Lets see what people say to this...?



Right this is not a flame, or any kind of ill feeling post....but....

Anyone noticed how some people have no idea how to play their classes?

I mean not naming names but I have ganked all types of classes and not one of them seem to know how to use the abilities their classes have

I have ganked mentalists and other similar mezzing classes and they never have seemed to mezz me

I have ganked heroes who have turned into stag mode like when they have no health left, too little to actually regain much back and just die anyhow

I have met rangers who never use there speed buffs to speed away at all!

Sooooo many more to mention but haven't the effort

Out of all the ones I have ganked only one ever mezzed me and that was Crey and even he died with half his health gone on a perf artery and then couple of whacks mezzed and then alpha appeared and one hit killed as he had no health left so well done to him

But I was just curious if anyone else has noticed this phenomena?

Its like people are prepared to scream NERF NERF when Mythic takes summin away, but it seems more to me that people just have no idea how to exploit their classes skillz to a good use in RvR



A valid point, the amount of times I've tried to cast a root/mezz only for my bow to get in the way ;[


Well it's very easy if you're on the other side of the stick.

My first char was a Enchanter and I got killed a lot by minstrels. I never new how to counterattack it untill I started one myself. In order to play your own class right in RvR you'll have to know the other classes too.

I only ever played Hibernia in beta and first months retail, and I must say that it's been very easy for my minstrel to go into the hib frontiers and pick my fights. I can look at a hibbie and almost know what specs he has just by looking at them for 30sec.


You play an infiltrator. There's not much a caster can do when you 1 shot kill them while being invisible. Same goes for every other stealth class, some people don't seem to realize that it's the ultimate power in RvR.

Start a caster and take it to RvR for a few weeks cause it's only then that you start to realize what a completly messed up ability stealth really is in RvR. Don't get me wrong I love my minstrel but IMO stealth should never been in this game. The moment you strike you're 100% focussed while your target could be doing 100 different things while standing there. Light a cig, grabbing a drink.. scratching you're balls.whatever :p We all know while you RvR times flies and real life goes on too.

Stealth gives you the power to pick your fights, 1shot kill people ( this has been changed but a lot of time passed before they did that). You wait for people to stand still so you can angle yourself for a good strike while staying invisible all the time. This is a power that should never be underestimated and is very hard to counterattack.

I never played a stealther untill I started my minstrel and I don't know if you saw that little kobold flash movie.

It's 100% true, when you kill 3 blue hibs and walk out with 75% health left all you think is 1 thing.

God, Im good!

Stealth is way too uber. period!


1.- Maybe cause u fight ppl who is alone, when everybody
is grouped, so the lamers of the realm are alone.
Don't think u attack yellows in the middle of their groups.
I've seen lots of ppl who really knows how to play in the 3
realms, and also a few yellow noobs too. But usually i find
good players not bad ones.
2.- U aren't the best player in the realm imo. So stop doing that
stupid posts trying to be the master of daoc. Each day ur posts
becomes more and more stupid.


Well it was expected that someone would flame but never mind ur entitled to your opinion...and to be honest I was looking for a post like the one from Verana

Very informative and really a interesting read Verena and to be honest I think I have to agree with you, stealth is rather powerful

I was just curious how people percieved the power of their classes and whether too many people in our realm don't know how to actually play their class, promoting the question maybe more numbers is not an issue maybe the quality of players is?

I don't know why ur always having a go at me Dher I am only trying to stimulate some interesting debate on a forum which promotes debate?

I am sorry if I have done something to offend u in someway


Because your sooo good? ;)

Run buff for rangers, those are on a timer (he might just have used up his run buff, or think he can win melee)...

As for mezz, you might supprise a caster... Ever played a caster? its damn hard, definitly if you have to select a running (minstrel speed) enemy or enemy that you just saw stealthed near... I mean, F8, /face, quickcast and then mezz / root... And all those moves b4 he hits you...

As for the moose thingie, they get more strength and more health but less AF(think they have 'no armor' in moose mode)... So they might just be able to gank you in moose mode (due to added strength)... (Even if their low on health)

At least moose mode half in battle or near the end is better then someone that just charges you in moose mode... Not that I care, just easier to gank them that way ;)

It aint all easy... If you do not expect an attack, it's damn hard to stop one... Not even talking about the lag you sometimes have in RvR...


Very good points Icy I must say....

I think hibs have it hard to be honest its the midgards that bother me

Especially Skalds, think they are the only class that I hesitate to attack to be honest


I think (if the skald has his hands near his keyboard instead of his pants) that you will lose... You attack, they do face and mezz... 5 seconds later your dead...

But just because (as a stealther) you can 'pick you fights' doesnt mean the others are prepared... And for a lot of classes, thats the issue between life and death... Even for a tank, once you get your stuns off, he's dead...

As a (slow) tank, even unprepared casters get me... Unless I'm able to jump them from the side and their root fails :p
(seeing, I'm still leveling for my level 42 stun)


Plus I make posts like this cause work is sooooo boring sometimes

Pls don't have a go I am only trying to stimulate some conversation :(


I think the biggest pro with stealth is the element of surprise. You can be on your toes 99% of the time and you'll get hit in that 1% where you're "busy" doing... well ehm. something else :)

As a caster there's only one counter attack against a minstrel and that is timing his QC right.

A minstrel will insta DD you twice, and hit you with his sword. * If he's smart he can wait till they start casting their QC spell and use his insta stun. If the caster is smart he fakes a cast waits for 6sec stun to wear of and use his QC+stun/mez now.

Only problem is * at this sign you're usually allready dead.

The same problem when you face an assasin. You can never be really prepared for when they gonna hit. If I would manage to get my QC+Stun off then we have the pleasure of "the interupt bug". It's been ingame since the start and is still in version 1.48 even. You stun your target and walk backwards and he keeps interupting your casts. You only have a short amount of time and if interupted twice you're gonna be dead.

On the other hand, I love stealth cause I have it on my minstrel. That's also exactly the problem Mythic is facing now. They shouldn't have put it in game and they realized that too late and couldn't remove it anymore. It's too bad that they're still trying to take it out of the game by nerfing those classes back and forth.

This is all from a caster/minstrel point of view. I can't comment on tanks cause I've never leveled 1 high enough to take it into RvR.


"2.- U aren't the best player in the realm imo. So stop doing that
stupid posts trying to be the master of daoc. Each day ur posts
becomes more and more stupid."

-- Heh.. Dherkova, stop trying to be the master of opinions, who the hell gave you the right to censor anything anyone writes?
So in your opinion Light isn't the best player in the realm? And that's why she should stop posting? What the hell has that to do with anything? Some personal ego being threatened? (Ooh, here is someone acting like they know something, let's lower that personality a few steps!) That post of yours was the stupidest post I have seen in a long time, you are actually competing very well with Woodmansee, which surprises me. What Light brought to the day was that people scream about other classes being too über and one reason might be that the people screaming aren't exploiting the abilities they have to maybe win that fight?

"1.- Maybe cause u fight ppl who is alone, when everybody
is grouped, so the lamers of the realm are alone.
Don't think u attack yellows in the middle of their groups.
I've seen lots of ppl who really knows how to play in the 3
realms, and also a few yellow noobs too. But usually i find
good players not bad ones. "

-- Let me know when you find a soloing melee character that usually attacks yellow cons in groups and expects to win. 1 yellow vs 8 yellows and 1 yellow wins? I would like to see you doing that Dherkova. And we know that there are some good players and some bad ones, it's just that it's the bad ones that are in superior numbers and which gets the attention when NERF NERF is being screamed.


Lalalala dont wanna seem stupid but dont ranger not have run buffs and i thought it was hunters IF so then why woulkd a hunter use it against a infil?

once the infils been uncoverd a hunter has a bad ass spear thats uber world of hurt he can melee with so has a good chance of taking you down just in melee :)


also like to say whats with ppls attitudes on her Cetain person begining with D spring to mind :) if ya dont like lights posts DONT READ THEM geeez

i for one okies im at work / university whatever cant play game. just think, ok whats going on log on see whats going on and have a bit of a chat/give points info etc....

so why all the bs dherkova?

couse its pretty simple if a lvl 10 posted on here everyday asking for advice would they be thinking ther the greatest player in the game NO this is an advice/chat forum based on game topics so imop pls keep your useless comments to yourself


Yeah mate hunters and rangers have speed buffs on 10-30min timer can't remember which think its 10min, anyway trust me my good friend when a hunter has been hit with a Perf Artery and then creeping death and dare I say Stunning Stab, they will have little of a quarter left of their health thats not including poison dmg!

Well think Tranquil understood exactly what I was trying to say...:)

Maybe I am not good at this forum posting lark I seem to come across as an arrogant bitch all the time

I can feel the hand of Chenuba and Daivana coming down on me already hahaha joking guys joking :)


as for being arrogant bitch only one i see is dherkova gees couse someone posts on a forum regular dont mean there trying to say there the best player in albion i personally think you need to remove the pinapple from ya ass love :) maybe youll drop ya bad ass attitude then.
and as for someons posts getting stupider only stupid post is yours dherk thanx :)


Well ouch lets not all get on Dherkova's case, she/he? is entitled to her opinion.....

Maybe my posts do come across wrong? Maybe I need to take a step and look at the method in which I write them because if anything can be misinterpreted in this world it is WORDS


Run buff for ranger: a lot of rangers don' t put a lot of points in pathfinding because they group, and will get buffs from bards and druids anyways, so they would rather put their points in bow, weapon, CD and stealth.

Also, the first two speed buffs (+35% 20 seconds, +50% 25 seconds) aren't really all that great. The third level one (+65% for 35 seconds) starts to be quite useful but I didn't get that until I was level 39. And it is on a 10 minute timer - I have had many occasions where I would have liked to use it, but it was gone. :p

Lastly, if you take any damage at all after you cast it, it is immediately cancelled, but your timer is still set to 10 minutes. This usually means that if you're in melee it's probably too late to use it, because you have to go out of combat mode and wait 1-2 seconds to cast it, and if you take one last hit before you get out of range then you just wasted it. Even if you're not in melee mode, if you're close enough to take an arrow, bolt or DD shout, then it is worthless. Of course if you're close enough for that you're also close enough to be mezzed, stunned or rooted which is what REALLY kills us.

Personally I find the speed spell more useful for chasing wounded prey down than for getting away. I have managed to use it to escape on occasion in RvR but it's rare, and even though most melee situations mean certain death for me I'd still rather go down swinging with my sharpened butter knives than just stand there waiting for the axe to come down, or worse, to get it in the back just as I turn to try and run.

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