Got 10 of these, due to mp order for guildie... selling at 40g each.
M Mishy Guest May 29, 2003 Thread starter #5 Originally posted by Khalen "I will never craft again" Click to expand... humm. /bump! Shields!
M Mishy Guest May 29, 2003 Thread starter #7 k... how about arcanium reinforced round shields, for forty gold?
V vindicat0r Guest May 30, 2003 Thread starter #11 I will be on about 8 gmt. I still want 1 Msg you later then.
M Mishy Guest May 31, 2003 Thread starter #13 All sold except 2, which im waiting for Kalvas and Vindicator to pickup
V vindicat0r Guest May 31, 2003 Thread starter #14 Thanks Mishy. I will be on 2nite for a bit < maybe longer depends whats up > wont be on sunday all day Monday is good though Whichever fits best.
Thanks Mishy. I will be on 2nite for a bit < maybe longer depends whats up > wont be on sunday all day Monday is good though Whichever fits best.