Last known sightings of slow spawn mobs


Bleri McThrust

Kemor last seen in BW forums 14/8 11.25 (492 hrs and counting)

Zargar last seen in BW forums 25/7 10.08 (637 hrs and counting)

Point of post .......... None really, just wondered if you guys were still in the land of the living whilst the game stumbles through this crisis ?


thats since last post... I imagine they are lurking everywhere you look


Well you can hardly blame them for not posting since all they'll get when they do is abuse. Lets face it these Barrysworld forums are full of idiots trying to make a name for themselves by being the biggest trolls they can be.

It'd be stupid for Kemor or Zargar to post since regardless of what they said the BW whiners would spam the post in seconds.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just that it's a fact :p I'm surprised they even check the forums since there's very few constructive comments anyway.


If I were them I'd stay as far away from these forums as possible, and only with an asbestos suit ready.. and then again, I'm kinda machosistic that way ;)

hmm.. wonder what they drop when slain, slow/rare spawn should be rare/uncommon drops ;)

Bleri McThrust

Dont agree

They are our only form of contact with GoA and at times like this they should be active and visible. Obviously if they were to be non /anon ingame then they would be inundated with tells etc. But gracing us with there presence on the GoA nominated forums is the least we should get.

Its now 2 weeks since Telekeep Thursday, will soon be 2 weeks that some people have been unable to access there accounts. Ok you can argue that those that cant, didnt update there emails etc but thats not good enough imo. Another way to think about it is that there whole customer service department has taken a 2 week vacation with no back up and no notice.


The least we should get is the official webpages of GOA and DAOC updated to show what the problem is and an estimated time of resolution. These might be GOA nominated forums but the whole reason behind the official forums being closed was to help distance themselves from the constant (sometimes justified) critisism that they were recieving. I'd like to see Kemor post on here with a little update for us if he can't get someone to post one on the website but lets face it if/when he does he'll get an awful lot of PMs and replies slagging him/GOA/everything off.


Spamming and slagging off are irrelevant, it's their job to keep us informed. That's what they're paid for. If they can't handle the stuff that goes with it, they should find another job.


they're not required to post here, they do it as a favour - they're only mods to stop the deluge of "who's that? you're only pretending to be kemor!" not for any other reason.

More info would be nice, I agree, but considering 99% of the posts on this board at the moment are "FFS GOA LAM0R PASSWORD GIFV!!!!" I don't blame them for not answering ;)


Originally posted by the_smurflord
Spamming and slagging off are irrelevant, it's their job to keep us informed. That's what they're paid for. If they can't handle the stuff that goes with it, they should find another job.

It's not and has never been thier job to deal with whinging plebs on the barrysworld forums. They should update thier homepage AND sort out email replies, but your not thier boss and we've no idea what Kemor and co are having to do at the moment. They could very well be helping get the services back on track or be busy looking for new jobs because they've had enough of people acting like spoilt kids. Kemor and co do NOT answer to you, you might be the customer but that does not give anyone the right to become abusive and unfortunately that's exactly what always seems to happen on these forums.

Lets face it GOA have had something pretty major happen to the servers recently, probably by one of thier own employees (reading between the lines and comments from Mythic). They're too busy trying to sort things out and cover it up to come on here. My subs runs out VERY soon (this week sometime) so I'm concerned about them getting the subscription pages working, but at the end of the day you can walk away or wait for this mess to get sorted out. The choice is yours.

Bleri McThrust

The sad thing is that as all we are getting is late and incomplete news, people are leaving. This is the first Major crisis EU DAoC has faced and imo its not facing it very well at the moment:(

Im lucky I have my password but there are many who dont and those people are understandably getting upset. Also there is no way any new players can register and play. The number of new players coming into the game is small at best and the game needs them, providing them with this as a public face is not going to help.

You argue about the fact that its not Kemor/Zargar's responsibilty to "deal with whingeing plebs on BW" and your right, but surely it is part of there job to deal with the community. Right now thats what I see they should be doing and openly.

If there job description says "you shall only talk when we say" or even "you shall be full time coders to sort out security issues when we want" then I feel really sorry for them. That surely is a job for others within GoA.


news would be a good thing, I agree on that :)


these may be the ex (disgruntled) GOA employee's ? who knows, E&E heard from Kemor or Zargar in the past 2 weeks ?


Tesla Monkor

Keep in mind that both Z and K might not be allowed to discuss about these matters.


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
Keep in mind that both Z and K might not be allowed to discuss about these matters.

Maybe they used the flashy thing...

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