Legendary Alchemist Alpha's Prices-->


Alpha Male

I have decided to do my pricing a little different to most peoples, partly because Alchemy skill isnt really like any other :)

Firstly the price for lvl 47 Weapon effects(procs) will be:
* 90 gold for any of the 4 resist type 95 DD Procs
* 100 gold for the DoT, Self Melee Buffer, Self AF Buff, Self haste, and the Self Damage Shield.

The price for lvl 47 Charges will be:
* 70 gold for any of the 4 resist type 95 DD Procs
* 80 gold for the DoT, Self Melee Buffer, Self AF Buff, Self haste, Self Damage Shield and the Self Acuity Buff.
* 108 gold for the Str/Con Debuff and Qui/Dex Debuff..Please note that the Lifedrain and Self Damage add are currently not what they are supposed to be - they are supposed to be fixed next patch.

And finally onto the Reactive Effects for Armour, this is where it gets a bit different, i am currently at 1051 skill, which makes the first 4 Direct damage reactives Orange conn to me, and the rest Red conn ---To help me skill up, and to give people that want them a "Good Deal" i propose to do the following, if the item you want is YELLOW to me (same skill level or lower) then you will be asked to pay the following :-

* 324 gold for any of the 4 resist type 95 DD Reactive Procs
* 355 gold for the Self AF Buff, DoT, Self haste Buff, Self Damage Shield and the Self Melee Heath Buffer.

If the item is Orange to me (upto 20 points over my skill :currently all 4 95DD) then you will be charged COST Price only plus any material loss costs (if we didnt have material losses, a tip might not go amiss!! =)) ---to give you an idea of losses, tonight i made 5 of the Spirit procs (18 over my skill) and incurred losses of 195 gold, i also made 6 of the Energy procs (13 over my skill) with losses of only 140 gold - any item within 5 points of my skill ive not lost any materials on so far.

If you want Red conn items, bring your wallet, because youll be asked to pay Cost price + ALL material losses.(and they gonna be a LOT) ;)

Ive chosen to do it this way to help me skill up and to give those who want to, the chance to get cheap Reactive Procs.

  • Reactive Fire Arcanium Armor Tincture -Material cost 224g ---- Level 47 Direct Damage Instant 95 Fire Skill 1054
  • Reactive Cold Arcanium Armor Tincture -Material cost 224g ----Level 47 Direct Damage Instant 95 Cold Skill 1059
  • Reactive Energy Arcanium Armor Tincture -Material cost 224g----Level 47 Direct Damage Instant 95 Energy Skill 1064
  • Reactive Spirit Arcanium Armor Tincture -Material cost 224g---Level 47 Direct Damage Instant 95 Spirit Skill 1069
  • Reactive Hardening Arcanium Armor Tincture -Material cost 254g----Level 47 Self AF Buff 1:0 min 75 Skill 1074
  • Reactive Eroding Arcanium Armor Tincture -Material cost 252g----Level 47 DoT (4.0s tick) 20 sec 64 per tick Matter Skill 1079
  • Reactive Celeric Arcanium Armor Tincture -Material cost 254g----Level 47 Self Haste 15 sec Skill 1084
  • Reactive Shard Arcanium Armor Tincture -Material cost 254g----Level 47 Self Damage Shield 15 sec 5 Skill 1089
  • Reactive Ablative Arcanium Armor Tincture -Material cost 254g----Level 47 Self Melee Health Buffer 10:0 min 100 Skill 1094

My prices are based between 30-40 percent markup, if you dissagree with these prices or the markup, please do NOT feel free to pm me or even bother to /send me in game - instead /send another crafter and ask him to do them cheaper for you. IF i do change the prices (down, never up) i wont do it because of whining people who have nothing better to do, it will be because i have decided too=).. I think these prices are fair and reflect the hours of time and many plats that have been put into this skill.

I will update this post as i level so you can see what is orange and red without PMing me 200 times a day asking :D


I may be a bit off topic here but hope someone can answer this question: Do reactive DD procs work always or is it percent based? For example if my helm has a reactive DD proc and i get hit on the head will it always work?

Alpha Male


You have a 10 percent chance to Proc an effect with a reactive armour imbued piece.


I have a DoT proc on my slash weapon, and it kicks ass. I do about 100 extra damage per 4 sec, 5 times. It depends on resists ofcourse, my crap resist caused it to do 130 damage per tick when I duelled. DoT proc seems to be the best deal there is.

Due to the costs of doing this to your whole armor, I do believe certain parts have a higher chance of being hit, and consequently proccing. The proc does go off often (or I just get hit often... ) and is well worth the effort and cash. I believe most hit will be chest, arms and head really. So far I have not yet heard "You are hit in the feet" but did not pay that much attention to it.
And prices sound pretty fair Alpha.
Regards, Glottis


About armour parts' chance to get hit, I think torso, hands and perhaps arms are of the most hit parts. I've read something about this, but can't remember exactly.


Hmmm, as for where you get hit its roughly the same as the relative cost of each part:

35% torso
20% legs/head
12% arms
7% hands/feet

very roughly - but thats how its meant to work I believe.

1.5plat for ablative tincture on a suit of armour - and thats cost - ouch! Ah well, Ill be in the queue for a few of those when Alpha (or whoever) gets the skill required :)


Armour coverage:

Chest: 8
Leggings: 5
Sleeves: 3
Helmet: 2
Gloves: 1
Boots: 1


can a shield have such effects on? instead of slamming to get a DDto work could it just react whenver we block? i for one would love to just engage stuff and watch them blow up on my shield :D


shields can only have charges and procs (not reverse procs). The procs will then go off when you hit them with your shield.


You can put any reactive proc on a shield. However 100 slams with an active proc will result in more procs than 100 blocks with a reactive proc. (FYI)


oh i see.
Maybe ill get a reactive nuke shield just for fun then and have a DD proc for all my slamming needs, the idea of things exploding on hitting my shield pleases me.
must get some dosh, find alpha, get imbued, then go molest some forest giants


Originally posted by old.LandShark
You can put any reactive proc on a shield. However 100 slams with an active proc will result in more procs than 100 blocks with a reactive proc. (FYI)

As I said above. You can't put reactive procs on shields...


"- There is some confusion over reactive "procs" and shields - shields do not have defensive procs; however they can have offensive procs. "

Alpha Male


Ya Pin, that extract from Herald is true...BUT..it never made it into the final patch notes..and Reactive procs do work on Shields, both here and in the US :>...but dont tell Mythic :D

Proc rate on a reactive is however much lower than on a Proc - so Paladins with End chant and unlimited slams will benefit from a proc, wheras a scout would be better with reactive.


Re: hm

Originally posted by Alpha Male
Ya Pin, that extract from Herald is true...BUT..it never made it into the final patch notes..and Reactive procs do work on Shields, both here and in the US :>...but dont tell Mythic :D

Proc rate on a reactive is however much lower than on a Proc - so Paladins with End chant and unlimited slams will benefit from a proc, wheras a scout would be better with reactive.

ooops then ;)

Oh, and you said you'd edit the above post with your current score :p


So... how about an ablative proc on a shield for a pally... engage a mob with end chant going and become up unkillable :D

Alpha Male


They thought of that too..thast why no reactives work versus Mobs...only RvR :D


My ablatives were proccing when i was killing mobs in df today ^^


So procs DO work with shields as well as reactives? (I was told in crafting forum that it was broken)...

Oops I think I´ll have to explain to couple shield users about that... (told em none of 2 works...)

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