Leaked Ultima X: Odyssey Screenie


Sandariel ^^

Just stumbled upon a Screenie that's supposed to be the first Screenshot of Ultima X: Odyssey.
Can't really comment on the graphics quality, since atm I'm still at work and the gimpy gfx card here shows it in 256 colors only :eek:

Anyway, doesn't look to bad imho.

Thought I should share it ;)

Webpage: http://uo.stratics.com/news/Odyssey.shtml


Very weak texturing and fairly low detail models for a next gen title :(


Well, Ultima X could be done for Consoles aswell, which restricts the amount of polygons spent...


EA invite to San Fran to see Ultima X

I havent seen that screen shot yet, but the other day i got the crazy email from EA. Apparently it was my lucky day.. they are flying me out to San Francisco for an all expense paid trip to see the premiere of some of their new games (UX:O being one of them)... I am pretty pumped about it... did anyone here get the invite? here is the email they sent me (check out the link to the invitation, it is a flash animation thing of the UX:O world, it is pretty cool) -
It's my pleasure to invite you, an influential member of
the online gaming community, to an exclusive preview of a
groundbreaking new EA game. Ultima X: Odyssey is the next
evolution of online gaming. We think it is the most
innovative new MMORPG of the year -- and you can be among
the first to see it!

This special event will be held in San Francisco on
August 21-22, 2003. Domestic airfare and lodging will be
provided! The details are confidential until you register.

To attend, please register at:
I had to take out the http: // so that i could submit the post

Lead off the beta community and be one of the first to
experience this unparalleled online adventure. Don't miss
your chance to be part of this landmark event.

See you there.


Erick Hachenburg
SVP, GM - Electronic Arts Online

Electronic Arts, Inc - 209 Redwood Shores Parkway -
Redwood City, California - 94065

Reverant Mezz

ultima is dead now, if u ever played ultima: 9 u will know what i mean


I tried to play Ultima 9 but got so frusterated that I had to stop. I was a big fan of all of the other Ultima. I'm going to definitely keep my eye on this new Ultima. I wish there was a little more info about it.


I still dont know much about ultima X, but i cant wait to find out. I think there has got to be at least a little something special about this game since they are having this event.. I did enjoy the earlier ultimas, and reverant, i do know what you mean, but i am sure there is a way they can resurect the world, and stay true to the Ultima theme...how to do that, i have no idea


Maybe they could make it some kind of prequel. The could have the Ultima X: Odyssey world take place in Britania before it was destroyed, compelte with Yew, Dawn, Bucaneers Den, etc.? I think that idea could work, or maybe they will just take the idea of the avatar and somehow incorporate it into the mmorpg. I would rather they used the old britania, but either way I would like to see more of the 'old' Ultima then the UO.


did any of you all check out the flash annimation. It shows what i guess will be parts of the UXO world... I dont really know, but i think it looks like it could be a 3-d version of early brittania, who knows... it does look pretty good though....


I was pretty pissed when they scrapped UO2 as well, but I guess I'd rather have them completely scrap a project than release a crappy game. They were probably also a little worried about undercutting their UO fan base. Either way I'm just happy they are finally making another Ultima. I've been playing these games for almost 20 years and Ultima is one of the few 'no brainer' buys i make.

Reverant Mezz

Originally posted by deeran
I was pretty pissed when they scrapped UO2 as well, but I guess I'd rather have them completely scrap a project than release a crappy game. They were probably also a little worried about undercutting their UO fan base. Either way I'm just happy they are finally making another Ultima. I've been playing these games for almost 20 years and Ultima is one of the few 'no brainer' buys i make.

nah they scrapped it cos EA sacked the team who was making it and then started sims online instead


Pretty cool. I think that they're using the Unreal engine for this game so I'd expect that the graphics are going to be alot better in the actual game screens. and fast too!


A freind of mine just left the ea event in san francisco. She was thoroughly impressed. Apparently the game is really far along in development.. they all played the game and said it was fairly bug free... possibly even farther along than SWG at release (i know that may not be saying much, but this game hasn't even gone through beta) She pointed me to a website with a bunch of good info, ultimaxfan.com they have a video up that is very impressive. if you are even remotely interested in UXO, check out the video...


blablabla not very interesting compared to my Lineage 2 thread which I'm about to bump above this.


ok, so my friend is completly sold on UXO now... shows you what a weekent of wineing and dining will to huh ;) anyway apparently the combat was just amazing, everyone who got to demo the game was blown away by all the spell effects.... has anyone read any of the stuff out there on it? is anyone even interested?

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