Leather drops: where ?



It has been brought to my attention that I have completely the wrong lvl of armour for my lvl (i'm dressed all over in purp gear and i'm told it's wrong).

Can you guys give me a tip as to where I should be going to luckly get all-leather, lvl 36-37 (AF 70-80) items ?

Thanks in advance !


Nothing beats high qua playercrafted gear, but shadow webbed and darksteel braided drops in spindel might be the thing you're looking for


Spindlhalla Arachites drop AF74 Leather Armour, its Called Braided Silksteel.
Ideal Level Range = 32-37

Spindlhalla Ekyps Scavengers|Mad Kobolds|Lost Hagbui drop AF82 Leather Armour, its called Braided Darksteel.
Ideal Level Range = 37 - 42

Spindlhalla Decaying Trolls|Cursed Thulians|Trows|Trowkarla|Slayers|Dijupts|Crusher|Worm all drop AF92 Leather Armour, its called Webed Shadow Armour
Ideal Level Range = 42 - 47

Malmohus Svartalfs drop AF92 Leather Armour, its called Emerald Moonshone.
Ideal Level Range = 42 - 47

Malmohus Svartalfs and Drakulvs drop AF98 Leather Armour, its called Timourous Drakulv Ebon
Ideal Level Range = 46 - 50

Thats the best stuff I know and have pieces of.
I know Varulvahum probably drops some leather armour but its inferior to Braided from Spindlhalla.


Solid, Klavrynd: thanks a bunch for your post ! I guess I'll just have to camp Spindelhalla, again :(

Hendrick: well mate, it's your fault in the first place if I need to renew all my armour and weaponry (I am referring to your post on weaponry)... although I do understand that crafted stuff is generally better, I am not sure I want to forgo completely the magical xtras that drops give... my char is gimped enough as it is and needs all the help it can get.

By the way: you would not happen to have a similar explanation on how armour works, would you ? What are the negatives of wearing purp-con armour, except for the decay rate ?

On weapons: what about staves? Any downsides to having purp-con staves (again, apart from decay) : it's not as if staff-users fumble or miss with them... I'd love to know...


Originally posted by trigali
By the way: you would not happen to have a similar explanation on how armour works, would you ? What are the negatives of wearing purp-con armour, except for the decay rate ?

As far as i know there are no downsides to wearing purp armor except the decay rate.

(if you wear really really really purple armor , it is possible that the magic bonuses are not added)

On weapons: what about staves? Any downsides to having purp-con staves (again, apart from decay) : it's not as if staff-users fumble or miss with them... I'd love to know...

what do you mean by staves exactly?

Caster focus staves only decrease the casting cost with 20% and if you have to use them to hit you're playing your character wrong :) . However, every time you cast a spell it is considered used and it will degrade.

Quarterstaffs, you will miss or fumble like "normal" weaponry with this. And purp weapons do have the tendency to miss with more often. There's slim to no use anyhow since you do have a capped dps per level so using a purp staff will not do more damage then eg an orange con one.


hmm if u wear purp armor,u will get a poor armorfactor,and take more damage on each hit.so yellow or orange armor would be the best.


your armor factor should be 2 times your level, so at lvl 40, your idal AF would be 80

if you wear purple con armor, you only get 80 out of it, but if you wear yellow AF82-84, you get the little extra.... so you can infact have 20 higher AF by wearing high yellow instead of all purple



in vendo caverns theres a guy called Vendo Snake Charmer... he drops either Leather or Studded everytime.. but i guess its a bit low... but just a hint to others who may read it ;)


Again, thanks to you all. I'm now clearer on the armour thing as well.

On the staves issue: I have an SM alt who of course uses a staff. I was just wondering about the plus and minus of using a purp con staf, apart from decay.

As the above post on weapons is all about misses and fumbles, this would not apply to a staff user.

So if I am lvl 15 and use a lvl 30 staff, what are the negatives ?


Focus staves are tricky. Any pure caster must use one or cast spells at 120% of power cost. By equiping a class appropriate focus staff yor spells are cast at 100% of power cost.

Each of these staves have 3 numbers on them (which you cannot currently see but will be able to soon). Each number matches one of that classes specialization lines. Any spell cast requires a specialization of that number or lower is cast at 90% power cost.

Remember, just by equiping a class appropriate focus staff spells are cast at normal cost. Item Con is not important in this case. Unless you recieve a "magic fails to affect you" message which may occur if the staff is much over your level.

There are 4 types of staves per class. There is a generic version which means all the spec numbers on the staff are the same. Then there are also specialized versions. Using the posters title, the Eldritch staff of Void is a Void specialization staff. On this staff the Void spec is higher, but the other 2 specialization numbers recieve a small penalty. These staves are for people who want different staves for different situations or have a different main spec.

Hope this helps clear any confusion on focus staves and their purpose. Thanks 8)


Klavrynd, you are the fount of all knowledge. :clap:


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