league rankings



Just how are the league rankings decided?

There seems to be a huge disparity in team abilities in some leagues. Teams that are in say, CTF 3B, are clearly more suited to a higher one.

One would think that the leagues would settle down, so that teams progress to their natural level, but this doesn't seem to be the case. As teams drop out, and are replaced, the disparity remains.

I know it must be a gawdawful job trying to sort out who goes where, but how is it sorted, and are there any plans to overhaul the present system?



Rankings are a difficult thing. As Q3 continues to grow, more clans form / move over to it, leagues continue to grow.

We adhere to the promotion / relegation settings as laid out in the rules, but obviously when certain clans enter we try to put them in a division which as far as we know is suitable to their skill level. We do this by looking at their performance in other leagues, what they reckon themselves, and other factors. We then give clans a week to ask for them to be moved if they think they are in the wrong division.

Obviously there will be clans mis-placed, but on the whole we feel that it is better to do it this way than the method that say Savage adapt of bunging nearly everyone in the bottom division and letting them sort it out.

A cup competition is not really a good indicator, you can get a bad draw and go out in the first round when you are much better than that for example.

Yes i do know there are some clans who are mis-placed, although the most common problem seems to be clans going in too high. This is odd, as you would expect most people to ask for a lower division.

There is also the issue of clans simply having bad seasons, and coming good again. POTZW for example in your CTF division struggled a bit last season but this time around have been very impressive.

Ultimately as you say its a tricky task, allthough i would rather get 75% of clans correctly placed than leave it all to chance.


From our perspective things seem pretty well matched in div2, but in savage things seem a little less balanced. Good point about bad seasons for clans. We went bonkers in div 3 and went down to 4 and are now finding it quite boring in 4 tbh, but I dunno what can be done about that sort of thing. I guess we'll just have to play it out in sav until things settle down. The problem does seem to be new clans coming in, like CN for example who entered way too low and gave us all a good kicking a while back. Maybe clans on the waiting lists could have the league arrange a short schedule of games against the top performing clans from each division, prior to them be entering into the league. This would give a good indication of their ability and give some other clans a chance to get some friendlies in and gauge the quality of the new clans entering the league? Im sure that those clans on the waiting list would love to get some action against some league teams, both for the chance of some action in general and a preview of what they are likely to come up against in the league. They'll either come in more prepared, or will decide they are not ready for the league, which will also reduce the number of clans dropping out at a later stage or Defulting cos players dont turn up.


Go hard or Go home!

[This message has been edited by Ch@meleon (edited 08 September 2000).]


Part of the problem we have is that during the 3-4 months of a season we usually get a sizeable number of clans join a waiting list, at the moment it is (/me quickly checks his email) somewhere around 25 for the DM league and that is still with 4 weeks to go before this season (so around 7-8 weeks before next season). It's almost the same size as to be a league in its own, and would take time i unfortunately don't have to organise.

I am however working on something which will add some interest for clans during the close season aswell as offering a chance for new clans to play in a league setup. More news on this soon.

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