Just wondering if anyone knows a good place to exp it? been trying out Iarnvidiur with kolvargs and redcaps, ok exp there but drops aren't so great..anyway gis some info
Hi Nate,
the only place worth lvl'ing it is in Modernagrav..the down side is you are doing nothing during the day except farming money(not a bad thing) exp is about 25-40% (only at night) depending on how good the grp is there.
solo on my hunter it was at best 15% with a bb and non stop pulling have tryed most camps in si, but Modern was the best. hope it helps
I need to level too nate its on cerbie (pac/mending healer) so nightmere to level this maybe we can arrange some kind of hunt, would like to be a black panther
I need to level mine as well.. been thinking about going Iarn and setting up camp there until it's level 10, but really wanna get my SoM activated first (and ofc need 1o3 and 3o3 to do that)
have same problem, so far living in iarn whit bott, making in night ~25% xp.
hmm modern was in mind but need build own group for xp DS up, i guess zerk and shammy dont fit healer and pbaeo sm group so well
if someone is intrested build group? pm me and i come check what kind xp modern offer DS.
just make me soon cry how fast stuffs is decaying when need melee mobs down, mariashas glows for hunter was slow allso but sharks rarely come melee and armours/items needed only few repairs whole grind dammit.
If/when doing something this sunday, please (pretty please, sugar on top etc. etc.) do it in the early afternoon or late morning, for I'm doing Nailah's Robes leveling from 17:00 onwards, and I would like to be in a Dreamsphere leveling group...
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