Leaving Albion!!



bit pissed off with the realm atm, boring and need something new not to mention the increase of shall we "leet" players. im moving to mid/excali and will be on maybe evry month or so...cant stand how many complete morons there are and have finally taken their toll on me so im off..cya and gl to you all in the futur...its hard to leave but i cant stay in a realm where ppl are mainly concerned on themselves and decide not to discus things with them when they have something against them and so they kick them from either a group or a guild....not mentioning any names but really Thank you all for a great time



Stay with us m8 ;)

All have good and bad days m8...dont rush into it you close to big 50 just to go like that.

cya l8rz m8


Goodbye from Garnette /Wave but Welcome to SOV mate from Garnet :)


Sorry to hear that Levi. But sadly you will find people are the same wherever you play. There will always be some decent ones and there will always be some complete tossers. The trick is having more to do with the former and avoiding the latter.

I had an alt on Mid/Excal for a while. Can't say I liked the place very much, 90% of the people I met were of the tosser variety. But I may have just been unlucky.

Hope to see you soon, all the best.


Originally posted by leviathane
bit pissed off with the realm atm, boring and need something new not to mention the increase of shall we "leet" players. im moving to mid/excali and will be on maybe evry month or so...cant stand how many complete morons there are and have finally taken their toll on me so im off..cya and gl to you all in the futur...its hard to leave but i cant stay in a realm where ppl are mainly concerned on themselves and decide not to discus things with them when they have something against them and so they kick them from either a group or a guild....not mentioning any names but really Thank you all for a great time


Omg levi,you have chosen a place where a mindless few used a memorial service as a chance to farm some rp`s,gl bud we will all miss you at the Immortals:(


Ahh yes Max, that had slipped my mind. Though I thought Excalibur/Albion was mostly to blame for that? Excalibur/Hibernia is the place to be! :)


Id have to agree on what turamber said about mid excal, you think alb pryd is bad? lol. Your gonna be back here in no time then pal, the place has tons of assholes(one of the reasons i know so many mids from excal thats moved here) and arrogant bastards. I spent a lil while there after being a tad bored at hib excal, though i went back there cos its alot nicer and a bit better people although i don't like the hib classes as much as mid ones.

Well good luck bro, hope to see ya back here soon :)


Aye most of the people on mid excal are pretty nasty.......

First hand experience

Tho the nice ones are really nice and make sure you're all sorted and set up nicely.

<nods> 90% are complete fu$%wits.

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