Let The Hibs Have Some Fun



Sorry Hippies, we outnumberred you silly in Emain last night.

We started out as only 20 Albs in Emain last night......because we continually ganked the Mids from early evening :cool: ... we Albs simply just grew and grew in numbers.

I propose: Hibs have to walk for miles to get to the decent RvR, and they are way outnumberred by us Albs and Mids. lets move the casual RvR to Odin or Hadrian's Wall for a week and let these hard working Hippies

Have Some Fun :clap:


Would indeed be a nice change...

Odin's Gate and Hadrian's Wall are wildly underutilized zones, so would be fun to see some RvR action there.


I'd rather go to Yggdra than to emain becouse it's almost just as long a walk :p And I don't get jammed in one hit by a lvl 50 group :(

Would be fun to change the main RvR place sure, and I'm a hard workin' Hibbie :m00:


You outnumber us silly in the battlegrounds, too. Any time hibs try to get an army together it just takes one or two /sends for you guys to call for reinforcements and outnumber us by 2 or 3 to 1 at least. Last night in Thidranki we were the hib army (all 6 of us) picking off mostly alb stealthers until we wandered too far and got squished between 30+ albs and 30+ mids. Then we snuck back and played Scuba Suicide Squad for a while, killing albs from the river until we got zerged. I'm not saying it isn't fun in its own way, but the conditions of victory for us these days are "kill a lot of them before they stampede us," and ownage is a far-off dream.


Odins might be a fun change, Hadrians is just too poorly designed, full of aggro mobs and even lvl50's r in danger on the route there. Its not like thiers a friggin motorway running to Hadrians like thier is in Emain or Odins.


Seems to me that Hibernia have got the short straw in everything there RvR zone is soooo simple and easy I think they should make Albion's frontier so much easier to get through those Drakes are a total pain in the ass!


The reason Hibs get squashed most the time is cos of the usualy story of Hibs being totaly underpoered to face even yellow alb/hibs.
Eldies are supposed to have the best magic but i saw 2 eldies, lvl 48 and 50 get wiped out by 2 highlanders who charged straight at them, blast blast blast, slice. both of the eldies fell over.

Oh well GAO strike again, but i think its a good idea to move rvr area, Odins is easy to get to and snow battles are fun :)


As a middie i'd be glad to run to odins gate now and then so we can meet the hibs abit more than we do now.
so jfdi :clap:


Ok lets get this right for once it is not GOA's fault they are what we call in the business world DISTRIBUTORS/SUPPORT, they distribute the product to businesses and companies who in turn distribute it to us

Mythic are the ones to blame as they DESIGN the game and all the lands etc etc

Just wanted to prevent this becoming a flame GOA thread again


Just wanted to prevent this becoming a flame GOA thread again

Its there fault we don't have patch 1.51 with all the add ons and fixes with it

So it is there fault


hehe I love flaming


The more RvR oriented Hibernian classes have no problem whatsoever standing up in 1on1, Hero vs Armsman, Eldritch vs Wizard, Ranger vs Scout.

So what you saw 2 eldritches get killed, did they not use their stun spell at all? Did it get resisted? Were they taken by suprise? Too many factors to take into consideration, but ask Albion tanks their experience with charging Hibernian casters and I doubt it's overall positive.

Hibernias problem I believe lies in the realm on it's own, that it fails to attract enough people and (atleast alot of Hibbies claim this) lacks alot of content for those who do go there. In terms of classes I find Hibernia the most interesting realm, Albion the least.


Originally posted by old.Outlaw
because we continually ganked the Mids from early evening


you mean the other way around, it wasnt only till getting on late at night that alb numbers grew and then you started too own us.

how does a fully buffed Wrathofsauron feel on you albs ? :clap:

that man is an animal buffed and takes down albs in multiple numbers :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Tigerius

Hibernias problem I believe lies in the realm on it's own, that it fails to attract enough people and (atleast alot of Hibbies claim this) lacks alot of content for those who do go there. In terms of classes I find Hibernia the most interesting realm, Albion the least.

Bravo Tigerius --=Aplaudes=--
You managed to figure that out........ Thats the whole fucking point that pisses hibbies off!
Hibernia has piss compared to Albion/Midguard.
Scale and limited weps vs Platemail and kick ass stabby weapons, hence the GAO flaming


Gah stop whinig Albs/Mids have better equipment etc. Go out to emain and gank some Albs/Mids.
They are killable with Hibbie equipment so no need to whine ;)

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