Legion Feedback



well we did legion last night and tried a new lotto system, just wanted to post some feedback from tying it out.

before i start i'd like to say legion only drops 4 level 51 items, some people didn't realise this lol and thought all the items were in the legion section of the lotto.

the four legion drops: we decided level 50 who can use and on raid to bid. I have to say that to an extent this worked great. Alot of fun and much more exciting getting all those mages togther and watching them rolling for the robe.


1. of the 4 legion items we ended up with 2 going to <templar knights> and 2 going to <corporation>

i'm not sure how that can be improved when u have individuals lottoing, i guess you have to foget they are in a guild..

2. we got the scout vest and only 1 level 50 scout on raid who LD(another was there but playing his cleric alt) so eventually we decided to split it in the group lotto, looking back i would have prefered i think to keep the vest back until i could get those 2 rolling but well you cant get everything right.

the rest of the lotto followed 'normal' group leaders system, all /rand 100 for each item.

was pointed out that its ALOT easier if you just give each leader a number and then the organiser just /random 8 each drop. Never seen people doing this tho.

so to recap all the legion loot bar the scout vest is now in the hands of level 50 chars who were on the raid, and will hopefully be slaming poking and burning mids/hibs soon :D

lastly a grrr to the *zerg* decided it wanted to wipe out everyone in DF: 8fg of albs decided that even though we knew where and when the worm had spawned it was more fun to gank the hibs/mids *sigh*

i preferred this system and hope it gets used more.


Originally posted by Jiggs
1. of the 4 legion items we ended up with 2 going to <templar knights>

:clap: :clap: :clap:

again a big thx and gratz for organizing and really nice lotto system!!!
ho, i love my /random cheat hihihi just kidding....

infact we felt really a bit embarressed winning 2 of the items, but as jiggs mentioned...yes doing it this way you just have to forget about guilds....easy to say when you just won a nice price, i know...but we will do it again, mates and if there will be another robe to win i wont participate, ok? :)


I was naif.. got messaged by Jiggs asking me who I took to the Legion raid.. stupid me said I was there with my scout alt, should have said I was there with my sorc :p
Ah well, the xp is great from these runs, and really we should do this more often. I got about 1 bubble in 20 mins, so that was nice, then I got a virus update, and DaoC stopped :p
Regards, Glottis


I've never been on a Legion raid and would like to do so. How are these communicated ? (I'm in an RVR guild so we don't do XPing and I'm not sure if it would be appropriate to invite myself along to somone else's party)



Anythings better than the 5 page whine threads ;)

The scout vest was being offered for sale in Camelot last night :rolleyes: Still - you already know of that problem.


has the shield dropped before?

thats got to be one of the best items i've ever seen in game.


Can anyone list the names and properties of the known legion drops ?


I remember the shield dropping on one of Tiarta's legion raids long ago.

Nice item, it seems those stats are slightly better than the best that could be made via spellcrafting (closest being 2 stats +16 - maybe 19 if you want to really push your luck - with 2 9% resists).


Thanks Jiggs...I read on some US site (Alkazam or something like that) that somewhere in DF are plate drops over AF100. COLOR=seagreen]Myth or reality ?[/COLOR]



AF102 vests/hauberk/BP drop from Legion - see the site Jiggs listed :)

For any other parts I dont think there are any drops outside of the expansion.


I have one thing to say.........


ok ive finished


the lotto went well
but a bit chaotic thoo
my whole chatlog was spammed with random 100 and it was very confusing to follow
imho i think its better with a random X (x being the ammount of grpleaders participating lotto)

for the 4legiondrops, it was a very good idea to lotto em only between teh 50chars who were on the raid
they wer told to come to lotto rendez-vous point
there is one practical thing
a lot of ppl dont have all the time of the world
wilddork had to log earlier on tonight after legion being killed
but the scoutvest ended up in grplotto after all
anyway this has been arranged between me and lejunior
big cheers for em, splendid lad and i owe the guy big time
so wilddork has the vest now

a lot of ppl joined the raid with an alt or even somebody else his char, cuz some characters are completly useless on such raids
(so is my sorc cuz we had allrdy2sorces in guildgrp and my infi nah);think those shouldnt be let out of the legion uniques lotto for their main char

btw since this was a kinda alliance only raid
here goes a lill idea
pick one representative from each guild or just the gm or an officer, he pms organiser how many guildies will be joining the raid
lets say every 4 members the guild gets one lotto number
or even for evry emember one number
so u have soemthing like:
hb 8players 1-8
fl 9 9-17
corporation 7 18-24
/random 24 for each non unique item and u get a quick smooth fair lotto system
but erh this is very theoretical
practical side is something else :D



It comes to something when a smooth lotto appears to warrant more gratsing than the killing of Legion itself. ;)

So to break the trend, :clap: for slaying legion. Again.


well FC did a legion raid with just 4 guilds, each brought 2fg.

FC, HB, GoL and DVE.

thanks to all who attended although legion haddent popped the method that we were intending to use was that 1 of the 4 good legion items would go to each guild.
This would be decided by amicable negotiation not just lottoing, trying to make sure that people who could use them were given them.

Then the non-legion drops were to be lottoed normally.

on this theme i was thinking that once you bid (ie random 100 ) for an item your out of the lotto until each of the other 4 guilds in the lotto have got one item, this helps again make each guild equally rewaered for its efforts. :)



too many different guilds at our raid for that :)

Jiggs - for the non-legion stuff...

say the order for 8 items (or one per group anyway), get everyone to roll.
hand them out in that order.

Means the little stuff gets handed out evenly and fast.


Oh yeah :) and it wasn't too painful to lead (till the zerg decided that they wanted RP and charged into the midgard section, leaving people stranded amidst deep-purple monsters to get killed...)

Prefer prince raids though :p less impatience.

Has to be said I was too busy stressing about getting everyone where they should be to actually notice legion dying ;) was just a "oh ok, he's dead... now who had aggro? need to get the loot to Jiggs"

might actually enjoy it a bit more next time :)

Bleri McThrust

Great raid nicely run :clap:

As for he lotto the 4 Uber items system workerd great imo, even though we didnt get the shield :(

The other 150 items (or so it seemed) was a bit painfull

say the order for 8 items (or one per group anyway), get everyone to roll.

Sounds like a good idea :) Then the items are just handed out, say in the order there in your bag, to each grp leader.


If you are talking about the large shield legion drops these are the stats:

Towering Avenger Defender

22 con
10% energy
4 shield
3 parry

100% quality
35% bonus

i don't like the procc though: 5 damage shield
Can't remember seeing it procc :(

This shield goes around with the HB embleem on it as it should and i am glad to be the one to use it...

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