

Fledgling Freddie
Sep 12, 2005
i repsect all in this bg, killed many been killed by few.

i respect albs more

mids actually do anything other than inst inst inst?

atleast albs cant inst inst inst, and fight you (bah hard to say that).

givef all 5 sec taps and maybe archers 3-5 chambers/critshots, all insts, wow 5 shots 700-900.

just saying try something else that one button stuff

flame away if u need to:eek2:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Only thing that gets my goat in Leirvik is that all the mids are either locks or BD's and they wont do anything until they outnumber the enemy 2/1 or 3/1.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Yep, its almost alb style zerging ;) all joking aside...it scares me to think that this might be the future for rvr :( locks/dark SM/BDs and very little else...



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
Even as a Mid its a worrying trend...

/agree with dracus.

Although I currently have a valkyrie in Leirvik & am having lots of fun with her, u dont often see many other classes there anymore, this makes it hard to get a group sorted even when theres 18+ mids there.

Theres a few good seers there now (hi fixer liubie & those 2 shammies from red shadows) but far too many 'locKs 'BD's & SM's there who wont group, leaving those of us with group balanced toons to make hard work of it..

MIDS - LEIRVIK IS OURS - group a seer today (BTW healer will be my next Leirvik bod).


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 12, 2005
sorry mids dont just inst inst inst

my mistake they only do it 5 casts in 6

keep going soon will be called leirvguard. keep going soon ur left with mobs attacking ck and towers:sex:


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 29, 2005
So nobody should roll a Bonedancer or Warlock?

Im afraid you will have to live with the fact that Bonedancers and Warlocks are here to stay, get used to it. We've had to get used to the Alb/Mid/Hib zerg, Vampiirs, Bainshees, Minstrals and Hib baseline nuke. All have been whined about time and again, they're still here.

Maybe all 3 realms should just roll Warrior, Hero and Armsmen. Get pretty bloody boring after a short while and players would go play another game. Sure you'd find something else to whine about then.

Yes, i play a Bonedancer as an alt, and they are pretty powerful (anythings powerful compared to a suppresion Runemaster). He is still only in Molvik but the few players that go there are learning to deal with him (e.g. Artorous just runs away and logs). Take a leaf out of their book and learn about the weaknesses of the class/es before you whine about it (I found out Warlocks die in 2 hits from a Pole Armsman)!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
It's ok, they have plenty of weaknesses. In my very small sample, they lack healing, crowd control and demezzing. That's a lot of weakness !

Darzil (Caddis in Leirvik)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2005
PenrithRM said:
So nobody should roll a Bonedancer or Warlock?

Im afraid you will have to live with the fact that Bonedancers and Warlocks are here to stay, get used to it. We've had to get used to the Alb/Mid/Hib zerg, Vampiirs, Bainshees, Minstrals and Hib baseline nuke. All have been whined about time and again, they're still here.

Maybe all 3 realms should just roll Warrior, Hero and Armsmen. Get pretty bloody boring after a short while and players would go play another game. Sure you'd find something else to whine about then.

Yes, i play a Bonedancer as an alt, and they are pretty powerful (anythings powerful compared to a suppresion Runemaster). He is still only in Molvik but the few players that go there are learning to deal with him (e.g. Artorous just runs away and logs). Take a leaf out of their book and learn about the weaknesses of the class/es before you whine about it (I found out Warlocks die in 2 hits from a Pole Armsman)!

Yeah, they die in 2 hit by an armsman if he can even get close to em, other way they istant kill all mages classes for sure and lot of other classes ....The fact mythic put in game a class like this no means that it isn t an EASY PLAY CLASS = u r a gimp player? play a lock u prolly will die anyway but at least u wont do it solo (ur enemies will die some minite after by ur dot when u r dead in 2 hits)... When then u see purp chamber that explain really good what kind of player is playing that char :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 12, 2005
im no solo player, but try take a leirvguard when its full off inst players.
ah crap one shooting me, or nuking, quick lets all do insts then....... ah crap only mobs wanna play..................


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
The problem with WLs in particular is that leirv is a >rvr playground< so ppl dont have the best temps, hence most casters have a field day and ofc WLs fall under this catagory...but when their DoTs hit for 150+ pr tick and they can unload 2x300+ dmg before the DoT it can be hard to fight against when every other char in there is a WL. I have the good fortune of an almost totally capped temp on my bard, but my Eld sidekick gets hit awfully hard by WLs and most the time its hard to do ANYTHING when they pop chambers on him.

So Imo mids should try to realise what WLs are doing to this game...or mids will end up playing alone...



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
damn...i really wish my NS was still in leirvik now :( ...vanish ftw...
imo, alb/hib should just roll ranjurs/scouts so...hand every single bd/wl their arse on a nice plate...
but then again, look at it this way: every char has a weakness...druid vs wl ->wl wins
wl vs pa combo ...-> NS usually wins, unless NS is a gimp :p
and the list goes on, so i dont see how every1 can complain that much, guys go pvp for a while, try a wl out, and i bet u will calm down abit maybe, coz on pvp u will get chained..wl or not...and i got a vamp, 47.5..they are oped and i didnt get it 50 coz i cba to toad him
i have no shame in saying vamps are oped...i know they can get owed also, ITS ALL ABOUT WAT U NEED TO KILL UR ENEMY!!!
disease -> stun a vamp..u should win against him no doubt, a cave shammie can own a vamp, IF HE PLAYS HIS CARDS RIGHT !!!!

so remember kids,
its not about u dying for ur country...its about making the other guy die for his !


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Agreed there invis

thats if u can find a solo vamp, cos all they seem to do is duo these days :p

But warlocks are just bollox anyway, if it sees u, u die, simple as that, mind u, roll an ice therg and get the drop on one, thats pretty funny :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
knighthood said:
But warlocks are just bollox anyway, if it sees u, u die, simple as that, mind u, roll an ice therg and get the drop on one, thats pretty funny :)

Not if you have a friar in the group (if there is one of them).

Resists for the win !

At least sorc+friar beat warlock ok. Though of course, that is two toons to beat one!


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