Leave The F****** Rezzers Alone! Ffs!


Brannor McThife

I don't target healers, I don't target clerics. Pick a fight with any class, but if you see a friggin bard/druid solo and he doesn't attack you, he's going to rez. FFS! let him do his thing so we don't have to all /release and take 15 minutes getting back to give you something to fight.

Gawd damnit!!!!1111



Brannor McThife

Ah screw it. I'm levelling out of Thid tonight.

Bunch of morons, all of you.



old.Hannible Lector

Brannor, u been on track with the 'stress pill's' the doctor gave you?, it's only a game, take it like it is one, not like its RL ;) think about


Brannor, Healers and Bards also mezz. And mezz is bad. So Healers and Bards die, get it....

Leave ressers alone lol. Whatever next, The DAOC Geneva Convention ?


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
I don't target healers, I don't target clerics. Pick a fight with any class, but if you see a friggin bard/druid solo and he doesn't attack you, he's going to rez. FFS! let him do his thing so we don't have to all /release and take 15 minutes getting back to give you something to fight.

Gawd damnit!!!!1111



Its a damn good tactic, stop moaning.

No wait, I know, "Leave the group with the ressers in alone so he can res"


you have rezzers in thidranki? We dont in albion. So to prevent u guys keeping better positions on the battlefield seems we just need to kill you all.

Technically speaking, isnt leaving rezzers alive considered Dueling which breaches Eula?

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Desdecado-T30
Technically speaking, isnt leaving rezzers alive considered Dueling which breaches Eula?
Dueling is not against the CoC (oh brother, here we go again). RP Farming is. And you have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME if you think that RP Farming can happen in Thidranki???

1 RP for like killing the guy 15 times... :sleeping:

Oh bugger, it's Friday. Don't think I need to do a Friday Flame today...it'd get too RL personal... ;)



Taken from official europe web site


A reminder about organised duels :

No surprise here, just a little reminder. Organised duels between players, granting players easy realm points (by sparing the healing classes) are not authorised. Players can freely interfere with duels if they see some and the Realm guards will be happy to join the meetings and face the contestants. If you witness such practice, feel free to report them to RightNow.

*Disclaimer* I dont give a fig, just dont be suprised if like having an offensive name, screen shot jumping, hiding in the bridge, some ticked off player has a moment of rightnow frenzy


Originally posted by old.chesnor
Brannor, Healers and Bards also mezz. And mezz is bad. So Healers and Bards die, get it....

This is also true of clerics, they mezz too, but I have a friar in thid and he can rez, and um hit you with his stick, wanna kill me too? when I'm trying to rez someone so they can get back in the fight quicker than if they released? I can see Brannors point, since its more fun to have people to fight, rather than twiddling your thumbs waiting for all those who had to release to come back, cos their rezzers got killed. So next time, think before you jump on someone, yeh we are at war, but that never stopped 2 opposing armies removing their dead from the battlefield under quick sign of truce. ;)


Wouldnt work coz always one stealther ready to pa the resser on his way to ress. Most ressers kill to at some point so everyone is fair game. Ta can only ask ya fellow realm mates not to kill the lone resser but ya cant force them.

Brannor knows this row before from beta dont ya mate :) was a nightmare then hehe :p :D


My group got caught in a nasty ambush by overwhelming odds coming from both ends of the MB tonight - me and the healer managed to escape by swimming and running in different directions but some dumb alb tank was following me - probably desperate for his realm points and thought a resser would be easy.

I headed into the aggro mobs area and he followed - I thought id stop n try to melee him but he managed to pull an aggro mob so I rooted and Dot'ed him.

He died an XP death which is a bit mean - still the learning curve can be tuff in thidranki and as Brannor said we have to discourage people killing poor defenseless lone ressers :)


- Brannor McThife, Level 24 Lurikeen Champion [Hibernia/Prydwen]
- Glauthrong, Level 50 Troll Warrior [Midgard/Prydwen]

OK, now you can say about killing the rezzers but at least were not damn spys.


Originally posted by old.Bourkester
- Brannor McThife, Level 24 Lurikeen Champion [Hibernia/Prydwen]
- Glauthrong, Level 50 Troll Warrior [Midgard/Prydwen]

OK, now you can say about killing the rezzers but at least were not damn spys.

Oh no!!
He found out about teh spy!!!11

Having two accs, one in Mid and one in hib on the same server doesnt make you a spy.
To be a spy you also need to be an arsehole, which I (personally) dont consider Mr. B to be.
I have one acc on Pry/Alb and one on Pry/Hib, regardless of which I am on for the day, that is the realm my loyalty is at then.
If I learn about a relic raid Albs are planning against Hibs while playing my Alb account, I "forget" about it if I choose to play Hib that day.
Same goes the other way around.


ok ok, i understand that but i just dont think its right


brilliant example of albs ruining their own tonight at about 11PM GMT

only rezzer alive was my buff-bot, a lvl 20 shaman with green studded armor (AF28)

of course, I rez those I can so the fun can continue.... albs were outnumbering us by about 5:1 , and my bb was the only reason there was still a small mid presence there...

what does lifeblood do? kills the last mid rezzer in thidranki..... way to go! and he done it knowing he was gonna die too...

I just took of my armor and waited for one of the 1000 infils out there to kill me..... went emain with my main

I'd be happy being camped, part of the game I suppose... was fun charging down and mezzing some poor scout.... occasionally getting ganked. Hopefully albs had fun after 11GMT, playing with themselves.... guess they are used to it by now, wankers as they are :D


geeze that guys realy pisses me off.

i walk up to the Albs and spotted alvl 24 infil. he spots me.

so the fight is on and i manage to get PA off first which is always good. i then get killed with him on 10% hp so i was quite happy considering the number of Albs who jumped me.

what happens next????

Alb1 cries at you
Alb1 blows a kiss to you
Alb2 salutes you (one i PA'd cheers m8)
Stupid blue con rezer killing tosspot of an infil laughs at you...
stupid blue con rezer killing tosspot of an infil sances with you.....
repeat until pissed off
Alb3 waves at you
Alb4 bows to you
Albs 5 jumps on my head......

so not only did they kill our only rezzer WHILST camping our PK...
they also did the childish laugh spam thing.

Grow some balls, i mean its not as if i went down there expecting to survive now is it? all i knew is there WAS a rezzer so i WOULD be rezzed. next time you aint getting no rps cos i'd rather sit at the mian keep watching the master of runes get himself some rps...


so rezzers are going to be neutral chars out there??

If you dont wanna get killed, i would recomend to stay home in TNN and craft..=)


ok Hibb(pp)ies, that flower-power thing isnt going to work. Rezzers are evil, they mezz us and we don't like getting mezzed. Be a man and /release like I do! Really is faster, waiting 5-10 min for rezz then taking a seat somewhere 'safe' for 5 min to get res-sickness off, when you can run from Ardee to teleport in like 5 min, and you get the res-sickness of aswell. I stopped /who Shaman /send random shaman 'need rezz', when I knew most of the shammys are 'Sorry I not healing shammy.' ......
But it is quicker, really.

And you damn Infils, can you stop killing my Thane solo? I know he's got low HP's, but damn the armor is so good! Stop it ... ;( all he wants to do, is have some fun. I got a feeling I'm not the ooonly one.

Flower-power 'leave rezzers alone' not accepted!
You know what? I'll head out and kill one right now! Muahahaha!
<Turns evil and runs of laughing and howling>


WTF is wrong with everybody. Dont kill greys dont kill rezzers?
Kill anything that moves thats my opinion.(If im stood still u cant kill me :p )


wont even bother...

bad enough dealing with people from my own realm


hehe ta mids for showing that you dont want to play tonight no more.....

I was the only rezzer left in Thid after 1 am.... you got me and the rest sitting down resting... Congratz nonetheless... I bet it felt sweet to get that revenge on the few that were left for getting your bums handed ta ya all night :D

Say what Brannor ? :rolleyes:


Dont kill the rezzers?!?

If it moves, shoot it.

Its happend countless times to us... have had a friar moving from the APK to the AB, and never made it there due to a Mid zerg.

If Mythic have set it so we can kill anyone from another realm, when we are in Thid, surely we are entitled to that?

Oh, and if you have problems with people killing the rezzers Brannor, what about the Luris/Norse/Trolls who have blow me up/PA'd me/Eaten me when Im the only person alive, on 1/20 hp, since the rezzer you kindly saved has just started to rezz everyone?

Bleh, war is war - you dont win by being nice

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.TeaSpoon
you dont win by being nice
Thidranki is not about WINNING. It's about having fun. And when, like late last night, someone yells that us Hibs should zerg the remnant of the Mids all the way back to their PK (and not Camp...but we all know they end up doing just that) and kill them all.

Oooh...yay... :puke:
You charge them, kill them all, jump on corpses, yell how leet you are. Then the mids release and go to sleep. Leaving you f-all to kill. Leave some rezzers. Kill any tank/stealther/mage you can find. But if you have half a brain to keep the fun going, you'll leave someone to rez a few so that there isn't AT LEAST a 15-20 minute lapse in activity while the enemy /release and decide on whether it's worth taking the time going back.

If you want RP, go to Emain. If you want to camp a PK, go to Emain. If you want to Zerg, go to Emain. If you want fun, come to Thid and keep the action going.



I kind of sympathise with your point Brannor, but its ultimately pants. Thindranki is about fun, you say. Well isn't the whole game about fun? (Like all games should be). Do we let healers/ressers live in 'real' RvR ? No, and we shouldn't either. Its one tiny step away from farming/duelling imho. All your enemies should die, no quarter given or expected. Thats the bottom line.

Thidranki is about 50% pure joy, 50% pure hell on prydwen/excalibur atm, and I think any kind of unwritten rule about certain classes being allowed to live will totally shaft it. For me anyway.

If they were to take away the RP from the BGs totally, I would aggree, but they havn't. So in reality, its just Emain rules, for lower levels. Kill everything, zerg, camp PKs etc..etc.. Thats what people do in this game, regardless of location, and regardless of level. Zerg or be zerged, if it speaks in a language you don't understand, kill it, it's the enemy....


Originally posted by old.Bourkester
- Brannor McThife, Level 24 Lurikeen Champion [Hibernia/Prydwen]
- Glauthrong, Level 50 Troll Warrior [Midgard/Prydwen]

OK, now you can say about killing the rezzers but at least were not damn spys.

I think I can speak for all Enduring Effervescients when I say that we fully trust Brannor. He has had many chances to 'spy' on Hibs so far and the fact that he has not done so says more than enough about his character.

Just be careful what you say as by calling him a spy you are implicating that we would ever agree to harbour such a person in the guild!

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Leah
Just be careful what you say as by calling him a spy you are implicating that we would ever agree to harbour such a person in the guild!
Now you've done it!

<runs away to take cover before Leah unleashes oblivion on Bourk.>

There are quite a few people that play two (maybe three?) realms on a server. And hmm, if I spied...would the Hibs have taken Thidranki faste? Would the Albs have taken the relics way back when Pwyiw was a kid? Would SotL have managed 5 Ninja'd keeps in a row in Midgard when I was present?

I think not. Get a life. It's a game. Get over your self righteous "You are teh ewul spy!!!11" crusade, the lot of you. :flame:



...would you have recommended your mid guild go read your old Alb guild (public) forum where they were planning a DF raid...

nothing is black and white :p

well cept black and white cats or something :)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by cabo1
...would you have recommended your mid guild go read your old Alb guild (public) forum where they were planning a DF raid...

Just say it right out Rain/Cabo. The Templar forums are public, and with that comes the risk of other reading them. Yes, I did direct everyone in The Unforgiven to the thread, as I recall we were looking at doing one that night? And you, cnut, need to get off your righteous horse and not take everything so seriously; I would not have followed through with it anyway.

Oops...just SHIFT-D that sword... my bad...



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