Legion raid



Its about time albions killed legion so im gonna put together a raid the time of this raid cant be on these boards for obvious reasons (hibs and mids have no honour :) ) The details r below:

Guilds only no solo players.
lvl 45+ players only.
All guilds must provide at LEAST one full group.

Any guild interested in coming along on this raid please feel free to message Falcor or dart(my alt) in game any time. This raid will be done professionally no mad zerg, we will use tactics a bit of luck and some zerg and hope he goes down =).


Not having non guilded players is slighty bent...afaik i was the only one there last time and i didn't do anything wrong..


Originally posted by falcor
Its about time albions killed legion so im gonna put together a raid the time of this raid cant be on these boards for obvious reasons (hibs and mids have no honour :) ) The details r below:

LOL speak for yourself ALBS.


bah u gonna go feed the legion again? After another alb zerg he prolly wont get out of his room to chat with his worm friends and chat with his prince biatches =/


Originally posted by Treniel-
Not having non guilded players is slighty bent...afaik i was the only one there last time and i didn't do anything wrong..

Propably because of loot-distribution problems only guilds are taken... Look at what happened with the dragon-raid...


In midgarde we PRE decided on a person that takes care of all loot.
All participant guilds shall be made aware of the rules.
This person also does his/her best to find out which team picked up what.
ALL loot goes to this ONE person.
No matter if it is from Legion or the other bosses.
Seals except for the uber seals from bosses are kept by the teams who is allowed to loot.
The DROPS are give to the LOOT master.

When raid is over this person shall make shure that the drops comes to him/her.

Then on a pre desided date/time the loot is "RANDOMLY" distributet among guilds that PARTICIPATED.
No matter if guild "x" only had 6 in their team.

This can be done by various ways.

One good way is dice roll.
radnom number generator: for ex. http://www.random.org/nform.html
and giving the loots numbers.

1-20 ex. then choose a guild like "albion assbashers" the most famous one :) .
then roll for that guild.
Then when it is time for loot distribution the guild leaders simply present themselves.
And they get their if any loot.

NON guild participants.

I say this and i may get hell for it.
They are an almost extinct race, their numbers are few and their importance in the raid in question is low.
Should However a unguilded player be in a grp with a GUILD.

Then it is the GUILD that invited this person that handles that problem.
se "lottery" for reference how this can be done.

Midgard had similar problems on the first prince raid.
a guild whos name is not mentioned here hogged the prince drops and ignored pleads for just distribution.

However since that one raid these things have worked very well indeed.

Good luck with your legion raid, alb scum.

Herjulf Hornbrytare - lvl50 NorseGuy with large flaming axe.


Grrr, hids and hibs get back to ya own forum =)

I have no problem with no guilded players....BUt on a raid like this u cannot take non guilded ppl, its too much hassle to organise and IF the drops should go missing its near impossible to get them back.

I dont need lecturing on drop eqtiquette ty =) ive done 2 prince raids and sorted drops each time, no one has complained =).


guilds only who can provide full groups??

very unfair on unguilded ppl and ppl like me who are in a small guild,



I cant please everyone can i =/ too many ppl = too many deaths and legion regenerates off ppl he kils...please dont moan at me, reply if u r interested


Why not let all those with less than a full complement of
8 45+ people in its guild . Take on the non guilded people

The chances of that person getting a drop is kinda slim enough.

Let the guild take responsibility for that person , if he doesnt
give an item he picks up , guild loses its chance for an other item.

Shame and name the non guildie

But it seems to me that the non guild people at lvl 45+ , would
be the least likely not to give a drop forward. Dont they have so much too lose , I meen say all the top guilds are their if one non
guild person didnt put forward a drop ........
...potentaly all guilds could unite and never grp with that person
again ....imagine soloing for the rest of ur daoc days ...
How boring would that be.

Anyway just my 2 yoyos
( And all you non- Guildies , would you get a Guild for albions sake
we are a respectable realm :p )


finally an attempt for legion which is not defined only to certain guilds...templar knights would like to participate...i will contact you in game, falcor...thx for setting this up :clap:


ok, so 1 46 pally lfg for the legion raid. my guild is very small!

rayzor. :)


In that case..

Level50 Paladin looking for suitable group :)


So what's stopping you from doing your own raid? What the hell is wrong with people? Somone forms a raid, amkes the rules and people bitch about...if the raid fails that person gets hell for days... I say if you don't like the rules/results get off your bitching asses and make your own raid.

If you simply can't be bothered to abide by the rules AND the orders given at the raid stay home and craft or whatever. I feel nothing but shame for my realm after hearing so many people insult the leader of the last 2 legion raids when they failed...My god, at least he DID something.

/hormonal bitch woman here

old.Im pac man!!

treniel you can always join the brethren :)


wanna keep it up top till it happen hope no one minds


Want some info from people who did him 3 times already?

This is what some m8s from SotL told me to do :)

When we tried it both times, we must've had about 70 people, most being lvl 45+ and about 50% of them being lvl 50.

Our main tank group consisted of

1 shield spec paladin with healing chant on

1 paladin with damage chant on

2 theurgists with a synched 8 sec pbt

2 non-smite clerics

1 minstrel

1 shield spec armsman

All other groups should have a damage buffer and paladin aswell.

We managed to keep the aggro on the main tank most of the time, resulting on only 1 or 2 deaths per Legion raid. This is invaluable, since you don't want him to consume every single person and heal himself over and over again.

Before we started we cleared the room of every single mob and told every healer to select the main tank and only to use small heals on him (less aggro).

Another advantage we had while dealing with the adds was the fact that we used 2 guilds. The main tank group's guild was on Legion the entire time, and the other guild was hitting Legion as much as possible, but stopped to deal with the adds as soon as they popped.

With this setup, he should go down fast with the porting of the main tank being a big problem. I think this happened to us aswell, but as long as the main tank comes back quick, this should only result in 1 or 2 other deaths. Which is annoying, but not fatal.

Hope this helps. It's just like killing epic mobs in Llyn Barfog :)



Count Illuminati in as well m8.


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