Lf Mend healer+leech
Looking for a lvl 50 mend healer+leech to join a xp group at redcaps. We will start again tomorrow sunday at 12.00 cet sharp. We will xp till around 19 cet then take 2 hours break and continue after till around midnight.
Post here if intrested, pm me here or pm ingame under then name Krafish/Krafiks or Krabuff
Looking for a lvl 50 mend healer+leech to join a xp group at redcaps. We will start again tomorrow sunday at 12.00 cet sharp. We will xp till around 19 cet then take 2 hours break and continue after till around midnight.
Post here if intrested, pm me here or pm ingame under then name Krafish/Krafiks or Krabuff