Last nights event on Pryd in Alb..



Just like to say a big thank you to the events ppl last night :clap:
I was most fortunate/lucky to be involved.
We want MORE!
Ive taken screenies and will detail what we saw ASAP.

My lvl 11 Inf was on his way to Pryd Keep to visit the Healer. When I arrived I noticed a group in the small room next to where the healer stands and 3 NPC's interacting with the group! (Brother Aesor, shade of Alean and Lady Loia) I couldn’t believe my luck an actual event! P.s. I missed the very beginning but from what I understood, Lady Loia had gathered a small group from Cots and brought them there to Pryd keep with her sorry tale of lost love.

So with a little levity and poetic license, gather round ye weary traveler pull up a stool, and listen to a story of a brave band of fellows and a lady in distress.

As a youthful Lurker I went to Prydwen keep, to visit the local healer.
After his hand was graced with silver, his tasks done, my sharp ears over heard a conversation in the room joining.
I chanced to pass closer the room to see what was occurring. I donned my cloak and went invisible. A group of travelers were stood around the frail frame of a lady cleric, and next to her stood two men I did not know. One was a Brother of the church, a man of powerful presence, but the other (I had to wipe my eyes for I did not believe what I saw) was a man in shape, wearing grey clothing, but yet not quite ‘real’. I swore I could see through him!
He was there talking to the lady and the Brother yet I could see the candle on the table through his very figure. I had heard of such things but not witnessed it first hand, so this was a wraith from the underworld.

But what was this. The Lady was crying, her whole body shook in wracks of sobbing; the shade put forth a wispy hand to caress her cheek, yet without sufficient substance, it passed through. Was there some sort of bond between these two?
What were the others doing? Surely they should engage battle with this being from another plane of existence, were they mesmerized?
I was not sure what I could of done by myself, for would my dirks of been able to strike such a thing? Gripping my daggers, cloaked, I stepped forward.
A hand fell on my shoulder, I spun around ready for battle, only to see the friar Lost standing there. In disbelief I halted in my progress, and faced the group. The lady looked towards me as I uncloaked.. She graced me with a sad smile and greeted me. ‘Hail Garrett, and welcome, please step forth and join our group’.

As I was introduced to the group the story unfolded of a heinous crime. Of Lady Loia and Alean. The shade before me was the very man who Loia loved, not a vengeful spirit from the depths of hell as I first thought. Alean spoke to the group recounting his tale, of how he was ambushed whilst wandering Camelot hills by an evil wizard and killed, but not being allowed to pass from this life into the next his very essence was trapped in an evil artifact, called a Soul Stone.
This form before us was all that escaped the stones wrath, a baleful waning form, but even then he managed to alert Aesor to his plight.
Aesor was there to inform us of what had transpired, of this wizard who had been killing travelers and accosting their souls, how Loia came to him for help and how he suggested organizing a group of hero’s to rid Albion of the evil wizard and his design, and to release Alean. Aesor had some indication of where the wizard was hiding and where he could be found...the Tomb of Mithra.
So strong of heart and sure of purpose we set out for Mithra, where we were to find this denizen and rescue Loia’s lost love from the wizards foul grasp.
The journey to the tomb was quick, Minstrels have such a wonderful skill. Before long we stood at the entrance to the Tomb. The smell of decay and pestilence was almost overcoming, but we had made a pact, and we would see it through. We entered the doorway.
We fought our way down the tomb to the Promise room (the evil one had sent his minions to try and turn us from our purpose, but they soon fell) and there upon the stone dais we challenged the despicable wizard to come forth and reveal himself! (This room, which is usually packed with critters, was unusually empty. Something more foul than they had taken residence.

On hearing our bold statements the evil one appeared before us, mocking our existence and laughing in our faces, holding aloft the stone, which held Loia’s entrapped love. He taunted us to do battle for he felt sure of himself in his stronghold.
Cackling manically he summoned a most heinous creature from the pits of hell as his champion and bade us to come forth to our dooms.
How wrong could he be! The ring of steel on leather and electricity of building magic echoed around the room.
The abomination stepped closer its foul breath issuing in our faces its huge form blocking what little light shone in that room. We gritted out teeth and welcomed our deaths.
The battle commenced, bloody and quick, the outcome certain…
The Monster, howling and screaming descended back from whence it came, the wizard looked a trite dismayed at how easily we destroyed his minion, his smile looked a little more like a grimace now.
At this point Loia pleaded for the stone from the wizard, begging to release her love.
The wizard mocked her, again parading the stone for all to see, tormenting Loia.
This was more than we could take, with our blood boiling and hearts pounding, the song of battle once again poured forth from our combined throats. As a combined whirlwind of death we surged forward, our blades flashing in the gloom, the wizard was ours!

The battle ensued.

He was very strong, and using foul magic’s, beset us with a thunderstorm of power. All manner of assault was thrown at us, raging fire burst around us and bands of ice surrounded us.
As powerful as he was, he was no match for cold hard steel. With heroic deed and raw courage we pressed forth and took the battle to him, from all sides he was assaulted, he lashed about mortally wounding a few of us, but the tide of battle was going against him. His assault was getting weaker. Less and less he traded blows, multiple wounds across his body-oozed blood. His face turned ashen with despair…with a last ditched effort he tried to part our souls from our mortal beings. Screaming defiance at what was happening to him, he called on his terrible gods to aid him, to no avail with a final lunge from our knight protector his fouled life was cut short, his gods had forsaken him.
The wailing spirit of the wizard was pulled down, back to the under world, to be tormented for eons by daemons and devils, the price of his soul collecting has cost him his own, a high price to pay!
Battered and bleeding, exhausted yet elated, we collapsed in a heap.
Whilst we congratulated ourselves on a battle Royal, no one noticed the sorrowful figure of Lady Loia, she had quietly stepped to one side, with great care she searched the tattered robes of the wizard, for the one object which held her hearts desire, the soul stone.

With reverence and a tear of regret Loia held the stone close to her breast and with a sob of anguish crushed it to dust.

The room was bathed in a clean white light, all the shadows in the room were revealed and forced away, a thousand souls poured out of the remains of the soul stone, spiraling upwards like a shower of fireworks, a great joyous sound was heard, as if the gratitude from all the trapped souls were released at once, in one heart felt moment.
What seemed like an eternity we were surrounded by these friendly souls, faces came and went, a child here a woman there, who were they? Where did they come from?
We all stood in awe as Loia was surrounded by this spectacle, until the light suddenly winked out. As we watch one fleck of light slowly filtered down from the ceiling, much like a feather floating on a spring breeze, and as it touched the floor at Loia’s feet

Alean’s figure appeared. Not as the grey washed out vision we had seen before, but in his entire splendor, a handsome man, with a fair and trustworthy face. The look of joy upon Loia’s face was a sight to behold. She fell into his arms, cryin, not with sorrow but with joy. But this was but a brief moment of happiness, for Alean had been given only a moment to say his goodbyes. Loia and Alean spoke in hushed tones, their love for each other apparent.
Alean turned towards us and thanked us for our assistance.
And then he turned once more to Loia, kissed her and vanished.

A dry disembodied voice was suddenly heard from nowhere, ‘MY STONE!! … my stoneeeeee! I will have my revenge’ and then was gone.

Loia turned to us asking we take her back home to Aesor to recount what had happened this day.
Carrying our wounded we emerged once more into the light.
Back in Prydwen keep we took Loia to Aesor, where she recounted the tale.
As a token for our bravery that day Loia handed us all some gold, as way of a thank you for helping her in that darkest of hours.
Aesor warned us of the wizards return for that voice was heard after the battle, he told us to be on our guard for the call to battle once.

In commemoration for our victory we visited the tavern, where Loia and Aesor joined us in our merriment. Into the night and before our slumber, we sat at the bar and re counted tales and drank beer!

So fellow brother and sisters of Albion, be warned for evil lurks around every corner, keep your blades sharp and your spells bright!

Well hope you enjoyed that? It was most refreshing to actually take part in these events, we all enjoyed it in our group, and the beers went down a treat.
Oh yes this occurred at approx 9pm last night so this is pretty much primetime
p.s. damn 10,000 character limit :p so sry for the poor english, I had to do some chopping.


Nice story telling mate. I enjoyed reading it.

Sharp Thing

got a short version? its late and reading al that just aint gona happen now, lol :p


Excellent writing. Really enjoyed reading about your event and I'm looking forward to joining one myself one of these days.

Originally posted by Sharp Thing
got a short version? its late and reading al that just aint gona happen now, lol :p

Maybe you should stick to the comic-books then ;)

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