Last Night RvR



What was up with you Albs?

Trying to take a keep defended by 30+ players?


Or just trying to help the Hibs to get Realmpoints?

Hibs have other keeps beside Crimthainn and those aren't defended at all.


Bleri McThrust

Well I hate to say it but you are right. And we didnt do it just once either :(. So why did I do it :confused: because we were following the orders.

In my opinion what we should have done is moved on to Bolg or Behnn. It wouldnt have been any less succesfull and may have split the defenders.

Was fairly euphoric when we finally got through the doors though, then only to be massacred :( .

However there were a few lame tactics employed by you Hibs last night. Agroing that mob onto us may have been an accident once, but twice :confused: . Does seem like it was done on purpose.

On another note lag was there as always but actually seemed better to me. Dont know if anyone else felt the same.


some folks dont just goto emain for rp's, last nights siege at dun crim was fun :) . fun is my main priority and i dont give 2 hoots if hibs get virtually free rps from me . as long as i have fun im happy :) .


Jazhara would you rather play against NPC's or against other PLAYERS like its supposed to be? :)



Whilst I don't necessarily disagree with your point, I would point out that when we were being held at our wall late last night, the most constructive attempt at organisation you made was, I believe, "Charge you chickens". Of course, I may be mistaken and it may not have been you who shouted that, but I dont think so. The reason we are so often now beaten hands down by our enemies is because as a realm we are too often arrogant, disorganised and simply not thinking smart enough to make our numbers count. Too many egoes, too little humility. It's time for guild and group leaders to put aside the "We know best" mentality and take a leaf out of our enemies' books - they are becoming organised, disciplined and selfless in their determination to make the most of their strengths. We can talk about hibbies "cheating", or middies having easier time xping, but until we accept our primary weakness, arrogance, we will continue to be made to look fools. Now, we have relics to take, who will lead us....?


not everybody is rp junkies . who goto emain purely ro gank enemys for rps and grief kill them . someof us like the challenge of taking a defended keep . that raid lasted a good few hours . numerous times we retreated regrouped and stormed again . i might be worng but i think we actualy smashed both doors and made it to the lord twice before being fought back and having to retry , i wasnt at bledmeer but imo that night of keep raiding a defended keep "by a large army of hibs inside" was the best fun ive had in rvr when alb has been in an army . even if we did give them a lot of rp's the fun for me far out done the rp's they got from us.

attempting that defended keep was more fun for me than taking the middys relics :)


We follow orders, we fight with honor and are not afraid to die for the cause. We've proven last night we can take keeps which are defended. We all got tasks in the big battle, and you are a minstrel so it is your job to hunt the inc. forces or take out the stealthers outside. It shows loyalty to follow orders and takes sometimes a lot of patience (which some people apparantly don't have). Don't judge us on the things we don't accomplish but on the things we do accomplish. Pretty soon midgard and hibernia will feel the rage of Albion. And trust me if we all stick together in this and forget any disputes amongst people we will win.

And btw if they defend 1 keep they defend them all.. so it doesn't matter to take which one..

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