Latest Nvidia Drivers



Being the eternal tinckerer that I am i had to go and install the latest official det drivers from the Nvidia webbie, even though my existing drivers were working perfectly. Having got them installed, I fired up BF1942 and to my dismay entered flicker hell. As help to anyone who encounters the same problems here is how i fixed it. The OS was win ME btw so i probably deserved all i got :)

Using the drivers refresh rate inbuilt over-ride for D3D settings did not help. In the drivers I set 1024x768 to 120Hz but on entering the game it still flickered.

I then manually set the refresh rate for that resolution in Windows to 120Hz but still it flickered. I finally figured out that in this driver version, setting the global Windows refresh rate for a resolution only works for that colour depth. So that setting Windows to 1024x768 in 16 bit colour, doesn't make Windows run at 120hz in 32 bit colour. You have to manually set the refresh rate for each resolution PLUS each colour depth (or at least I did)

That finally stopped BF1942 from flickering, but the in game text was then screwed. To fix THIS I had to again manually disable anti-aliasing. Just having it set to "allow applications to control anti aliasing mode" was not good enough. You have to have it manually set to "Off (no anti aliasing)"

You all may have been doing all these things for ages, but with driver version 30.82 none of this was necessary for me, so i offer this up to help anyone else who suddenly finds BF misbehaving after this driver update.


Actually, you learn to read the text with anti-aliasing on. Its not as pretty, but I like everything else being pretty instead.


I downloaded the win xp/2k 41.03 drivers from the quadro driver section. They appear to make everything soo much nicer than the dets (40.71?), not tried 1942 with them yet but T2, Q3 and UT2k3 run amazing.
The control pannel has an agressive setting that i switched on as soon as i saw it and i have not seen my fsp drop below 50 in 1280x1024.

If u got a high end gf then try out the 41's


Whats a 'high end gf'?

I have ELSA Gladiac 920 GeForce 3 64mb - does that count as one?

Ta for the help


i dunno, it seems all the gf cards are supported in the read me(that unified? driver thing) but i think that unless you have a monster card you may not see much diff

Gf3 should have no problem

btw 41.03 are win xp/2k only and are beta
(corrupt stuff in c/p, it dont crash like the det40's did though)


I think that agrresive setting is a Force settings mode. So with aggresive, no matter how hard the application tries to use it's own settings, the detonators overide them with the settings you selected in the control panel.

I found the 41.03 to be fine with my setup -

AMD XP2200,MSI GF4 TI42000,512meg pc2100 RAM, ASUS A7M8X mobo.
And I got a good 3dmark score of 11500

I still prefer to use Rivatuner for geforce settings BTW

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