Last night



Well I logged on as normal - around ten ish , and at level 39 went to 'the' place that we all try to be at >>>>>>> Tanglers (yuck).

Anyways - messaged and spoke to a few groups - some up to level 45 or so and down to as few as four people. Varied replies from 'we ok' to the apologetic 'we need to stay at 4 becuase this is only way to maximise our exp gain'.

Pause for thought *********

Anyway ended up at last group - seven of them - did my anychance of joining thing and got a 'just a mo' reply. Sat and waited a while then was invited with a 'well we dont really need you but in you come'.
So I said me thanks, popped 'em a bubble and went off to do a few pet pulls/aoe ice root stuff for them. I will say most were higher than me - up to 44 I think. Anyways an hour passes, one of group mini-dings and then we split up for night-nights. There are just four of us left, me - theurger, friar, cleric and infil. Not liking the thought of tanglers we wander - farmers for a while, a medial that wants to play then an armsman joins us. We kill a few guards, wander a bit, do some moorliches, kill a load of fishers, some more moorliches then end up on guards by the clerks house.
At the end of this we have gained another mini-ding for someone (I ned up with about 3 bubbs - happy there) - several of the five (inc. me) have stayed for an hour or so longer than normal, ALL of us seem not only happy with the experience but also the pleasure of not seeing a gobbo !

So >>> thanks to the other three then four of you and to those letting me into the original group, all in all it was a much better than I thought evening !!

***** Thought - it IS possible to go elsewhere than tanglers and have a good time exp'ing. Yes - I know it might not appear to be quite as fast ( for me though was faster ) but it can be more interesting.

So as a realm maybe we should be utilising those other places and spawns a bit more - exp in the frontier, go to Lyn Barf........
I will go with you - and then maybe others will come along too !

Back to work now


It all depends how fast you want to level.

Once you reach 47+ after a couple of months on the XP grind, all you want to do is finish.
You want the last few levels and NOW - hence small tangler groups.

Before the latest patch, Witherwoodes were decent xp if you auto'd em, but not any more, tangler > all :/

If you aren't in a massive rush to level, there are many great XP areas - LB, DM, Barrows etc.


wow, change a few bits and it could have been me telling that story of lasnight. did the exact same thing. went to tanglers, got into a group, bout one hour later some left and we were 5. no mez or root so we went for a wander, ended up doing greater telamon for some rather nice exp. why on earth does everyone stick to gobos? they are boring... and to be honest the exp is crap unless you camp the island or aqua and have about 5 people(we were one of 4 groups pulling from the trees <sigh>)


I think it's become an Albion legend that the only way to get decent XP post-40 is tanglers and post-45 is trees. It's not the only way at all. There are some excellent hunting grounds in Dartmoor as you get deeper, with 3 red/purple stonecrushers each time guaranteeing good group bonuses, and the fact that hardly anyone goes there compared to the tanglers offering good camp bonuses. You also get great drops, compared to those infernal pygmy crossbows and chain armour.

Post-47, the best XP I got was in Dartmoor in a small group (minstrel, healer, two tanks) taking out giants. Next best was in Darkness Falls at level 49 doing spiders, mahrs and thongbeasts. Then autoing trees.

The advantage of the tanglers and trees seems to be basically that lots of people go there, so you're more likely to get a group by turning up solo, whereas to get to the hunting grounds in Dartmoor, you have to make a group and then go. But I'd recommend it. If you have a group with good crowd control, and the tanglers/trees are getting dull, go to Dartmoor.


... quite true indeed Aethelstan, but another point to consider is the classic old fashioned 'group wipeout' when someone ld's, or someone forgets the mezzer is afk etc etc.... in deeper areas of both Dartmoor and DF, it is quite unlikely that:

a) the group will get a rezz...


b) you will be in a position to get back to your grave....

... I think this needs consideration too, tbh....


agreed, this may not make sense at first, but it seems the only reason everyone goes there, is simply because everyone goes there! too many people have heard from others the same old "autoed normal gobs upto 40, then did tanglers to 45, then did trees to 50". the thing is, going by what i read it seems that alot of people realise that pygmy exp is actually slow and hard to group... yet noone does anything about this. the ammount of times ive seen DF with just 1 or 2 exping groups is uncountable! 1 or 2 groups in the whole of that dungeon.... that leaves a hell of alot of free mahr's crawlers and scub... (what ever there called) all of which drop diamond seals. or prehaps barrows? there usually no more than 10 people in that place.... and dartmoor, ud think it didnt exist! people should move about, the three said places are far better than gobos for exp and drops... so why continue hunting there? all thats happening is the realm is basically bottlenecking the amount of people that lvl up.... as there are loads of people and not enough groups (can only really have 5 groups at tanglers... preferably less)


well started a little bit of chat going -- and at least it has given me a few more ideas of places to go hunt at this and higher levels. Lets hope this spreads the word around a bit more too.

The drops were better elsewhere too -- Dan Harpoons, a nice plate helm, some good studded and a few more bits - there is a limit to how many needle maces death beads and pygmy crossbows a vault can hold !!

Oh and apologies to Mister 'K' the armsman (not) was a mercenary -- just remembered !

Ta ta -- off to explore

I left EQ to get away from the "E commons to 7, N Ro to 11, Orc highway to 18 mentality"


Originally posted by Jupitus
... quite true indeed Aethelstan, but another point to consider is the classic old fashioned 'group wipeout' when someone ld's, or someone forgets the mezzer is afk etc etc.... in deeper areas of both Dartmoor and DF, it is quite unlikely that:

a) the group will get a rezz...


b) you will be in a position to get back to your grave....

... I think this needs consideration too, tbh....

You have to remember Jupitus is a wuss. He gets frrightened by the darkness in DF and the DM giants are big and nasty. Give him a small goblin tangler with Lunar to mez it first and he's in his element.




I have to confess after being involved in regular Pygmy groups for the best part of 10 levels I shudder at the thought of EVER seeing another Pygmy of any level ever again;) I can honestly say that if I get an offer of doing them without a 2nd thought I would say no, even with my alts.

I have found that since DF has opened and have moved to PL I have a good reason to play my Pally again.. until DF she had been 41 for longer than I care to think about, currently 44.5 and leveling at a steady pace again, I'm not going crazy on the xp mill but getting there slowly and enjoying some RvR as I go, for the time being my Alts have been shelved again and I am enjoying the game far more than I have for ages.

I also think that DF has been good for shaking up the groups a bit more again, I found that pre DF I was only grouping with the same circle of people ALL the time, it same shown me some good people in the realm and also reminded me why I don't group with some of the others;)

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