asyveth said:LMFAO at the lame arses in leirvik 2day andrewthnoobbd baim dovedrow and the cocksucking wl hope ya enjoyed ur lame arse insta u sucks so bad is unreal u canhit us when we cant even see u yea really works well that
Tallen said:BD's and WL's are strong against some classes, but weak against others. Assassins own them for example, Bards/sorcs own them, most bolt mages own them also.
If they are abusing a line of sight (LOS) bug then report it to right-now, sometimes lag can account for someone hitting you when from your point of view you are out of their LOS. Happens to me all the time with hunters and scouts but you just have to accept it's a latency issue and not an exploit.
If it was the BD mystic pet then i don't know what the score is with that, they do seem to be able to hit you without los, but that may be the design.
Craft said:how can a bard own a BD? please tell me..
Mordenaar said:Think he means the mezz... Tho you'd have to have 2 ppl there, perhaps a tank. So what he would be saying is that 2 ppl can kill a BD, which is easy with most classes.
is your bd out of leir then? sorry for not attending your ml raid btw, didnt get home in timevavires said:they cant... ask the albs around, i have pawned maybe groups of up to 5-6 ppl of albs. maybe they dont work together enough.
RandomDotCom said:is your bd out of leir then? sorry for not attending your ml raid btw, didnt get home in time
vavires said:i think ure only speaking bout the WL, BD's arent owned like u say, u kinda miss my bd in leirvikwas to easymode i geuss.
Tallen said:I'm afraid im not sure which BD you were, the only one i remember by name was Dan
With my shade i never met a BD in leirvik who would survive a PA chain (assuming i landed it, which often i didn't), most were dead after the second shot. BD's are only mages when all is said and done.
Void eld, not quite so clear cut, but 2-bolt usually killed all but the toughest ones.
Sorcs are more than a match for a BD, 1v1 i dont think a well-played sorc would have much of a problem against anything other than assassins.
I really wasn't thinking solo when i mentioned bards, BD's can kill 3-4 if the group has no cc (so many times i have seen a BD kill a duo when they cant control the pets), with a bard they cannot do this and practically anything duo'd with a bard should kill a BD.
Anyway, this was an example and not really the point of the thread or the post.