Wow, this will be my first post on Barry's World or whatever it's called. <grins>
And it's a Good-Bye to the many Albions I've met in the past months. The reasons for me leaving are both personal ones and the fact that, yes, I was getting bored with the game/realm since quite some time.
I've made many friends here (too many to make a list of them) and I'm sad that I'm not able to talk to each of them, thus this post. Thank you for the confidence in me, thank you for the discussions, thank you for your cooperation in many chatgroups, thank you for letting me /yell around. <grins>
As for now I'm a bit "toying around" with some classes on Midgard/Prydwen, just to get to know them. I'm not sure whether I can be bothered to level a character to RvR-levels again, if so it will probably be in Hibernia - thus expect Larsa, Asral or Salar on a keep-raid near you. <grins>
And it's a Good-Bye to the many Albions I've met in the past months. The reasons for me leaving are both personal ones and the fact that, yes, I was getting bored with the game/realm since quite some time.
I've made many friends here (too many to make a list of them) and I'm sad that I'm not able to talk to each of them, thus this post. Thank you for the confidence in me, thank you for the discussions, thank you for your cooperation in many chatgroups, thank you for letting me /yell around. <grins>
As for now I'm a bit "toying around" with some classes on Midgard/Prydwen, just to get to know them. I'm not sure whether I can be bothered to level a character to RvR-levels again, if so it will probably be in Hibernia - thus expect Larsa, Asral or Salar on a keep-raid near you. <grins>