

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 24, 2005
Hi, new to game - after inheriting my son's accont who is off to Uni, he has given up on DAoC, but I have caught the bug. Neither of the 2 chars are guilded, and for me this seems to be best part of the game.

50 Saracen Scout & 41 Saracen Necro (Full Deathsight - that's good I'm told)

I have been messing around with the necro - and having a bit of fun, scout seems to be neglected, no cash or decent armor to speak of, but reading these boards, seems like a good char to have, just needs a bit of :wub: and TLC from me to get him playable.

Need a guild to guide this old fart throught the game, preferably with some golden oldies in it, don't want you young'ens /laughing at me (see got some of the lingo off)

Any offers please, I have looked at some of the guilds, but all means very little to me, so please be nice. I notice some guilds want you to write in on their forums to join, thought I would break the ice here, then choose a guild from any offers and do a write up as required.

As you can see from chars, not looking to be PL'd (old hand at this gamer speak now) just a bit of friendly guidance.

No ToA on account - Yet - has been ordered by me , and is due tomorrow, ToA looks like the difficult bit.

Hope to here from some old farts who are like minded and want to get me into this already addictive game.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004

Always looking for players, especially the more mature minded :)

Check your pm's


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 22, 2004
Hi :)

Nosferatu Reges are always looking for players to join our guild.

We are mostly 'old farts' who just enjoy the game and take each step as it comes. We have a lot of experience in every aspect of the game as well, so I am sure we can help you where ever needed. The guild has been going for over 2 years now and as I said, we're always looking for new faces to come and enjoy the laughter and fun. We all enjoy both PvE and RvR as well so theres a big opportunity to explore every aspect of the game.

If your interested and want to know more info, then plz drop me a PM on here or speak to a NR member in-game :)

We also have our own site if you want to take a peek, www.gamingmonkeys.co.uk/nr - fairly new upgraded site, we also use our forums a lot but I won't ask you to sign up to them unless you join us, but if you want to then do so and can be easily found through our site.

Hope to here from u soon.

All the best in your search for a loving home :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
If you want to make your gaming experience exciting together with good ol' roleplaying you should grab a visit at our forums.


check the thread Applicants look here

By all means look us up ingame with /who choir

/dum di dum dum Dard


Fledgling Freddie
May 9, 2004
Well Knights 0f The Round Table are always open for new members, newcommers to the game, oldtimers all of em you can try to take a look at our homepage, some of our guilds history is noted there and lot's of usefull links.
Knights 0f The Round Table homepage
you can always make a /who Round Table on the server and ask any online if an officer is online to answar your questions.

What ever you choose we, KOTRT, wish you the best luck in DAoC.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 24, 2005
Thanks all, I have now joined Nosferatu Reges, thanks to all those that posted, my choice in no way reflects badly on any of the other Guilds in this post, just my personal choice.

Once again thanks for all your offers, long may DAoC continue to reign.

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