jorky said:Where are yooooo ???
Restored my acc yday and now im waiting for u to get on ventrilo with me bog and ad like the good ole times
Ps:Jorky hates u
polza said:dian sucks =(( and 2 u on msn aye my acc open thou not playing much
WB BERT ...Bertram said:Am sitting here at my School (NOT a noob school, a shcool for grown up adult, mature people like me!) Anyways... I tryed to renew my subs yestoday
but when i typed my VISA Number etc and acceptet the browser throwed me to my Banks homepage i was like say whAT?
It wantet me to type a ID and pass of some sort... Very wierd...
If i cant get it to work today i will use my moms Visa so no worries mates!
I will be home around 15.30 CET So i will cya there! Or tonight
Cant wait to run in the frontiers again ... I have been playing wow some time now ... 60 warrior and for a moment i thought i was done with daoc for good! But i cant quit! Its like a addiction guys... I simply cant quit..
AND just a statement! The tards who are playing wow on my server anyway SUX! They are 5% Dumber than a bag of peanuts! They are little kids
who thinks they are on the top of the world ! Some times i flame there asses to hell but it dosent help ofcourse.
The last idiot who passed my way was a guy who Begged me for gold...
I was like.. Dude... Farm your own freakign gold like everyone else! I am not getting free gold! No one is! We work for that shit, so pleaaase ! Stop beg and go farm and do your thing! And he was saying: YOU! Dont have any friends! You are greedy and stupid! You have no friends!
WTF!? Who told him? Anywyas.. 75% of the people playing wow is Retardet, children under the age of 12 OR sweedish!
(Officialy i dont hate sweedish people)
Cya later guys Am gonna kick some ass now in my lessons WOO YAA!
Adlatus Hellbringer said:Ahhh weagle !! How r ya mega meight
Logann said:And now the whole crew is here.
Helo all....and no Im not coming back