/level 30 and hib/prydwen



What is wrong with GOA, I don't think anyone will disagree that Hib/Prydwen should get /level 30 (300 people at peak times etc). Why is that so hard for them to see?


Cos it might mean we'll get relics if our population goes up and then they'd have to find some other excuse than a server crash to hand them back to whoever we took them from :p


i want my free level 30 buffbot :(

then mabye i could get to 50 :/


Or maybe it's just another excuse because GOA's translation team needs another 3months to translate the text for the level 30 equipment guy :p


tbh, how would it help balance population? if all level 50s off mid and alb went to hib and made level 30s then the other two realms would be under populated too. plus, its already been explained why they didnt make it level 30.


cos you would have 5 billion level 30 manachanters running round the second the patch went live


Originally posted by n3wbie
tbh, how would it help balance population? if all level 50s off mid and alb went to hib and made level 30s then the other two realms would be under populated too. plus, its already been explained why they didnt make it level 30.
Er, it's not like EVERYONEs going to leave is it ffs, just a few to help balance a bit.

cos you would have 5 billion level 30 manachanters running round the second the patch went live
Yep so instead we get 5 billion bonedancers and 5 billion savages.



yeh, so people will go cos they like a class not cos they can make a class they dont like but at level 30. if hib got 30 and mid got 20 and i hate every hib class, i dont goto hib to make a class i hate cos its 30 do i? no cos then that would be as dumb as most of the people here who still play a game they dont like.



....Some reminders about the /level command.

The new /level 20 (or 30) command will allow you, if you have at least one level 50 character on any of our servers, to create new characters and start at level 20 (or 30), on any European servers.

First, remember that Carnac (the youngest of the French servers) will not have this command activated at first as it was specified in the last Friday news.
Also, and this being mainly due to the lack of information regarding the exact active population of the servers, we decided not to have any realm, of any server, with the command /level 30 on the patch day. All servers, all realms, will therefore start with the /level 20 command and, if need be, we will do the changes needed according to the information we have.


Read and digest (especially the emboldened bits) before crying please.


Getting 30 some time after the initial /level rush totally defies the point of it being used to even out population imbalances to an extent. As you saw on the US servers the one Alb server who had /level 30 had had it's population sorted out by the initial rush and was removed from the list after only about 3 days or so.

Still, it's mostly only zerg n00bs telling us to stop crying, I guess they just wouldn't want their to be any threat to their no skillz 6fg squads. Most the good guilds have always said they wanted to see more Hibs RvRing, this is a large chance for that missed.


Originally posted by Falcon
Getting 30 some time after the initial /level rush totally defies the point of it being used to even out population imbalances to an extent. As you saw on the US servers the one Alb server who had /level 30 had had it's population sorted out by the initial rush and was removed from the list after only about 3 days or so.

Still, it's mostly only zerg n00bs telling us to stop crying, I guess they just wouldn't want their to be any threat to their no skillz 6fg squads. Most the good guilds have always said they wanted to see more Hibs RvRing, this is a large chance for that missed.



Everyone knows that Hib/Prydwen is terribly underpopulated; I'm sure that GOA can figure that out. However, they have stated that they need exact figures which they don't have at the moment. I'm sure Hib/Prydwen will get /level 30, just not on patch day. End of story.


Originally posted by n3wbie
tbh, how would it help balance population? if all level 50s off mid and alb went to hib and made level 30s then the other two realms would be under populated too. plus, its already been explained why they didnt make it level 30.

its more for ppl to come from excal


Hib/Prydwen badly needs a surge of players, that said if GOA make it the only /level 30 realm on day #1 it will crash the realm server when 2000 people from Excal server keep trying to log on. Prydwen is run on the old servers and cannot handle that kind of population surge, it would also unbalance the other realms as who would want to make alts on Alb/Mid when they can get an extra 10 free levels by choosing Hib.

GOA will be sensible and wait till the novelty of the /level command wears off before making /level 30 available for a short time, Hibernia/Pryd will then get the extra players it needs and deserves.


"mainly due to the lack of information regarding the exact active population of the servers, we decided not to have any realm, of any server, with the command /level 30 on the patch day"

uhm dont they have gamemasters monitoring the servers on a daily basis? woulnt those know this stuff? Its not like they havent known for months that this feature would come.

/me pokes Kemor
/me prikker til Zargar


Originally posted by Blood
"mainly due to the lack of information regarding the exact active population of the servers, we decided not to have any realm, of any server, with the command /level 30 on the patch day"

uhm dont they have gamemasters monitoring the servers on a daily basis? woulnt those know this stuff? Its not like they havent known for months that this feature would come.

/me pokes Kemor
/me prikker til Zargar

With access to login servers they should know exactly how many accounts are online at any given moment, so yes you think they would incorporate a system that shows each realm.


as always I think GOA shows themself to be carefull and not take hasty decisions. To differ from Mythic that always nerfs with a sledgehammer and ups with a moonrocket.

So well this might be a good decision, I relly dont know but the initial rush might give hib some luv anyway we dont know yet.

BTW does /level work for pvp servers too ?


Originally posted by Cybwyn
Everyone knows that Hib/Prydwen is terribly underpopulated; I'm sure that GOA can figure that out. However, they have stated that they need exact figures which they don't have at the moment. I'm sure Hib/Prydwen will get /level 30, just not on patch day. End of story.

Indeed - a vote here for them to get /30 ; might even help populate BG4 - that would be nice.

And its not like we will miss their presence in BG1 <grin>


/level 30 on the european servers is a dangerous thing :)

imagine if mid got /level 30 on only Logres
hib only on Prydwen
alb on Orcaine

you would have german/french/english speaking guilds moving en masse to foreign language servers, probably being rude to whoever normally plays there.


or how about open a 3rd english server with /level30 for all realms :D

I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be underpopulated then :D

bah! ok only dreaming... :sleeping:


would be nice wouldnt it.. givf 3rd english server anyway


Originally posted by inqy
or how about open a 3rd english server with /level30 for all realms :D

I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be underpopulated then :D

bah! ok only dreaming... :sleeping:

now it would just destroy the other 2 english servers and be full off french and germans


Originally posted by etaew
/level to 20 will also bring that prob :p

not in quite the same way :) you won't have people leaving their usual language servers just to get a /level 30 instead of a /level 20 :)

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