Laughable Friar



haha had a laugh really tonight. a shame to see it was an alb though

Me lvl 13 Mentalist with my friand lvl 13 Champ. thought we check out frontier.

We moved our way into Breifine. effectively avoiding all the purple aggro we saw.

I lost /stick to him cuz of lagg and he asked for loc and came back

then I saw this Briton Guardian (?haha) coming

Putting End chant on and running as he got backfire from his a**

I as reflex just pressed my "uber" lvl 1 16 sec mez

didnt even have time to cast when this friar (I saw his smile)
cam berserking me hitting me for good old 1 hit kill

then straight on my mate.

We didnt even do anything else tried to run.

I dont mind dying but the way he Ran his ass off to get us (btw we where standing still) was a real laugh

and the time is 3 at morning. RvR is all dead.

He might be a silly RR Guardian cuz he spend his nights in Breifine killing lvl 1xish Explorers haha

Signing off nn

freel free to flame me cuz I aint give a ......


and your point is ?

why not put end spell on ? he didnt know how gray u were ... you might of even been yellow to him , "ive heard a few people say new con system is bugged" ... also end chant makes sure he got full end incase more hibs come , so it may not of been the case of needed it to kill you . more of a needed the end for safety incase enemy inc :)

<disclaimer> NO the friar wasnt me :)


wtf has this got to do with a Friar??? ... I still don't get it :flame:


guess how laughable is
when 1 fg hibs cast every cc on me when i am solo and they spot me ....... amnesia-ae mezz- single mezz - stun
when i got jumbed from hib fgs on rvr i start to laugh :p
so much pain to kill one man when you are 8?:p


Hes a rr guardian cos u get that automatically at 20 same as u get the rank of savant meaning he could have had no realm points not because he ganks lowlevels.

Bottom line is dont come to RvR areas if u dont want to risk a ganking. You are enemy regardless what con u r.


no level 45+ has any excuse to be a guardian :/

except cronn


Originally posted by darbey
Bottom line is dont come to RvR areas if u dont want to risk a ganking. You are enemy regardless what con u r.

what he said


Originally posted by moo_work
no level 45+ has any excuse to be a guardian :/

except cronn

All my chars were still Guardians when they hit 50 except my buffbot who was a Warder due to RPs for rezzes near apk :p


well seeing as you don't give a... and I've always wanted to say this: Cry more noob :p


My necro was rr3 before 50lvl and i didn't go at any of the farm sessions in midgard due to poor pc (it sucks "suiciding" to use corpse summoner and when you get there ld cause too many were there already) :p

/flex :)



Rofl, looks like I'm the guilty party here.

One word of advice kids, if you dont wanna get killed, dont roam around emain/breifine on your own at level 1x. Dont go /pointing the fingers cos you're dumb enough to be wandering the frontiers 35+ levels before you should be.

For your information, when I see an enemy, I dont look to see what it cons unless it's pve, you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Should I have left the second one when I realised that I'd smacked him for 500? Maybe, but since I tend to get ganked by 2fgs of Mids and Hibs on my own regularly, I hardly see the difference.

As for end chant, I didnt really need it, but my end was low and I figured if you were gonna run I may as well make life easier on myself. It was already on in stages as i tried to balance end regen with power pool whilst sprinting through enemy territory whilst I was looking for my group that had managed to wander off into a Mid zerg.

Aye, I'm a "Guardian" and frankly I dont give a shit as I WAS waiting till 50 before I started devoting my time to RvR as a way of preventing the nagging "You'd be getting more rps and finding it easier if you were 50" feeling that you get if you strafe away from exping to do something else.

For the information of the court, I'm a 48 Friar and as of last night after a few hours only of RvR I went from RR1L4 (since I capped in BG about 6 months ago before taking a 3 month break) to RR2L1.

Just cos I'm a low RR doesnt necessarily mean I suck either, I've given RR4 infiltrators and RR5 mercs an even bigger slapping about. (Gave Tain a good run for his money recently too but ultimately got slapped down ;) ) Last night, a fair few hibs and mids fell to my staff and I'm proud of that fact even if I dont have the experience that many people do. If I'm "Laughable" because of that well good, I'll wear a Jester hat next time I leave staff marks on your faces.

For the record, no I am not powerleveled, yes I am my main character and my played is 13 days at 48 and that includes aimless wandering around and exploring at my mid 20s and 30s, as talking with friends, etc.

Been playing DAoC for about a year over various characters but found my niche with the Friar.

As for RvR being dead at 3am, thats a ton of shit because I was still there at 4am being zerged by mids outside ATK. If you're gonna come to Barryswhine, at least get your facts straight.

Basically all I want to ask is would you like more cheese with your whine?


Just as an addition to this, one of my guildmates took a level 3 fighter to emain yesterday as an experiment. He got ganked by a hibbie enchanter who proceeded to stun, mez and then run up and pbaoe his poor ass.

Grey ganking isnt just down to colourblind albs you know :)


omg how can u plev to 50 without even using the char once in rvr?

hell rr2 is like 10 kills


lol u calling him silly while ur in breifine with a lvl 13


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