number of members online are small, but when and if you get together, it's really fun.
You all "know" eachothers. It's sort of the same with them big guilds, except that there are lots of people not being heard or helped (well, I guess helped with free items and gold and such) or taken out for hunts.
Now, I wont take any prejudices on the big guilds more than I already have in this post. Not trying to put all the big guilds as a whole here.

My point is, a small guild can be a better experience for some people. I don't think the dwarven clan will ever intend on merging with another guild. There's too few roleplaying guilds for that anyways.

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