Last nights regular rvr thingie



We had a great turnout, I think we had 3 full groups most of the time, maybe even more. We went to midland, killed a few hib and mid full groups, took Bledmeer and proceeded to kill hibs and mids at AMG. Finally a large mid zerk took us by surprise and wiped us out. But most of us managed to fight without dying for about 2 hours, before the mid zerg.

Most of the time people actually listened to Girigu and Aule, who lead our forces. I think all realised that by listening to the leaders and staying together even Albs can win without huge zerg :).

So a good fun was had by all, I'm really looking forward to Thursday's regular rvr.

Cheers to Girigu and Aule for good leadership and all participants for making the evening fun. :clap:

Aule Valar

thanks, although i ended up leading by bad luck only :)
it was great fun, instead of running around like headless chickens we actually worked together quite well, and a nice tank, qite possibly pouget blocked a good few arrows comming for me :)
the tank organisation was especially nice, some defending casters, other attacking in groups :)


Yes it was a very good couple of hours, cool to see albs working together with some good leadership, thanks a lot looking forward to Thursday.....btw Aule was me saved ya scrawny ass a few times:p


/me writes down in his diary
"AMG every tuesday and thursday"
Thx for the info guys.... see you soon


You think we gonna go the same places?? smart ass:)


Well teh fact is you have to go through amg, and im not sure if it was you lot, but there were a large number of albs at amg when we arrived with our 2fg at 7pm gmt......lets just say none of you got any further.....thx for the info if it was you, if it wasnt you guys, you still got 20 or so albs dead :)
any more info you want to post here plz feel free, ill check it again laters :clap:



u and me thursday evening 11 o clock

bledmeer keep

Lets just say no part of u got any further:cool:

But i ll post all the info u want

Afun Mindbreaker:p


lol ye that was funny actually
i was there runnin along afk - come back and im mezzed
"what a nice person" i thought to myself - mezzed me and left me hehe
well - i was takin a short walk down the road..... and she is back lol..... well this time i got attacked, at some point we were both on about 10% health.... damn QuickCast owned me tho hehe - and that damn lifedrain nuke sux bad :)
Nice fight - i enjoyed it
Hope that Lopez got j00 in teh end hehehe



aye it was a fun fight and very close at one moment indeed

Might i say i think u should have waited a bit longer with ip? then u might have shredded me, as of now it came pretty fast and i was alrdy running so just ran a bit further before turning and qcing... ah well, always in for a rematch -)

and no, lopez didnt get me.

mmh well... let me restate that: not single handed, i was trying to get him out keep when i agrod archer, he came, i thought thats doable, but then 2 more mids get me from behind, need i say more...

Afun Mindbreaker

P.S. Do mids have a defense at bledmeer at alltimes? thats two evening in a row i go to bledmeer for skill honing and guard pulling and both times small mids squadrons charge out thinkin i am that keep taking force they ve been waiting for all evening


hehe yer i know about IP...... tbh i pushed the wrong button lol :p
maybe next time :x

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