Legion Raid :)



I just want to say thanks to all the guilds and ppl that participated and the list is as follow.

Guardians Of Light - Defectu Virum Elite (Khalen Da Man - Couldnt have done it without u) - Black Falcons - Dragon Knights (my own Guild :) ) - Shadowlords Society - The Ministry - Equilibrium (hope its spelled correctly) - Illuminati - First Cohort - And last but not least Herfølge Boldklub.

this wouldnt have been a success without u :)

it was a pleaseure to k33l the legion with u.

P.S. Lets farm him (hes too damn easy to be left alone)

P.P.S. hopefully i havent left any out in the greetings, if i have its not on purpose and u will be added on at once i get the possibility.

Time for me to sign off now (damn work, need to get fired from work so i can play 24/7 ) ;)

Tiarta lvl 50 Cleric
Teleri lvl 50 Sorcerer
Gobo lvl 31 Mercenary

Dragon Knights


:clap: :clap: :clap:

dunno what the big deal is with this guy. he gives good drops and is a freaking pushover. so hardly a benchmark to weigh a realms "uberness" :rolleyes:

/salute tiarta

/cry at hibs who got in the way of the zerg (that looked like it hurt)


That was our little Guild Event you zerged there :D

But we killed one Highlord before you came :)

Icebreaker <Celtic Fist>


i couldn't find novamirs body fast enough ffs :( or tzneetch must spam them!! played though was amazed how fast it went down we were gona go for worm but lost about 200 peeps on the way :p


mix lag and bowshots and u get NOTHING! freaking not a single rp for zerging all those hibs.

Well done:
Tiarta for arranging
Khalen for not getting lost
Everyone for listening to the right ppl
Me for using runspeed to fall off a ledge, 99% damage hurts

Girigu Shadaar


Congrats everyone!

Legion has been tried a couple of times before without success. Great you finally got him. Did you use some special tactics or did you have enough high level people to smack him? How many full groups etc. if I may inquire 8).

best regards,
Girigu Shadaar


Thanks to Gregorian and GoL group for being cannonfodder btw :)

Greg and co went in first doing maintanking, then the rest simply started to hit him, he teleported a few, no adds came afaik.
He went down quickly.


I said he would be easy with 2 good main tank shielders :)
I suggest we do him each time with the same guilds...


Very well done Tiarta (and Khalen :) )

I said he would be easy with 2 good main tank shielders
I suggest we do him each time with the same guilds...

Well, i'll show up with 1 or 2 full guildgroups each time you wanna do him :)

Personally i would like the idea of having 10 set guilds doing Legion and a prince or 2 each day of the week for 1 week and sort out drops after that week... would mean almost everyone gets a drop. :clap:


:clap: to all who participated

when albs listen to the "leaders" all is possible :clap:

what was this... 3th time he went down or so?

as always you can count on DVE in the future too when going legionraid :p


Good work!

Yay, that was a lot of fun (except for the horrible lag, of course, I am amazed that we didn't get more than 1 LD in our group)! A big thanks to Tiarta for leading the raid and Khalen for taking the point and issuing clear and wise commands (sorry if I was touchy at one point or the other). Didn't Falcor organize all of this? (I'm a bit confused here.)

SS, HB and FC got the less glorious task of handling the adds (which there were very few), but we looked good at least. :)

I am sure we are all very interested in the stats on all the stuff that was dropped. Can someone (Khalen?) post them here (maybe screenshots too) to end the endless pms you are otherwise bound to get?

Anyway, good work Albion! This is the stuff of legends (and might well be when I have sharpened my pen).


Re: Congratulations

Originally posted by Girigu Shadaar
Congrats everyone!

Legion has been tried a couple of times before without success. Great you finally got him. Did you use some special tactics or did you have enough high level people to smack him? How many full groups etc. if I may inquire 8).
7 or 8 groups for Legion, sheild pala for tank, pbt on as many people as possible, beat him till dead. Don't bother with anyone under 45 they can't hit him and it's laggy enough when the adds start popping as it is.


hehe grats shame i missed it =/

I dont have much luck with legion...well not with seeing him die anyway=)


Having missed the last (successful) Legion raid this time I wanted to see him fall.

So there I am standing with the army waiting for the order to charge in and ...... LD :(

I make it back just as the initial GoL group charge in, no time to find my group or get any buffs - so I join in with the rest regardless.

And then Im "lucky" enough to get ported away :( In the process of coming back (hoping to make it before Legion falls) I managed to get rooted for 1min+ - and make it back in time to see the remains of Legion on the ground.

Nothing I can do except laugh - it just wasnt meant to be :)

Well done to everyone involved - if we try often enough maybe Ill see him die eventually ;)


10 inst, 22 charisma and 10 charges of 75 str/con buffs :) (who needs a buff bot)

22 charisma means you would (so long as ur charisma isnt capped) do about 22 more dmg at least per dd.

Ideally u would have about 20 under cap charisma without the flute, then whenever u want to dd, equip the flute first, awkward but worth it :) cus u can use ur bracer/neckie/ring slots for other stats//resists.


Thanks for the great raid Tiarta, and the patience for the mess :) Great work all ;)


Ehm can we do the loot splitting tomorrow maybe? That way I have some time to write them all down and put them on the forum so everyone can see what we got and what they want :)

I can put the list of the items already (without any stats):

1x Brilliant Saeor's Impaler
1x Brilliant Stiletto of Soulshad
1x Brilliant Baln's Sulfuric Slicer
1x Brilliant Oro's Helm of Fiery
1x Brilliant Smoldering Ember
1x Brilliant Twisted Evil Ruby Scepter
1x Brilliant Twisted Evil Diamond Scepter
2x Brilliant Wretched Skin Robe
1x Brilliant Daemon Fire-Forged Bow
1x Brilliant Gauntlets Of Nightfire
2x Daemon Fire Ring
2x Breastplate Of The Forlorn Souls
1x Black Sapphire Bracer
1x Soul Forged Bracer
2x Flute Of Balefire
1x Sapphire Of The Dread Glow
9x50 Master Daemon Seals

P.S. Most drops are on -> http://www.servantsofthelake.org/loot.html


giev itam ^^

and so forth

/cheer the organisers, let's make this regular, Albion needs more Legion weapons to reduce the strain on poor kiarra =)


Givz 2x Legion thruster... Never even seen the stats tho or know its name :p


Loot has been distributed

loot has been distributed :)

every guild that was in the legion raid has gotten 2 items each.

those guilds that got legions only drops, didnt get any of the diamonds that dropped from Legion, those who got normal drops got those, to make it more fair.

Hope the lotto was fair.

Best regards Tiarta

Tiarta lvl 50 Cleric
Teleri lvl 50 Sorcerer
Gobo lvl 31 Merc

Dragon Knights


Great raid and quick loot distribution, this i can get used to :)

Lets hope everyone is happy and we can get on with killing Legion again in a few days.

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