Legio X



Greetings to all in Albion.

I am Anthony de Brentforde, former Legate of Caesar's 10th Legion, and I am hear to announce that this famed legion is recruiting to its ranks in your fair land.

I left the service of Rome and came to Albion with my family 6 months ago, and felt immediately at home. We settled in Camelot Hills and had a small farm near Prywden Keep. Then the darkness descended on our lives.

My wife was murdered and my son taken away by a Norse raiding party during one of our visits to Excalibur Castle. I mourned long, and hid myself from the world. Then an overwhelming desire for revenge filled my soul. I killed every evil creature that crossed my path and left a trail of blood across the three realms. But I soon began to realise that one man achieves nothing.

I went back to Rome and requested that I be allowed to recruit and train a Legion to help defend our borders against the barbarians from Midgard, and the dark magic of Hibernia.

I have been given leave to form the 10th Legion here in Albion, and I call upon strong and brave adventurers to join Legio X and work towards the final defeat of our enemies.

"Strength and Honour"

Anthony de Brentforde
Legio X



hey nice roleplaying background :clap: sounds good


hehe that little yellow man never fails to entertain.....just look at him go! :)


ummm but Rome and Albion ..... different ages...


Different Era

Not really that different.

Title of the game implies dark ages - circa 7th century. The Eastern Roman Empire was less than a hundred years earlier. Close enough with artistic licence :)

And yes I know that the 10th Legion was earlier but I liked the title, and the fact that it was involved in the invasion of Britain - so there is a link there.

The weaponry, armour and architecture of the game's environment is medieval in type but the background of the game is most definitely dark ages.

Plus there are a lot of Roman mobs in the game - so another connection there.

But if you want to be a real purist . . . . how about this amendment to the story:

"I arrived back from Rome with permission to recruit to the 10th Legion here in Albion but was ambushed in the Pennine Mountains by a Dark Mage whose magic rendered me to stone.

And there I stood - until transformed back to living flesh by the Spirit of Merlin - nearly half a century later."

Now read on . . .


Originally posted by sabbu
ummm but Rome and Albion ..... different ages...

so u think midgard, hibernia and Albion is same ages?:p


I thought the differences in ages/epochs was down to server lag :p

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