Let's push peoples buttons the wrong way! Teh Seel says things about stuff.



Let's start with a little thing called buffbots:

If you find buffbots to be unfair, make one yourself. Everyone knows how to or atleast knows someone who knows how to so chop to it. I know what you're about to say, "I don't have the money for 2 accounts!". Then you don't have the money. Play one account or get a better job or a job at all. These people have the cash, they played the bots up or bought them, they have a preverbial right to use them.


First off, my time is NOT free. If you want me to PL you then bring something to the dindin table. You offer me 5g to leve you from 13 to 15 and i might consider it. Tagging along and leeching off my work and time while you make hanky panky with the GF is not a good reason for me to do so. Even if you did give me a nice pay to play, i might still say no. And if i say no, up your offer or leave me alone. I'm not one that says No when i mean Maybe. If you still don't get me to PL you, i sure as hell don't know who will, don't even ask. Try killtasking, that will solve, while you level quite fast (from level 15-16 in less then 1.5h), the next problem i'm about to talk about.


Hello again. Yes, killtasks give quite a lot of cash. As an example, from 15-16 you get, from killtasking alone, rougly 4G+loot. This takes about 1.5h as stated before so it's not that hard work. Now, if you're not into running around, try killing green cons. Their worth crap exp but the loot gives you a hefty income. Ok, so i don't condemn begging alltogether, i even give people cash willynilly but when you come up to me and say "giv g plz" you are ilucky if you get a copper piece. Try using english, maybe reason a bit and whatever you do...no matter what... don't insult me or flood me with privvies.


Probably the most annoying thing around. Pop! Decline. Pop! Decline. Pop! RAH!! Try asking me "Wanna join?", i might say no but i'll also explain why, perhaps i'm in a solo mood that day. Don't select me, run away and invite without a word. Thank you.

Arrogant Crafters:

Ok. So i might not have 30G for you for a Splendid Cap of The Ubersoftness but i'm still a player. If i ask for some, level 10 crafted items you don't have to tell me to piss off or ask for something usefull. Whenever i ask for some below 20 stuff from crafters, i get the cold shoulder and a dirty look from their grandma. And one little thing, if i ask a question like "Is SC possible for below 15 characters" i would like an answer. I know you might be busy, but every crafter all around midgard can't be busy 24/7.

New Group Leader Syndrome:

The NGLS can be explained quite easily. We have a group who invites someone new. This new player then assumes he knows all of all classes, he knows how to best play them, he knows his tactic is the best and he knows he should lead the group(even if he doesn't say it). Please don't. If you join OUR group then you should play with OUR way, don't always try to say "Let's kill those instead..i know..i was in TYkR!" or "We shouldn't use this and this on these and these 'cause these and these resist MY stun spell even if the healer has better stuns." If we managed to play our chars to 20 without your help, why should we need it now?

And finally... Haxor PLZ giv G KK m8?:

I just can't help you if i don't understand you. With lines like "m8 plz hlp w tem they got G w8ing k?" i have to use atleast two dezyphering programs and my little sister to crack the code before i can even start to consider if i can or want to help with the problem. And answering "I didn't quite understand that" with "KK m8 but plz hlp k?" isn't helping. If you say the same thing twice i still don't understand it any better i did the first time it came and bit me in the alphabetical ass.

Thank you and good day. Teh Seel stops now.



Good one, my friend, and an amusing read too.

Roo Stercogburn


Teh Seel is back.

Now feed it to the Yanks... ;)


I Whole Heartedly concur

.....on all those points raised... nice one ! :)


I think tis effort deserves merit. We should all frequent the Off-Topic forum more imo and /wave at toto :D

Nice one Toto and I have to agree on every point, btw shame ur not Middy, I make items for lower levels (fact my craft skills range from 400-800 is irrelevent :D)

Yay Toto :clap:


Originally posted by Solid
Nice one Toto and I have to agree on every point, btw shame ur not Middy, I make items for lower levels...

Originally posted by old.Tohtori
I know you might be busy, but every crafter all around midgard can't be busy 24/7.

Just thought I'd point those things out lol. Think he IS on Midgard mate.

TOP post though, funny as the preverbial fuck in a l33t kind of u3er fashion, or some other such blatant fucking misuse of the English Language.


Roo Stercogburn

Re-read this. Still chortling. So... shameless bump :D


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Arrogant Crafters:

Ok. So i might not have 30G for you for a Splendid Cap of The Ubersoftness but i'm still a player. If i ask for some, level 10 crafted items you don't have to tell me to piss off or ask for something usefull. Whenever i ask for some below 20 stuff from crafters, i get the cold shoulder and a dirty look from their grandma. And one little thing, if i ask a question like "Is SC possible for below 15 characters" i would like an answer. I know you might be busy, but every crafter all around midgard can't be busy 24/7.
I've never had problem buying armour/weapons for my noob chars (i SC them myself up until lvl 30 so that's covered too) it's when i ask for Arcanium armour that some of them start getting arrogant. I had no problem with my arcanium weapon or shield because a guild friend made them for me :)

If they act arrogant i just say nm and go onto the next one... there are plenty of armour crafters to choose from that aren't arrogant :)

With alchemists my experience with them has always been superb, i have yet to meet a arrogant one and their prices are remarkably low usually :D

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